Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I’m thinking back on that and I’m not so sure that’s how it played out exactly. Maybe they signed it the day before at their meeting where they illegally recorded their own attorney much to his chagrin.


LOL! Sorry Ear witness. Thanks!



So that answers that. This wasn’t just a matter of standard procedure for out of state prosecution witnesses. LK and RG were seriously trying to avoid testifying at this trial.

These freaking people. It’s unreal.


Same thing.

With these people.


How do you know its a home purchased by MGH? Is that the house LK bought last year?


There must be a mistake. It’s deeded to JK and LK it was posted here.

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It’s BS to think that installing smoke detectors over rides that particular set of code violations. He testified to giving them one night. He did not say, or imply, that he was going to okay it permanently.


I agree. They are in the business of boarding horses and that’s what they are doing. LK’s circus does not involve Paradigm and having her there does not reflect badly on them if she’s not causing trouble.

Re the guy who claims he lost her job because of LK did he say that all happened at Paradigm? I thought it somewhere else where she was in between MB’s and now. Also I’d love to know the whole story. What power could she possibly have over his employer to cost him a job? And would any dressage barns deny him a stall simply because LK called them and trashed talked him? It’s a small community and people know her name. Who would take her word for anything? The limited version of the story we’ve heard doesn’t quite pass the smell test. If anyone knows real details, PM me. I’m curious now.


Is that the house LK Bought?

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On an Order to show cause (which I processed every day) one side asks the Judge to bring forth a case asking for something.

In this case the State of NJ asked Florida to make these people come to NJ or to “show cause” why they shouldn’t be so compelled.


He testified they showed they corrected the problem which meant he had no cause to keep them out. He gave them one night on the emails until an inspector could get out there the next day to verify.


Yes. I didn’t look up the deed but I remember reading here that someone did. Then there was a brouhaha about the address being posted


No, JK did not buy a house previously owned by MHG. It is my understanding that the new house is 7 miles from Paradigm.

If you look on, the property records just show that the address on the PBC court document as LK’s is a house purchased by MHG and someone else (the name is on the records but they don’t seem to be part of this case so I didn’t want to mention it here) in December 2020. I can’t imagine they would be renting to LK and RG, so I don’t know how a court record would show that as LK’s address as recently as last month. Although maybe it was sold again more recently, I guess that’s possible.


The address on the document is MH’s fiance address! It appears the Prosecutor’s office mixed up addresses!!! Can that justice department do anything right?

And no, the house LK bought has no connection to anyone in this drama.


Also, that house if you zillow it or whatever, doesn’t look like the house JK bought for LK. Her new house has a tile roof, if I recall, and it wasn’t right on a canal, either. That can’t be LK’s house.

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This is plausible.

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Way too intertwined.

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Also, the hearing compelling LK and RG to go to NJ was called a misdemeanor, and a contempt of court, so they must have not shown up for the hearing? If the address was wrong, that mightr be why.


Disagree. They have a responsibility to their staff, visiting professionals, and the clients they already have and may have in future not to expose them, their children, their horses, and their equipment to known drug users who have admitted under oath (whatever that even means to people like that) to having recorded private conversations of other boarders and staff. If you’ve watched this trial and think you’d want to be interacting with these people on the daily, I don’t even know what to say to that.

Paradigm is not at fault for having her to begin with; they may not have known the full story or they may have thought, like so many do, that they would be able to handle it.

But, now that a much fuller picture of what these people did, do, and what they are capable of has come to light - and not through gossip, but in a court of law - Paradigm now does in fact have a responsibility to their other clients and staff, especially minors. And once they know what has been exposed in this trial, if they then make the active decision to continue to associate with these people, then it 100% reflects on their own values, as it should.

They can make that choice, but you are wrong that it doesn’t involve them - it involves no one more than them. How can you say who they allow to board there doesn’t involve them? That makes no sense whatsoever.

The people with whom you do business and keep company absolutely reflect on you.

Or, since they are evangelicals: see, also, Matthew 7:16; 1 Corinthians 15:33