Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Attorney can’t seem to grasp that hearsay isn’t permitted.


RCs horse was worth approximately $200K at the time

Judge interjecting again about hearsay when asking about private recordings.

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I gotta say, regardless of who is at fault for what, turning on all the lights and turning on music late at night when horses are needing to rest is kind of cruel to the horses.


Sidebar again, Bilinkas repeatedly being told to stop trying to push hearsay.

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How is what she and MB discussed hearsay?


RC advises she was asked by MB to sleep in front of the stall. It was not RCs decision at first.

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To the actual legal experts here - I’m confused over some of the hearsay objections. Hasn’t Bilinkas been asking what conversation she had with MB? She’s participating in the conversation, so how is that hearsay?


You might be surprised.

From the abstract:
" The addition of music appears to have a significant effect on the equine nocturnal time budget that might be beneficial from an equine sleep perspective."


I’m going to hazard a guess that they weren’t playing “Beethoven’s ninth Symphony played at an average of 62.3 decibels”…


If I’m on the jury Im gonna be wondering why they will not let this man’s attorney defend him. This looks real lop-sided to me. Remember, these jurors are not lawyers. Most are normal people.


I think people might think him incompetent…it’s not the judges fault he doesn’t follow the rules of the court.


I’m sure it depends on the type and volume, and also what is routine.
Disrupting routine, regardless of what that routine is, can be unsettling.

And if that’s the rules of the barn, no lights no music, well… It’s common here on COTH to say “my barn, my rules”. :woman_shrugging:

That a boarder would so grossly act in opposition to the rules, says a bit about that boarder, to me.


Driving up that electric bill…

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I wonder if LK’s horses were in the same barn as “DeeDee” as her horses would be affected by the lights and the loud music also.


Ha! I was thinking if this were a Law & Order episode I could well see Det Benson uncovering a conspiracy where the judge was approached and told if he wants his career advanced to a higher court that he would cut every slack possible to the prosecutor and deny mostly all the defense’s objections and applications due to the extreme influence the family of the victim possessed.

In fact this was indeed an episode.


No, I don’t think that’s how it’s coming across. He’s coming across as trying to get his questions out and the judge keeps objecting directly to him, even about questions that he hasn’t asked yet.

Not a legal opinion. That’s just a personal opinion for how it appears to me.


I know some people are thinking the judge is having to constantly reprimand Bilinkas for hearsay. But jeez, half the things he’s trying to ask don’t really seem like hearsay to me. I can understand him having to pause to collect thoughts a lot since apparently freaking everything is potentially considered hearsay by the judge.

ETA I do understand keeping what would be known by Barisone specifically that could have affected his state of mind separate from just whatever other things LK et al were up to. Some were just saying Bilinkas seems incompetent for having to pause a lot but I don’t get that impression at all.


It appears that Bilinkas is repeatedly getting slapped by the Judge and Prosecutor for any line of questioning that details or reveals LK’s conduct, because as the Judge said “They are not on trial here!”.

FWIW, records show that this Judge was a political appointee and not someone who was elected. Before he became a Judge, he had a high ranking in the state’s Justice system and had been a Prosecutor and also worked at a boutique firm with a relative who was a Partner.


The judge just expressed how important it is that it is to correct them. I think the judge knows more than the posters here about his job? It’s very common in trials for people to object because of hearsay, but most lawyers also understand this and don’t try and keep entering hearsay.

I just don’t think it’s understood here what hearsay is.

He just said its not bad character reference/evidence to LK, it is only simply to show that MB learned about the incident.

Bad character evidence is not being allowed on LK. Only confirmation of the things that took place.


I agree, now that DH and I can watch.

Judge, please stop shuffling papers

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