Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Why did she not leave? It’s extremely hard to pack up 5 horses and find a new barn with 5 stalls available, and most importantly, training available.


As someone who has touble hearing at times, I realize this. But the way she asks him to repeat seems more out of confusion rather than difficulty hearing the question. Was just pointing it out.


Why so petty


Now that it has been testified to:

The oft argued FB post….

A post from 1 year after the shooting.


Can’t the same thing be said of this thread which you (and I) are participating in? A bunch of internet randos who may or may not have an agenda and have gleaned their lawyer skills from TV?

People reporting on the goings ons clearly have their own agendas and biases on this thread.

I’ve seen plenty of both MB and LK supporters “infiltrating” this thread.


Yes well trauma can cause issues with hearing, understanding, and memory. Being a witness is hard, especially as a victim.


Is she stoned? Sincere question.


Was that what she was paying? Plus a free place to live?

Just wow. The barn I kept my horse at before his demise would have charged $8000 for four horses for full board and training. And the trainer had only a Bronze Medal and a few scores toward her Silver. And there was certainly no accommodations provided for the clients.


You’re saying that everything posted on social media is true?

I can show you 50 FB posts easily of local horse people to me who lie on SM.

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Not I. Not one comment.


No doubt about that. I would never suggest otherwise.

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That was the source of my comment, which was immediately blasted as not considering the value of RG’s work that has not been discussed anywhere (though I have had the trial on mute for the last hour as I am at work).


Did they find a tablet at the crime scene? Another cop error?

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Her trauma counts but no one else’s counts. Not MBs or any poster here. Got it.


I don’t think LK is presenting as a very good witness. She is all over the map. She has vivid recollection of minutia, but doesn’t remember how or exactly when she got a letter from a lawyer (regarding being asked to leave).

Also, she went on about how poor the conditions in the house were, but that is where the kids would sleep.

And a lot of asking for question to be repeated.

Be interesting to know how the jury is perceiving her testimony thus far.


“I don’t remember” is what is said when you’re told not to lie.


You are arguing with someone who was abused and almost murdered herself and is extremely and personally away of what could and could not be used to protect her from the person who abused and tried to kill her.


Where did I ever say that?

Honestly, I’m not sure why some posters here, you included KM need to discuss things in such a hostile, condescending and rude way. If someone is rude first, fair enough. But there is literally NO REASON for you to be such an absolute wench in a reply to this comment of mine.

Especially when I never ever said that nor alluded to it.

In fact, I said yesterday I really hope MB gets mental health help. But you won’t pay attention to that as it doesn’t fit your narrative of me in your head.

If you can’t be decent in a discussion please leave me out of it. I’ve literally been mocked about how I handled myself in a similar situation in this thread and I’m sorry that is going too to far. It’s not necessary and says more about you than me.


What happened to the video that would prove what you are saying? Oh, that’s right, that camera wasn’t examined that day and mysteriously disappeared the next day.


Oh I’m aware of that! But, people being people, how many can realistically set those things aside?