Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Even with her outbursts here earlier on, LK did still seem to have the sympathy of quite a few posters here based on her status as a victim. It could be that the moderators were concerned that banning her at that point could be construed as “victim blaming” … but now that she’s admitted under oath to lying and making threats, they figured that it was very easy to justify.


You keep thinking you have a valid point about eviction papers being filed and you don’t.


What do you mean, what would happen? What would happen if you were found not guilty?

I’m sure he and his psychiatrists will decide what is best for him when he goes home, whether he needs some time in a facility, or needs counseling and meds, who knows. He’ll get excellent care, I have no doubt


As gas a SafeSport/USEF ban would go, yes… her testimony about her own use of social media to intimidate and harass would be a factor. And her texts regarding having a “plan” to take down MB. And her text on 8/7 to RG to “finish the bastard” etc etc etc. As well as other people’s testimony that LK was focused on MHG. RG actually testified to that.

But also… add in the fact that a specific phone search of hers came up in the trial. She googled the child welfare hotline. I think her actual SafeSport complaint was made after she googled this. Sooooo… she leveraged SafeSport and their status as a mandatory reporter to make a complaint about MHGs child’s situation, for the obvious purpose of increasing the level of harassment and pain that MB and MHG were experiencing in August of 2019.

We may not know who complained to SafeSport (we just suspect it). DCPP may not know the identity of the complainant. But SafeSport DOES know who filed that complaint. And after watching this trial? It’s crystal clear she was using SafeSport as a means of harassing MB and MHG. Because, if she was REALLY, GENUINELY concerned about safety and welfare issues pertaining to MHGs child/children…. SHE WOULD HAVE JUST CALLED THE DCPP NUMBER AND REPORTED HER CONCERNS TO THEM DIRECTLY!

LK reported via SafeSport because she knew her anonymity would be protected, it would result in a nightmare for MB and MHG, and if their whole situation blew up into a bigger legal kerfluffle, it would be almost impossible to trace that originating complaint back to LK.

I hope people can see why this is a big deal. It’s EXPLICITLY AGAINST SafeSport code to file false complaints as a means of harassing other competitors.

They seriously need to sanction her. Maybe not a lifetime ban… but something. Other people have gotten 1-4 year bans for all sorts of other behaviors related to various forms of intimidation and harassment (Serio, Mrs. Fellers). This particular situation with Lk is actually a good case to use to set a precedent NOT to play these messed up little harassment games when it comes to filing false SafeSport complaints.


He might have better luck with that approach if the jury had not been able to observe MB up close and in person throughout the trial. He did not look like he was feigning anything to me.

Particularly since he looked relatively normal during some of the testimony from the surgeon and people like that, who were definitely giving information that was not helpful to him. But he still looked fairly normal, unlike when LK and RG were in the same room, and he looked like he was desperately wanting to hide under the desk.


Jessica Chastain was nominated and I believe just won an Oscar for portraying her life story. I have no desire to see the movie, just saw it in a news recap.

She is something for sure (Tammy Faye, not Jessica).

ETA: actually Jessica is a fabulous actress.

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Uh…no, he probably won’t just go home. He’d get some sort of safety plan first. He might very well have to serve an inpatient stay. Even if he is “not guilty” of criminal liability, it can be argued his mental health was bad enough to harm others.

There may however be leeway to argue for that to be served in FL however, where his friends and family are in the interest of achieving healing of his mental state.


I would be very concerned being anywhere near LK/RG at this point - she is not getting what she wants and her outlets for pushing her narrative have greatly diminished. Where does that energy and anger go? Very scary!


Plus LK verified that with her complaints here within the SS thread when talking about SS’s bad actions as far as leaking documents and not remaining confidential after the case was closed.


Oh, I completely agree. I think Mr Prosecutor backed himself into a corner though with his cross of expert #2. It’s going to be very interesting what his rebuttal witness(es) do.

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Yes, it is worrisome.

Nick(underscore) peronace does not seem to be banned though he has not posted in years. He probably has other screen names that are


I thought one of the last articles had a line from the defense that the states’ expert agreed with the trauma was real, but that he didn’t agree he didn’t remember.

He likes to say he is. It makes him more of a victim of all the mean girls (his point of view) to tell people that COTH silenced him, and banned him. Its his excuse why he doesn’t come back here, being too afraid to show up; easier if hes been “banned”. Yes, some of his sock puppets were banned. His name wasn’t.


Once again I will say it.

There is nothing she won’t do.


DING DING DING! You are right! I forgot that little bit of her participation on the forums.

This was in relation to the McDonald case, and how SafeSport had provided comments, and possibly documents, to an OC Register reporter who later wrote a bombshell article about BMs subsequent legal issues. LK started fixating on that in the SafeSport discussion thread… and kept on yammering about how SafeSport had violated their own confidentiality rules.

And now we know. She was worried about her own rear end. As usual.

Man oh man. What a ridiculous shrew. She leverages discussions about ACTUAL SEXUAL ABUSE of minors, as well as the reporting system related to that horrific issue, all for her own selfish, vindictive and warped agenda.


Standard behavior for an addict.


I think that’s why the prosecutor spent so much time on “feigning.” He’s trying to say that Michael is faking the amnesia.


I hope regardless of the outcome that he gets mental health treatment and has support of family and friends to help him through this.

I was of the impression that sometimes the stay in a facility can be longer than an actual prison sentence. I was curious about the process the courts go through if a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity is reached.


Could that have happened with the server move? Maybe his old banned was unbanned.

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