Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I posed this question last evening but no one has answered it, so I am asking again.

Can Soloudinhere or another of the attorneys provide some insight about this? If a witness has a “mental health” issue that has to be managed by medication to allow them to function normally in society, is that kind of info allowed to be brought up by either side?

For instance, if MB decided to take the stand, could either his attorney or the state’s attorney ask him about medication he is currently on, or may have been on when the shooting occurred? Could they ask LK about medication she is currently on or may have been on when the shooting occurred? What about other witnesses such as RG?

I am thinking that medication to manage a serious psychological issue (such as dissociative personality disorder, paranoia, schizophrenia, etc.) could be very pertinent evidence for the jury to consider.


Not unless it’s relevant. Since the defendant is on trial here, I’d be surprised if any question about this were allowed about a witness unless that medication would prevent them from observing an event.

The defendant could be asked, yes.


Naloxone? Hypothetically.


It would be interesting to see what SS would do with someone threatening to sue SM posters over their posts and the SM poster’s posts that led to the threats to sue. That would mean the SM posters would be unmasked to SS. SS functioning as parent? “Who was mean to you? And what were they responding to? Why would you say that? What, they had been shot twice? Were they even out of the hospital yet?”

Yes, very interesting to see what SS would do with that.

Only if the use of the drug could impact the accuracy of their testimony. I don’t think anyone is alleging that MB was using naloxone, subuxone, or was otherwise trying to treat an opioid addiction.


Or, more interesting what they would do with baseless threats widely administered to intimidate people, in the attempt to prevent them from speaking about a topic at all.



Thanks for the info. That’s a bit of a bummer, as that kind of information could certainly make the jurors think “Hmm,. there may be more to this tale than I am hearing.”


There’s almost always more to the tale, but legal relevance is a pretty clear standard. You can often get significantly more in on a civil level because the other party isn’t the state, it’s the person in question, so a lot more is relevant to what the opposing parties were doing at any given time.


I have a question that I do not believe has ever been addressed on all the many threads. That is, what specifically was Barisone so petrified of? What did he think LK and associates were going to do to him?


Make up allegations that he molested MHGs child?
:thinking:. Sounds familiar.

But honestly, his 20years of therapy suggests he struggled, which is understandable if the claims about his childhood abuse are believed (and it would be hard to fake 20 years of therapy).
What’s not to understand about how a plot, carried out, intending to ruin his career, his success, etc might effect someone? A plot that preyed on his vulnerability, as a person struggling to deal with the abuse they’ve suffered.


It’s never been made absolutely clear, but it was stated that JK threatened MB at one point, likely with legal action or intervention from the township or state authorities that he has social connections to. That might have happened when MB reached out to him to get his help wrangling his daughter. Most likely though, after MB got the payoff of his investment into an investigator, he began to realize the serious danger that he was in and what they were capable of doing to him and MHG, so he knew he wanted them out ASAP, before the feces start to fly and hit the air circulation and distribution device, resulting in a nasty mess.


So far nobody has testified that could directly testify to things they said or did to Michael Barisone.

Bilinkas was allowed to get in questions about whether LK created a toxic environment, that people around the farm were clearly scared or on edge, that MHG had called her father to the farm because she felt she needed additional people around for safety, that the parties involved had hired private security and a private investigator.

There’s a lot more to come, this is only day 3. I’m really not on anybody’s side but there’s just not that much that’s actually happened yet.


The trial has been pretty standard and setting the scene type of stuff. No huge bombshells that LK hinted at, or other surprises. Could be yet to come, I don’t know, I had to return my crystal ball that I bought off of Amazon.


Next time, try Etsy. LOL


Hmm, that sounds oddly like trying to threaten posters here. Or at least trying to make posters feel uneasy.


Yet again, someone quicker than I beating me to it.:slightly_smiling_face:


I wonder, will these security/investigating entities testify?

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Thank you. I, and others, are knee-jerking here and are emotional at the situation that these people (the 3 of them) will not be held accountable in any way.

Yes, many, many of us believe the self defense angle. There is A LOT Bilinkas has held back on and we may see some of his plan revealed today.

It’s curious man intent on murder didn’t grab the best weapon for the job - the shotgun. No aim, just pull the trigger.

Is RG going to be called by the State?

Many loose ends dangling (at this point) for the jury to find reasonable doubt.

It will be fascinating to see which Lauren shows up in the witness box today!


Almost assuredly not ask these questions, because that’s not how investigations of any kind go.

Utter nonsense.

Presumably someone at SS would review the contents of the documents, or at least some of them, and determine whether there was conduct present that falls within their purview. If not, they may decline to investigate. In reality, probably nothing had happened yet because SS is a little busy with not just one case and this all went down before they did anything.


They could be. A security officer could testify to any events he witnessed. In NJ, my understanding is that private investigators are considered private detectives and are licensed and regulated by the Private Detective Unit of the NJSP, so a private investigator could likely testify as a detective.