Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

She was asked if she had a romantic relationship with the defendant and she said yes. She never said that she was or is his girlfriend that I heard. Therefore, there’s nothing to correct on her part. She answered the question.

You really take offense at the most pointless things.


People are talking about Bilinkas’ bumbling and acting ill prepared. I think he’s doing a super, very careful job navigating Taylor’s constant objections. I’d rather him take 2 minutes to ask a properly phrased question that Taylor doesn’t pounce on than rushing to ask a hurried question requiring a follow up.

I’d love to know what juror expressions have been at certain times.


I think to the average non horseperson hearing an old lady PhD psychologist medical professional type say she was so scared of LK and RG that she slept in front of her horse’s stall in a BARN would be very compelling.


What are some good questions that might be asked of LK tomorrow?

I don’t know, the fact that they also said she gave her gun to a guy everyone said was acting crazy might diminish her credibility a bit. To normal non insane people.


It depends. Perhaps in a moment of lucidity he wanted to lock it up. We just don’t know yet. But we will.


I wonder if he will find the strength to be emotionally strong enough to change his mind and testify. He can’t offer much about the actually event but he can certainly give scads of evidence on everything leading up to it.

Notice too they haven’t said a word about whether RG was licensed. Maybe that’s for Bilinkas to do.


Not really. barisone won’t testify. We will continue to have lots of supposition, and that is what we will be left with. Because again, he won’t testify, and it is meh whether his testimony would be truthful, whether he wanted to be or not. Besides, he’s shooting for insanity


Question for the legal beagles on here:
Will they be allowed to ask witnesses if they are currently on any medication? And if so, what for?

I have no idea but I think she’ll be on for two days.

This whole thing is such a travesty. What was the possible endgame for LK in early August? What did she want? Besides ruining someone, what was the plan? I don’t get it.
And can anyone in their right mind ever imagine allowing an entity like that (JK/LK/RG) into their training barn? Just sick.
If Michael Barisone shot her, he was wrong, but when you’re trying your damnedest to drive a man insane, be careful what you wish for.


Whatever his intentions were, that does not change the fact that according to her answers today, she handed him the gun without question, and apparently did not do anything about it as time went on and the situation there got even worse.

I also think they took the wind out of the sails a little bit on the part about sleeping at the barn when they dug up the old text message about RC wanting to sleep in the barn in Florida when LK was not the issue.

To horse people, it might make a difference that she wanted to sleep in the lounge in Florida, which was not unusual for her, according to her testimony today. And sleeping in front of the horse’s stall to protect it would sound entirely different for horse people.

But I don’t know if your average non-horse person would grasp the completely different implications.


Where did I say that she said she was or is his girlfriend or that she needed to correct anything? I mentioned two instances where she was referred to as his girlfriend, and I said that one of them would have been simple to be more accurate.

I take offense when people continually respond to my posts with a reply that has nothing to do with my post, as you have done here.

This just shows the prejudice here against those who are not in complete lockstep behind MB. I mention that that I feel that MHG could have been treated with more respect regarding her current relationship status, and I get jumped all over for having the wrong opinion and and then get accused of saying things that I didn’t say.

I guarantee if eggbutt had posted the exact thing that I did, you and everyone else who has given me grief for that post would be falling all over yourselves agreeing with her.


Where did I say that she said she was or is his girlfriend or that she needed to correct anything?

At what time should she have done that? Since you said you didn’t say this, I’ll allow you a moment to compose a lengthy response explaining that words have meaning, but not these words.


Oops, never mind.

Barisone’s text re her sleeping in the lounge like it was a flop house suggested she was a cheap person, who liked free accomodations, and that that was not the type of environment or clientele he was trying to cultivate. This also doesn’t help her “credibility.”


I think the poster means licensed as a contractor in NJ, but I’m not sure.


Oops, you’re probably right. Scrolled too fast with the similar initials.

Who will provide that information though? We know MB isn’t getting anywhere near that stand.

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I still the average person still perks hearing an old lady chose to sleep in a barn. Or anyone for that matter - even if they’re named Joseph and Mary - it captures people’s attention.