Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Just got to the 9-1-1 call during the incident. God love operator/dispatcher Hazel. Awesome job.



If there is a SM post that was made after the shooting, but discusses an event from before the shooting or the shooting itself…how does that go if it calls into doubt the events before the shooting, even if MB didn’t know about it?


I am honestly trying to have a calm conversation with you regarding what you think are wrongs committed by the judge, so please know that I am not being intentionally snarky or off-putting if you perceive any of those things in this post.

One of the jobs of a judge in a trial is to ensure that the attorneys are adhering to the rules of the court. He can’t refrain from objecting simply because interruptions are annoying.

I believe Bilinkas made it known on day 1 that he was going to pursue an insanity defense. I feel like a broken record, but NJ has very specific requirements that must be met to prove insanity, and none of them include an explanation for why the defendant became insane. New Jersey doesn’t care who did what to make MB insane enough to shoot LK, NJ just wants a mental health expert to prove that he was insane at the time of the event.

Proving self defense also has some specific requirements that I have spoken to on this thread already so I am not going to repeat myself, but it’s similar to the insanity defense; if you know the requirements, the judge’s decisions might make more sense.

Having said that, I’m a little bored and disappointed with the presentations from both sides so far (you can tell I’m not a lawyer by that statement) so I am hoping things will liven up a bit tomorrow.


The plot to rob the convenience store doesn’t hurt the clerk. The robbing of the convenience store does.

The plot to cause MB stress when he doesn’t know about it does not pertain to his state of mind when he decided to shoot. Blinkas might as well add VK and MHG and RC and LE to the plot as they were all causing MB stress. JK was not causing him stress as he was unaware JK was texting his daughter.

Since none of us know what is on all these rumored to be nefarious texts, we don’t know if they are actually nefarious or made out to be by a defense attorney doing his best to defend a man who says he doesn’t remember shooting at two people hitting one twice in the chest.

Well the insiders might know or people who like to pretend they are insiders might claim to know. Doubtful.


Perhaps the knowing of a plots existence doesn’t apply to mental state but how about the actions of conducting such a plot?

The actions involved in the implementation of the plot could well drive someone over the edge as it’s intended to do. Would the proof of such a plots existence found after the fact be used to explain or defend a defendant’s reaction to the actions the plots implementation entailed?

Gee I hope that made sense.


Is this discussion on the Law and Crime youtube channel? I can’t seem to find it.

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So sorry you had to live through that. I’m sure you did all you could. The only one who can prevent a suicide is the person making that final decision for themselves. :kissing_heart:


And severe consequences if you don’t get the answer right (e.g., lie).

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Especially if the two (JK and the judge) run in the same legal/social circles. This comment is based solely on statements that JK is very connected to high levels of the legal system and “society” (meaning powerful, well-to-do) in NJ.


That’s so frustrating. Does he have to answer for his conduct to anyone except the electorate in the next election, if he is elected, or to whomever appointed him, if appointed? Is there something equivalent to the bar association in each state (who can discipline/bar lawyers) for judges?

ETA: A reply to @Knights_Mom 's post above about the plot and the actions contained therein. (I couldn’t make a new post because I had already posted 5 times in a row. West Coast girl up late catching up, so no one else responding right now). :slightly_smiling_face:

It does make sense and was exactly what I was wanting to ask. The plot involved actions that were going on before the shooting that were affecting MB’s mental stability.

Hypothetical example - LK, JK and RG decide to ruin MB’s life. They lay out the “plan” that LK mentions in her FB posting. This plan includes 1) filing a complaint with SS 2) contacting the housing inspector/fire marshal to get MB et al. thown out of the house 3) damaging MB’s reputation with FB posts, etc.

MB was experiencing these actions prior to the shooting, and they caused his descent into temporary insanity. It doesn’t matter that he didn’t know until discovery (after the shooting) that these events were all planned out ahead of time. He just experienced the mental breakdown as they were happening.

On a side note - couldn’t MB use the post-discovery knowledge that the plot existed to sue the trio in civil court after the criminal trial?


If Taylor favoring one side is obvious to us, maybe it will also be obvious to the jury?


Someone upthread mentioned that the sheer number of pages submitted for a USEF/SS complaint against LK would give the jury pause.

Well, yeah, but that might go in two ways. Seven hundred (!! Did I hear that right?!) pages of material will either make me think 1) MB/MHG are extremely petty people, dredging up any and every past sin, OR 2) LK is an absolute nutso to have seven hundred pages of violations.

Right now, the jury doesn’t know which one it is. Hopefully LK will show her colors and then they can decide


It’s LK’s fault.
It’s LE’s fault.
It’s LK’s plus RG plus JK’s fault.
It’s the judge’s fault.

How about MB drove over with RC’s Ruger and put 2 rounds in LE’s chest and tried to shoot RG instead of evicting them?

Is he not a grown man capable of success and training a horse to Olympic levels? Is he not responsible for his own actions as a grown man? Perhaps he had a breakdown and needs to be institutionalized?

Perhaps the judge is trying to keep the trial about the crimes for which MB has been charged, you know, his job?

Perhaps the defense is trying to come up with anything to create sympathy for his client, you know, his job?


Weaponizing SS is a violation of SS. It will be interesting to see what SS makes of the mutual complaints of the parties about each other. Of course, since MB also shot LK twice, that could affect whether or not they think his complaint was valid or punitive. Hers could simply be a complaint that once investigated is found groundless and no action taken. Now that he shot her twice though, he may never come off the SS list.


What was safe sports decision on all charges again LK? Of the two, MB/LK which one has received any kind of action from Safe sport?

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If several people plot to rob a convenience store and actually do rob the store (in most jurisdictions), then they can be charged with conspiracy (in most jurisdictions) and the evidence of their plotting may be used against them in their own trial(s).

In this case, the alleged plotters aren’t the ones on trial and they haven’t been convicted of any conspiracies regarding any criminal acts for which Barisone is the victim. And since he didn’t know about the alleged plot, it couldn’t have affected his mental state.

Evidence of any actions the alleged plotters did might be admissible, if a professional can show how they contributed to Barisone’s mental state.

The case is still in its early stages. A lot of what the defense wants to bring in may be admissible at a later point using witnesses who were party to the alleged plot or through mental health experts. I’m fairly sure that the defense will be questioning the witnesses about their own direct actions later in the case.


The fact that someone could dredge up 700 pages of potential violations shows something.

I doubt anyone could get 2 full pages from my life’s activities. I’m not a “nice” person to most, but I don’t make a habit of trying to ruin other people.

700 is beyond the pale. LK has also shown threatening tendencies here.

I wonder if those threats could be submitted as a SS violation? (ETA: I am also a victim of those threats, for the record…)

Careful now.


Anyone seen or heard of InigoMontoya since the trial started? I have zero luck searching on COTH, and don’t recall him popping up on this thread since opening arguments stated that LKs father was often behind his daughter’s SM posts. Not suggesting that the two things are linked though …


@Inigo-montoya has been suspiciously absent, you’re right!


Weird, huh?