Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

If MB is found not guilty by reason of insanity, what would the next step be? Would he be placed in a facility immediately or return to jail until a hearing is held? Would medical people determine his length of stay in a facility or does the judge determine that?

That was gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.


It’s a privately owned forum, they don’t have wait for criminal action to ban people from this forum


She admitted to writing a ton of threatening FB posts and to wanting to destroy MB. They went through several, and the psych experts testified to 18,000 pages….


Well after all, she is a chess grand master. :upside_down_face:


I would HOPE it’s up to the treating professionals.

I have no doubt that MB was deeply struggling, and I desperately hope he gets the help he needs. It appears he will have a good support system if/when he’s able to go home after treatment.

I say “after treatment,” because it appeared that no matter what his friends tried they weren’t able to help him.


Yeah, I have been watching. Just seems odd that CoTH waited until the trial and cited as the reason for finally banning.

That plus the source of his fears wouldn’t let up or LEAVE.


CoTH has previously dealt with someone similar…I’m sure they learned a thing or two from the NP thing.


Tammy Faye Baker and her husband were famous evangelical grifters - people who bilked congregations out of millions of dollars and were finally imprisoned, or at least her husband, Jim Baker, was. TFB was famous for her ridiculous mascara, she said she never washed it off, and just added to it day after day, and would use it so it ran down her face when she cried on camera, during worship services, thinking people could see her crying better with it. Lauren had such awful fake eyelashes, we werer equating the fake crying and eye lashes to the fake crying and eye lashes TFB used in public, when suggesting she and RB could become religious leaders, they would be similar to the grifters tammy and her husband jim, in many ways.


In my non professional opinion, any time his delusions proved truly and factually accurate, it must have driven him deeper… because they were based in truth.


Didn’t realize The Maestro was banned. :thinking:

I am surprised I guess, that they waited until now. But as a private BB they can do what they want! It’s not a criticism, by any means, just musing.


Thank you I hadn’t heard of that one. That’s beyond disgusting adding more every day though, along with the reason why.

sorry @morgansercu I cant untag you lol

oh yes, he took CoTH to court and everything. And lost. LOL


Judge would likely have him sent to a facility or set up a medical order, and from there it’s handled similarly to an involuntary commitment (periodic hearings to determine if the person is improving with treatment, is safe for release, etc).

(eta - it’s been a while since I was really up on this stuff, as a disclaimer)

(also, I don’t know if the possibility of “guilty but mentally ill” could be used here. In that case, he’d go to treatment, and when deemed “better” would then go back to prison for the remainder of the sentence)


No, it doesn’t. Now with the sworn testimony she is on the hook for her statements as to how she uses SM. She can’t wiggle out so to speak, where as before they could be sued for who know what tenuous grounds that she’s just “explain away” her comments in. She threatened many posters here. COTH can now use that and her sworn statements in court, in defense of whatever it is she brings.


Perhaps similar to the way Bernie Traurig came out against safe sport a few years ago, and very publicly denounced them and I believe even canceled his membership with USEF in protest of safe sport.

And then fast forward a couple of years to hear a very large shoe drop by safe sport.


AHHHHHH I forgot about that.

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No worries. I was trying to compose a post with more information on that pair but A_K beat me to it.


Google her name. Its something elese