Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Really! Approximately 5 years ago. The woman involved is a friend. She actually said once she backed him down, they became somewhat friendly. If he reads this, I’m sure he will recall the incident.


BS…they could have drug him in for a psych hold if nothing else…


The prosecution has just been taken to the schooling ring. Maybe he will get a peppermint if/whenhe finally figures it out.


Well, thankfully this guy is well read, and while he may not publish himself, he certainly keeps up with the recent research. Spelling names and referencing for the prosecution.


Psych holds happen all the time in NC. The problem with that is what would have happened at the farm with him gone? LK would have totally run rampant!


Sounds like LK is pretty skilled at manipulating Dear old D as well.

The whole thing about LK not being allowed to live with her parents? It says loud and clear that the family attempts to maintain certain boundaries. So they know darn well LK is a monster.

And yet… they still enable her.



RC testified that she handed over the gun on her arrival and that she saw no pyschosis at that time. She was not questioned on what she saw afterwards. Make of that what you will. She was not asked what she knew of the conflict or of LK. Her testimony was up early and designed to show where the gun came from. Known chain of custody. It wasn’t stolen or lost. On the face of it locking up a visitor or borders gun is a very reasonable thing to do for a barn owner. Who knows, she might have done this before too??


I love that this guy regularly verbally spars with people that are “smarter” than he is just to keep sharp.

Was prosecutor suggesting there was some financial gain for using these tests? He re-routed pretty quick, even after the judge admonished the Dr.


Is this all to confuse the jury on what he was actually testifying about?

Because honestly, going down this path is really odd? Who owns the psychological company that creates the testing systems?? It’s really odd to me. I’m in the field and I don’t see how this is relevant when it was a test used in conjunction to a good stack of others.

If his testimony was that he was basing his whole decision on the one test, maybe. But otherwise, who cares if the owner of a company isn’t a psychologist, but rather the daughter of the dead psychologist?


He’s not in an academic setting. He is a public servant, publications are a non-issue.


There were others at the farm who could have held the fort.


100% agree. I see the prosecution is trying to discredit him as an ‘expert’, but (while not a juror), most knowledgeable people can agree that someone with this length of experience can certainly be an expert without a fellowship, awards, or publications. Experience counts.


I had a severe concussion falling off my horse at trot. I landed on my butt so the friend with me didn’t immediately suspect head trauma. However, instead of getting up and chasing after my horse, I started taking my gloves and helmet off, and said something like, “I had a dream I was riding and I fell off.” She knew then that I was not OK. I don’t remember any of that day, from hours before the ride until when I confusedly woke up in hospital in the wee hours of the following day.


In all seriousness, what weakness did MB play upon? It seems to me that, while he had problems, he was the tortured one. I don’t see that he reciprocated.


Not if he’s not a danger to himself or others, which they testified no one told them that. Again, they have no ability to do the jobs they are trained to do, like correctly process a crime scene, how can they judge a person’s mental status?


I know nothing about psychology testing. But in any field there may be a few different tests that are currently all acceptable and noone professional is going out on a limb u sing something wacko. There may be professional debate about improving various tests but anything in wide use is generally considered ok at the time. 40 years later it may be seen as outdated. So sounds like prosecutor is just blustering.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


It’s fairly general knowledge in the field that the Rorschach is controversial. It’s in Psych 101. This expert has explained that he chose it to work with with a battery he put together. Maybe not something I would have done, but I’m new generation, and I’m not the expert. So perhaps ask the question and then move on… Yes, it’s controversial, I used it as a part of a bigger picture… next.


I need a sidebar so I can get a drink. This predatory questioning is giving me a headache, and the only cure is more cowbell


Many years ago, as a junior, I had a fall (in my little cork-lined hard hat) and concussed. I had already learned my next course,and accurately jumped it. No memories of fall or the next round, where I placed third. (The “science” back then was if you were under 25 yo your brain would regenerate from the injury).