Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

L&C is in the process of uploading the day’s video to their YouTube channel, so hit it up in the mid-evening and you’ll probably be able to see everything. Right now, only MHG’s testimony is up there.

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I’m rewatching MHG’s testimony since I missed a big piece of it due to client commitments earlier.

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That must have been a terrible situation. I’m very sorry for your loss.


Replay is on YouTube. “Can you describe your observations of MB in the last two days prior to shooting.” JH summary “catatonic, no bathing, not shaving, walking property alone at night, extremely depressed, unable to perform functions to operate business, cancelled clinics, withdrawn, concerned about him.” On redirect “MB had issues with anxiety, depression b4 LK,” again Blinkas “was it much worse up to shooting? JH “extremely.” MB seemed really upset that JH had to testify. JH was a rock.


Such a horrible experience to go through. So sorry for your loss.


Thank you for the corrections I somehow I missed those bits about the GSR

I just cannot fathom handing over my (hypothetical) gun to another person with no explanation and no idea what happened to it, under any circumstances.

Much less in a volatile situation that was obviously very high stress for everyone on the property. I’m just flabbergasted by that idea.


Especially to someone described in a catatonic state etc.

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I recall that earlier it was to lock it up and keep it safe which makes sense if LK was hinting at knowing where it was. Watching RC now.


State’s doctor,right?

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This is the surgeon from the treating hospital I think.


Doctor from the Hospital. Trauma surgeon, apparently.


I remember that discussion on a previous thread, but that is not at all what RC said today in her statement in response to the prosecutor’s questions.

She said MB asked to see the gun, and then took it from her and disappeared from sight with it. And she never saw it again until after the shooting. Absolutely unfathomable to me.


Maybe we will hear more about the “bullet graze to her right hand”.


I didn’t hear when she said what date it was that she gave him the gun. Earlier she had been discussing her arrival on the 2nd, I don’t know if that was proximate to that date or not. I’m rewatching MHG now and will get to RC later on while I’m making dinner.


Justin was phenomenal! I doubt the prosecution thought he would be that strong for the defense. :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


Do we have a date on which she gave him the gun for safe keeping

I thought he did a good job in what had to be very difficult situation. And it seemed like he was thoughtful in his responses, and took the time to be sure he was accurate. Or that was my impression, anyway.


I believe she said she thought it was late at night, maybe around or after midnight, on Friday or Saturday, but I think they had established that she had only arrived there on Friday after a 12 hour drive from North Carolina.

So I’m not sure how that timeline fits together, depending on when she actually got there to New Jersey.

Why aren’t we & the jury hearing how bad LK/RG were in the days leading up to 8/7? Just that it was bad and terrible. What exactly were they doing? The jury is not allowed to hear that? For instance, JH said there was an incident between RG and the farrier, but we & the jury were not allowed to hear that.