Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

JH is not on trial and she is answering reasons why she told MB she wanted training from him and not JH.

Off topic, don’t know JH. Thought he came across well yesterday especially succinctly describing the barn tension. Sounded awful.


Lauren lied on the stand.


I’m really wishing we could get recaps from people who don’t have an agenda in this thread… from those of us who can’t watch the feed. Reading between the lines from people who watched too many Law and Order episodes and now think they are Lawyers is frustrating.


But you did.

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Why didn’t Taylor object when she said JH had a drinking problem???


We are not seeing it now in this trial because the originator is not on trial for a crime. It’s not relevant

that has nothing to do with the standards of admissibility because the evidence is rejected under 401, 402, and/or 105 before it gets to the point of authenticity or not.

You can read all 100 pages of the Lorraine decision and that contains the complete and current guidance for the admissibility and authentication for electronically stored information in US courts at this time. I will link it for your reading pleasure.



I’m tuning in for the first time today and only know the bare outlines of this case. But so far, Lauren is a very good witness on direct and I’m interested to see how she holds up on cross. Again, with the caveat that I’ve only seen her testimony so far.


So LK is allowed to say what bad things MH did to her, but no one else is allowed to say what LK did to them?


Nope. Never. Here you go again. Let’s see if we can get this thread down to single letters.

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if you have the youtube feed open through Law and Crime - there is a chat running and they all pretty much don’t believe her.


These are insurance cases…I am very familiar with all this. These are regarding photos which you can easily authenticate isn’t exactly what we are talking about here. Pictures or posts of people committing insurance fraud.

We are talking about supposed harassment and internet trolling. Different ball game.



Highlights of LK’s direct testimony up to 11:30ish, more to follow:

Overview of dressage and her background as a rider.

In summer of 2019 she was paying MB ~$5k/month for training (presumably board too?). Later added that this included trailering to shows by MB or JH.

When she first rode with MB in a clinic he said she “needed to come train in NJ” and was “really pushing it.” When she first started training with him she improved a lot and was very satisfied.

In summer 2018 she lived on main entrance floor of farmhouse, with working students below and JH above. In summer 2019, she lived in the upstairs apartment. RG and her two dogs were living there with her. Working students were living in the barn rather than the basement. MHG and MB were living on the main floor. MB and LK worked out this situation because after water damage to the house, most of it was unlivable.

She had a locker in the barn, in the hallway leading from the stalls to the clubhouse.

5/13/18 FB post by LK showing dog named Rosie in the background, who weighs 28 lbs.

Summer 2019 she owned 6 horses. 4 at a time were at the farm.

LK was sometimes coached by JH and MHG. LK “wasn’t very excited about that” because she didn’t feel MHG had the required training/experience. She was there to train with MB.

Observations of MB’s personality: He could be funny (though he sometimes told offensive jokes), charming, nice…and then there were days when he just looked angry and you knew you did not want to approach him.

What’s the worst thing MB ever did to you? “Tried to violently murder me on 8/7/2019”

LK owns one gun (Walther 9mm PPX), which was never on either farm. She kept it at her home in NC.

LK used pills, heroin, and pot in the past. Started after an injury with a painkiller addiction. Sober now. Was not using illegal drugs while living on farm 2018 or 2019. Takes suboxone to help her maintain sobriety. Sees psychiatrist/addiction specialist.


I’m sure she will get asked about them on cross. Also - MB is on trial, not LK, so yes, the whole trial is literally about the bad thing (aka shooting) that MB did to her.


They weren’t asked. Why didn’t the defense ask RC and JH?

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Youtube commenters? You can’t be serious.


MH is not on trial, MB is.


I think you have mixed up some initials.

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