Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I was thinking she had the eyelashes so she wouldn’t need to wear mascara. Then there’s no need to worry about running mascara should tears ensue. I actually thought it was a clever thing to do, but personally would have opted for a more natural look.


I did not say the “eviction notice” was enforceable. What I did TRY to say was that they were giving LK an OUT, an opportunity to leave without a Dark Mark appearing on her credit record. My co-worker had 5-7 rental units once, and she ALWAYS checked credit reports and court reports when considering tenants. Certainly past (and maybe multiple) eviction notices of prospective applicants were considered, if there were any. My co-worker did not tell rejected applicants that they were turned down for “negative” records, but her “as you know, not everyone can be accepted for a rental house. Please feel free to apply again in the future” became a mantra.

*Edited for verb tense and a missing word.


Re: Facebook. I was suspended for a post I made on a 6,000 emergency vet bill. Asked if anyone wanted to buy a kidney. Obviously factiously. Took an appeal and 3 weeks to get it back. I “went against community standards”

I’ve reported obvious scammers from Nigeria and Camaroon. No action taken.

They are not consistent or logical in who/what is allowed


Oh, wow

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I wonder if Stravinsky used this as his inspiration for the opening to Rite of Spring. Just beautiful.


I think that safe sport usually waits until the criminal case is resolved before they take action. But that’s usually when the person they would suspend or ban is the perpetrator, not the “victim.” Perfect example, MB was put on the safe sport list as soon as he was arrested.

So that doesn’t explain why they have done nothing about the safe sport allegations against LK. Particularly with all the very extensive and public examples of her behavior, including all the bullying of other USEF members on Facebook, etc.

If that bullying behavior does not qualify as grounds for safe sport action, what does?

I will say that this entire situation is so completely unprecedented that the safe sport people may be sitting in their office staring at each other and trying to figure out the best course of action in this case.


CoTH posts do not have to be unbiased. This whole thread is about facts, AND OPINION.

If you want only facts, stay away from all discussion boards.


There’s one way to keep her off showgrounds, clinics etc


I’m going to be following closely what happens here because I know of a similar situation in Ontario here, and we adhere to SS with Equestrian Canada. Someone using SM to try and get someone fired and ruin their reputation in a similar style. Would be good if they could be reported to EC.


Well, as Ghazzu (sp) pulled up USEF does anyone think USEF will find a reason to boot her?

GR702 Violations

  1. A violation is any act prejudicial to the best interests of the Federation, including but not limited to the following:
    a. Violation of the Code of Conduct or any rules of the Federation.
    b. Disqualification by a Licensed Competition.
    c. Determination that disciplinary action has been taken by an administrative agency, arbitration or other
    tribunal body, humane society, other National Governing Body, or a court of law. (impeachment? - MS)
    d. Acting or inciting or permitting any other to act in a manner contrary to the rules of the Federation, or in a
    manner deemed improper, unethical, dishonest, unsportsmanlike or intemperate, or prejudicial to the best
    interests of the sport and the Federation.
    e. Any act committed or remark made in connection with the competition considered offensive and/or made
    with the intent to influence or cast aspersions on the character or integrity of the licensed officials, (Did she do this? - MS) approaching a judge before or after a decision without first obtaining permission from the show committee or steward/technical delegate, inspecting a judge’s card without the judge’s permission, or public verbal abuse of competition officials.
    f. Physical assault upon a person and/or cruelty to a horse as defined in GR838.
    g. Failure to obey any penalty imposed by the Federation.
    h. Exhibiting any horse while in the care, training or custody of a suspended trainer.
    i. Riding, exhibiting, coaching or training for the benefit, credit, reputation or satisfaction of a suspended
    j. Failure to pay indebtedness to the Federation or indebtedness for hearing transcripts or other hearing
    expenses arranged through the Federation.
    k. Participating in any manner at a licensed competition while not in good standing or competing horses not
    in good standing at a licensed competition. (See GR137)
    l. Prescribing, dispensing, or administering a drug by a veterinarian which results in a finding of a prohibited
    substance. In the event a positive report is received by the Federation for a horse or pony to which a prohibited substance has been administered in any manner and the veterinarian is identified in any manner as the source of said prohibited substance, said violation will be addressed pursuant to GR412.
    m. Any action which is subject to Reciprocity by the Federation under the Federation Bylaws. (Yes? No? - MS)
    n Retaliation may be considered any adverse action taken by an individual against a person participating in a USEF proceeding. BOD 11/22/21 Effective 12/1/21


Thank you


Maybe they were waiting for something such as sworn testimony to support their decisions. Kind of like COTH. I imagine when the other side is quick to sue, that is an important thing to have.


My thoughts are that if the prosecutor truly knew what he was dealing with, he may have been very tempted to drop the attempted murder charges and go for something much less serious and/or offer a much more generous plea deal to MB. And Team Kanarek were concerned about that possibility, so they played hard to get.


Yes, I really think it’s the best position to wait for the sworn facts/evidence.


This was an allusion to another grifter, Jealoushe. One with running mascara, so…


I am NOT caught up yet (have to go out to ride my horse), but I want to comment briefly on the two expert witnesses yesterday.

A LOT of what they said went over my head, but it was obvious that they were both highly educated men. BOTH have been called on to witness (many times) for BOTH prosecution and defense cases. Indeed, Mr. Simring had done this IN Morris Township (County?)

I had to smile when Mr. Hasson was asked if he lectured, I think, nationally—he said that he had no interest in doing so. HOWEVER, an “adversary” (expert witness for the Other Side) in some case/situation/whatever invited Mr. Hasson to speak at some Special Event, which Mr. Hasson DID do. :grin:


Watching past testimony and looking at Michael. That man is SO broken.

I want to lay him down in a field of deep grass on a sunny day in a pasture of horses who will come stand over him and snuffle and nibble while he rests.


I don’t understand what your’e saying.

BINGO. She pretty much telegraphed her intention with respect to launching a lawsuit if banned.

If they base a ban on the actual sworn testimony and evidence admitted as part of a criminal proceeding… it will be more challenging for her to try and sue anyone about being banned (from the forums or as a USEF member).


Which part of her testimony led to the ban? Was it using SM to intimidate or harass?

I don’t think lying on SM is illegal?

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