Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I was thinking the contempt of court charge was being held open to ensure they completed all their duties in relation to the subpoena.


I doubt it. They probably missed a check in date with the prosecution before that was served…


Contempt charges are normally misdemeanors in that the penalty is less than one year in jail.

Address meant nothing.

There are many charges that are misdemeanors.

There are many others that are felonies.

Misdemeanors and Felonies are group types of “crimes”.

Then there are offenses which are not considered crimes. Parking tickets for instance.

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Yes, but my point was, this looks like a contempt of court charge about the subpoena that they didn’t attend. Its listed as a misdemeanor charge for them. Its not a simple court date for a hearing about being compelled to show up in NJ. They didn’t show up for this palm beach hearing and got dinged.


I’m thinking they told the NJ D.A. they weren’t coming. I’m betting there’s been friction all along with a D.A. asserting it’s HIS case and not LKs case.


LOL, interesting take, I would tend to agree with that.

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Could be.

Yes, as we know, LK is used to keeping ‘her’ lawyers on the hop! I recall they weren’t allowed to sleep or post on SM b/c they had best be keeping their heads down working on her case and her case alone to the exclusion of all else in life. I’m sure it came as a shock that the DA’s office was not playing the part of personal retainer.


Wow. If so, now they’re really getting creative to find new ways to look ridiculous.


Now, if they were served about this at the address on the paperwork, which is MHG’s house, it might be why they didn’t show up. Because a server showed up at MHG’s house looking for Lauren? MHG opens the door to a server, looking for LK and RG to serve them about a hearing. Maybe LK gave them the wrong address on purpose. Hardy har, what a crazy bunch o kids!


It’s very easy that its just some civil servant missed their morning coffee and screwed up.

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Or, LK and RG gave them the wrong address on purpose to create chaos.


I [quote=“Danvers, post:7197, topic:770941, full:true”]
Boyd Martin!!! I am a fan girl!

LOL, we were accused so many times of being MB fangirls on these threads!

But, I must plead guilty of Boyd and Philip fangirl status!


“Here, go to this address and serve these people”
knock knock
“Lauren Kanarek?”
"No, wrong house. Interestingly. "


Could be. But courts nowadays are relying heavily on emails and phone numbers for TEAM or ZOOM hearings. Plus I’m sure they had Kanarek attorney info.

In situations where parties are represented by counsel the courts notify just the lawyers for the most part. However in this type of criminal case LK and RG are not technically represented by counsel. They are neither the Petitioner/Plaintiff or the Defendant/Respondent. They are, in this case, a witness.


I must say, I never knew of them before, but count me as an Allison Brock and Jaime Dancer fan girl. Talk about presence. Those two were really something on the stand. Just genuine and likable and believable all day long. Team USA is lucky to have them.

Lucky to have the gents, too, but I wanted to highlight those two ladies.


OMG :rofl:

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And you think they probably gave their own attorney their correct address and would never so something like give an incorrect address to their attorney. Of course, they probably would never do that. Why would anyone do anything like that ? And not just an incorrect address, a very special address for a very special person they know.

I’m being very fascetious, I know. I just think its a great twist.


Maybe? If the State of New Jersey is paying for their travel from Florida to New Jersey to testify, maybe they have to subpoenae in order for the state to pay. It may be submitted with a travel request, hotel and airfare (or gas and mileage), meals, etc. receipts.

Or to let MHG know that they know where she lives.