Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Can we not call people out on typos and typing auto corrections. It’s boring.


Already pointed out, and already fixed. But thanks.


Interesting. I think she’s doing a terrible job and doesn’t come across as knowledgeable about dressage nor believable. She’s getting roasted in the chat. I know, they’re random people, but it’s interesting to see what people who know nothing about this case are thinking. Is that a reflection of the jurors’ thoughts as well? Who knows.


Did anyone else catch that RC testified that MHG was looking for her to talk to CPS? Wonder if that was about the gun that LK taunted her about it being negligent to allow it to go missing and endanger 12 year olds……


Safesport complaint from LK is being discussed.


Yeah, I can be serious. Those are the same type of people who potentially end up on a jury. So there’s that. Just like you can be serious that you don’t believe them.

The Law and Crime website commenters also by and large don’t believe her.


LK confirmed on the stand that she did indeed make a SafeSport complaint against both MHG and MB.

ETA: Reason “severe bullying, tortuous bullying, body shaming”; “scare tactics”; “show of power over someone smaller”

SafeSport repeatedly asked if children were on the property and she said yes. Did not make complaint about sexual abuse.


The people in the chat are taking into account a lot of information that the jurors will not be able to make their decisions on. The jury will be specifically instructed at the close on what they can take into account, the elements of the crimes and the defenses, and how to arrive at a verdict. Its a lot more regimented than the court of public opinion in a public chat.


Highlights of LK’s direct testimony 11:30ish - 11:45:

The day MB shot her, she was on a loveseat on the porch (but wasn’t still on the porch when he shot her).

Leading up to the shooting, LK was not happy because JH had become her main trainer when she was there to train with MB and was paying lots of money for it. He (JH?) had a drinking problem that she had brought to MB’s attention. She raised this issue with MB. She felt tossed to the side.

MB had “pretty much insisted” that another horse come to his farm from the rehab place where she was, so LK brought her to the farm in late May / early June. Horse had chronic cellulitis. She and RG took care of the horse, including applying standing wraps 12 hours on / 12 hours off (about 9:15 pm to 9:15 am).

Summer 2019 LK had issues with MHG being condescending, stealing gloves out of her locker, messing with her tack. LK felt she was being treated differently than everyone else and didn’t understand why.

LK wrote some unflattering things about MB and MHG on FB but never made direct threats of violence.

LK saw MHG interacting with her children, who sometimes stayed at the farm for a week or two at a time, once up to a month.

Either 7/31 or 8/1, MB and MHG moved out of the house into the barn. Working students and JH were also living in the barn.

Overview of SafeSport. Around 8/2 LK complained to SS about MHG and MB. She called hotline first because there was a lot of tension at the farm and she wasn’t sure if she should make the complaint. After a long conversation with the hotline, she decided the right thing to do was to make the complaint, which she made over the phone. Main complaint was severe bullying, also body shaming and scare tactics (vagueness here about who was being bullied, scared, or body shamed). SS asked repeatedly about whether there were children on the property. She did not allege sexual abuse by MB.


Comments on the live feed chat are interesting. Specifically how nonchalant and calm she’s acting while facing someone who she insists tried to murder her.

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yeah, pay attention to their entire chat. Those arent people I would be friends with personally. Also not hard to think MBs supporters arent infiltrating everywhere like they have so far throughout all this.

Youtube comments are notorious trolls. But if people want to side with internet randos, fill your boots. Most people go there to be haters, not to be positive.


She is asking him to repeat a lot of questions, questions that don’t seem particularly unclear.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some people can’t hear well?


With COVID protocols including the plexi-glass in courtrooms, it can be hard to hear.


LK confirmed on stand that “possibly August 5” she received letter from a lawyer that told her officially that she was no longer wanted on the property.


So how many of the LK bashers posting here, FB, DH, etc. are commenting on the feed on Law & Crime side bar?


Yes, like, “Why didn’t you just leave?”

I would say she is pretty nervous, which is not uncommon in court.


Because she needs time to digest the question and form her response…chess game.


Well, as apparently I am arguing with a Supreme Court justice that we are previously unaware is in our midst, I will look forward to reading your legal opinion on how Lorraine is only applicable to the narrow circumstances therein and does not define a legal standard to be applied in other cases.

Please do let us know when that is published so we can all partake.