Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Why is he nitpicking this? It’s to the prosecution’s advantage to know that MB took the gun from the safe. It places the gun in MB’s hands.


Just trying to poke holes anywhere he can.



Talking about whether or not MB is feigning anything.

Did Simring find any evidence that indicated MB was feigning his lack of memory about the shooting?

No. Simring found no significant evidence MB was feigning his lack of memory of the actual shooting.


Kanarelks! What did elks do to you?



Yesterday Bilinkas mentioned he had 2 lay witnesses and 2 professional witnesses. We’ve seen one of each. Wonder of one of the lay witnesses will no longer seen based on the long discussion this morning?

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Dr Charles Hasson on the stand now.

He’s a licensed psychologist of over 30 years.

Has a PhD. More training in therapy.


That discussion was about the previous expert, not the lay person.

Ah ok. I didn’t catch that. Thank you

Scribbler and others who have described their interactions with Cluster B people and the heartache they cause,I’m so sorry for what you’re dealing with. But please know that your stories are helping me come to terms with a family member who displays many of these characteristics. I can’t swear that she’s diagnosed Cluster B because the psychiatrists have refused to share her medical info even with her parents, especially now that she’s an adult. But your descriptions are fitting her well.

I noticed that LK’s expression is that of the family member: extra wide eyes, strange intensity, star of her own show. The one thing I would add from my experience (and it may well have been mentioned but I missed it) is the extreme skill at manipulation. The ability to find buttons and push them, usually the guilt button, is exceptional. The wrong buttons were pushed in MBs case, and I hope he has a chance to recover from it.


He’s got a ton of experience dealing with performing psychological evaluations and reports related to legal issues involving prisoners, etc.

He’s been an expert witness in many matters, testified before many times.


Right. But what I’m saying is some of his fears were validated. Many were. But yes, at some point he could have snapped and thought she was more of a threat than she was.


I think that any truth in LK’s SM posts would have simply augmented his disordered thinking.

“I was right about the recordings, I bet I’m right about it all” like that, etc.


That’s not how it works.


Man that bit that he’d researched assisted suicide is just sad.


I’m so sorry you are going through stuff with a family member. Gentle hugs.

There aren’t easy answers to any of it. My experience is that therapy and medication aren’t effective for all psychological or emotional issues. People have to want to be well. Not all people do.

When dealing with family issues, sometimes it’s essential to get help from a therapist about how to maintain healthier boundaries. This is essential when dealing with cluster B people. I also found it helpful to get therapy and support about learning to choose to prioritize my own well being when dealing with stressful situations and my challenging family members.

Bottom line… learn how to choose wellness for yourself. And learn to accept that you can’t change others. And can’t necessarily get others to choose wellness. And sometimes… you have to walk away. And that’s very very hard.


I wonder if finding out what GM did was true also triggered MB, based on this testimony.


Thank you VHM. I think we need a separate topic to be called the Gentle Hug group, where we can support each other.

Now back to the action, such as it is.


Dr. Hasson is talking about doing an MMPI assessment of MB.

MB scored high on the paranoia scale. As well as other MMPI scales. This is relevant testimony because it goes to the issue of MB possibly feigning his psychological disorders. The MMPI assessment revealed it was highly unlikely MB was feigning a delusional disorder.

He also had a high score with respect to the anxiety scale and the bizarre thinking scale.

The MMPI revealed MB had a type 2 delusional disorder (meaning it differed from a schizophrenia induced delusional disorder).


Very valid point! Especially considering they spoke after GMs final verdict.


Given that MB. himself was a victim, and GM was a great friend, this had to have been difficult to process.