Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

How very, very naive of you. Do you honestly believe most of us don’t have previous harassing relationships with LK? Keep in mind, a few of us (on the forum) have already obtained legal advice regarding Ms Kanarek’s threats and posts. Her behavior of threats is over, at least for now and hopefully forever.


Yet you continue to poke at her online.


Not to mention the lack of forensics.
Certainly juries who watch any tv think forensics can solve all the questions, in 30 minutes minus commercials.
And of course its nonsense.
But that no diligence was done to create a concrete case against MB should stick out to a jurist and leaves room for doubt that this wasn’t self defense.


It’s a public forum discussing an event within our discipline. So, I’m not suppose to post? She won’t drive me off as she did others on the forum. I actually stand up to bullies.


Yes, but it isn’t easy to do a lot of the time from what I have seen. We will see what happens here though soon!


What time does it start today??

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This is you, missing all the signs the horse is not coping with the situation, ignoring it and pushing a horse over the threshold. So instead of listening to your horse, you advocate beating the hell out of it so it doesn’t do it again.

Got it. I highly recommend looking into the new and improved and scientifically proven to better for your horses and trains them quicker/longer term method of using kindness and horse psychology.

But any excuse to be allowed to beat the horses right or to be allowed to stay in an old and outdated method of training! Forget becoming a better horseperson and trainer or possibly learning.

Anyways I’m done on this topic. There is a clear group of people in the thread who think beating a horse is A OK method of training and I disagree with every bone in my body. You guys want to make excuses in every direction and explain away the text like it some one off dangerous situation that he had to beat the horse out of for himself to survive.

The whole thing is absolutely ridiculous and I’m so glad that young and upcoming riders know better and understand equine behavior better.


Since they apparently can’t ask her about medications, I am betting she will be composed, polite, and demure. [edit] She will give the jury a portrayal of the very paragon of virtue - a perfect, well-behaved, easy-to-get-along-with client and a sweet and innocent little female that just cannot imagine for the life of her why that big bad MB whipped out a gun and shot her for no reason.

If I was on that jury, I would start wondering if maybe he really was insane…

[Edited. :wink: ]


It’s probably not a great idea to be posting from the court room…


Yes, to me this isn’t a dangling string, it’s a full blown dangling rope!

How did MB’s phone get on the table? Who put the full magazine in the cop car? Why were all the vehicles not searched? Why no GSR, DNA or finger print evidence taken? Why, why, why was the immediate assumption to believe RG? Why/how did the door camera go missing for 3 months and suddenly reappear? Were forensic tests performed on it? Is that what RG and JK were desperate to retrieve the next day? Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy police work. Shameful actually.


9 AM this morning


For those of you who need to refresh or want to start at the beginning and work your way up the timeline…


Have no doubt, he and LK have visited the forum and read the comments. Lala was on 3 hours ago and IM was on 10 hours ago.


spittin facts :raised_hands:

It’s almost as if, they agree with the MB way of doing things…it is afterall the tactic in these threads too. Be so absolutely horrible to people that they want to leave… it’s all coming together :wink:


I actually missed this, go figure I can’t watch in real time and there’s no time to go through it after work.
Damn you, horses!!

Anyway… All the examples that make the investigation look shoddy create doubt.


Ya got 14 minutes to make your coffee and put on your adult diaper before the show begins!


It’s almost like some people are here to create/stir up some drama and sensationalism.

Nah, couldn’t be.


@eggbutt, or anyone, can you post the link to watch live again?

I just posted it.



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