Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Yeah, where’s that rebuttal expert? This is exactly why you’d have one



No one is going to believe that MB is faking because of this weird and obnoxious line of technical questioning, related to selected pages the prosecutor is referring to.

And good LORD… stop talking about “feigned amnesia” Everyone knows MB got his head beaten in right after the shooting. Lost consciousness. The guy has had 8-12 concussions. He EASILY could have had amnesia.


So the Prosecutor calls more witnesses after they already rested their case?

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Excellent analogy!


I doubt RG was lying on top of him like a blanket. It is entirely possible to pin a horse down by sitting on its neck, after all.


With court is not resuming until tomorrow afternoon, I want to watch the portion that dealt with the access to MB’s office that I missed. Who testified about this?

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I just thought there was some scuffling and rolling around with the dog jumping in and biting both of them. I don’t think MB would have been easy for RG to hold down.

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Yes, but much easier for a dog to bite his groin prior to that 3rd shot and RG rushing him. Impossible if he’s face down.

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After a chokehold he might be


And it’s not just head trauma that can cause memory loss. When my partner and I were transitioning our business the stress was way more than either of us were used to. I had a few panic attacks (and people who know me were surprised by this since most things roll off my back) but my partner ended up in the hospital. His wife called me to tell me he was there and had no memory of the last 4 days. They ruled out physiological issues and decided it was caused by stress.


They can call rebuttal witnesses… within a narrow scope. Because the defense put on an affirmative defense of insanity.

But here’s the thing. The defense only has to prove an insanity/self defense case by a preponderance of the evidence standard. The prosecution, however, must DISPROVE the affirmative defense (insanity/self defense), beyond a reasonable doubt.

I think the prosecution will have a hard time convincing anyone, beyond a reasonable doubt, that MB was not suffering from a delusional disorder and having a psychotic break when he shot LK, and that he is faking his amnesia related to the timeframe immediately around the shooting and beating.


That’s my understanding. That they can call to a rebuttal witness to dispute expert testimony. Remember the State has advantages given to them, I believe they also get the last word in closing statements as well?

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I have a relative who lost a lot of memory on surgery when there was a lot of blood loss. Scary stuff.

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Usually just one, or juries would revolt. And judges too


I imagine the jury is aggravated too!


Interesting. So they will likely pull in one expert witness to rebutt the psych related testimony of BOTH of the experts who testified today?

Do we have any idea of the makeup of the jury?

I am not watching, but they will rebut what they can. It’s sounding like their case is unraveling.


It seemed to me Prosecution was trying to be a Psych expert when he clearly had no clue. But why no objections to leading the witness and basically testifying? It didn’t seem proper compared to how strict they are with the defense. More appropriate to have a rebuttal expert.


Supposedly all men.