Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

So Schellhorn is now asking if this witness knows the meaning of “salient”!! What a disrespectful a@@hole! And the Judge is jumping right on board!


Oh Rorsarch. Ok. Not following YouTube today.

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Wouldn’t they have had to get a court order? And on what grounds? For some reason, I don’t think very many judges in that neck of the woods (or anywhere for that matter - except maybe Wellington) would have thought that a “whiny rich horse guy” acting “whiny” would have been enough to warrant a court order for a psych hold. Esp. if said “whiny rich horse guy” told them he was being stalked, harassed, and “threatened” on social media by a person he had “invited” to come live on his property. And esp. if said “stalker” was a member of Klan Kanarek.

Nope, can’t see it happening - esp. by that particular PD/legal system.


Dear lord. Is he actually going to go through what he assumes is good research to discredit every test given???

Most academics wouldn’t really take a book as the most current research… If he referenced a study with some numbers, rather than someone’s opinion in his book.


I thought that said JUROR at first and was thinking oh my you fell at jury duty ! Sidebar!! :rofl:


I think if I was on the jury, I would be bored to tears.
Explains use of clinical judgement in creating his report.


Honestly I was startled to hear him say he used ink blot testing at all, since I thought that was pretty outdated. But at the same time, in conjunction with everything else, I guess it could add nuance or complement the overall picture of things.


Honestly, who thinks the jury is not going to care one bit about Scheller’s current line of questioning?

This is not going to make someone think MB has been faking all along, and is/was actually sane.


I’m a bit behind but the prosecutors use of “and you would agree with me” blah blah blah is annoying though I think I know why he does it.

Loved the Doctor trying to respond by saying “And you would agree with me”, even though he got shut down.


I understand this is close to home… perhaps too close to home… but does anyone else feel that Shellhorn is coming off uneducated here?

There is a BOOK with a SENTENCE that doesn’t fit with you test choice… uh… ok. cool… You sound like an uneducated person trying to sound educated. (I realize the prosecutor is not an idiot or uneducated, he’s just not in this area and it’s showing to me)


I’m thinking Dunning - Krueger.


He’s floundering and grasping at anything at all to throw at the wall. I suspect if he looks at the jury, he might see they have tuned him out.


Yes and no. My DH’s ex-wife was recently hauled in on a psych hold by the police. She called 911, made some claims, and when they showed up she was a just a bit out of it. Did they have a court order, not technically, but they made it clear that they’d get one if she pushed it. It’s a good thing they did, it saved her life, because they found the underlying health condition that was causing the psychosis.


And seriously people, and someone tell the jury that anyone can publish a book, but research papers are PEER REVIEWED… Because anyone can wave a book with a seemingly related title and a bunch of book mark papers and show that another person has a differing opinion…

This is so frustrating to watch


This is really standard for either side to attack an expert witness especially psychologists. They both would be well versed in this.

I watched one trial where they had an expert bone/forensic anthropologist witness and they questioned her incessantly about how she knew it was a human bone vs deer bone. It was brutal and the defense looked like fools by the end, but they have to try or aren’t doing their job.


The grounds would have been “danger to self or others”.

Family members and certain other parties can and do put people on psych holds if they’re showing suicidal behavior. With multiple parties saying they were very worried about this, calling the police on that basis would have been possible. (Generally then the police would take a person to a psych facility or hospital and they have 72 hrs before being seen by an ALJ to determine whether the hold needed to be continued, in that time some evaluation, possible diagnosis etc, would take place as well)

The exact process, who can initiate, etc, varies a bit by state. But generally if police are called with a situation where someone is actively suicidal they have the authority to bring them to an ER or other facility.

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[quote=“EADoug, post:7789, topic:770941”]
I understand this is close to home… perhaps too close to home… but does anyone else feel that Shellhorn is coming off uneducated here?

I felt that way when he crossed PD with his inquiry about the barn fire. Like neener-neener, I know all about you! (Because I googled.)

ETA: Sorry for the fuzzy quote. Experiencing technical difficulties.


Meet me at the next sidebar - serving peppermint martinis for those who “get” it. Prosecution isn’t invited…


I had to sigh off. Is the judge being rude to the dr. ?


I think the optics on this line of questioning are very poor. It really looks like an act of desperation from the Prosecution.

Perhaps the prosecution should visit the same attorney for tennis-match style sparring? He might learn a little playing someone more skilled than he is.