Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Highlights of LK’s direct testimony 12:00 - 12:10:

When they got out to the porch they saw MB partially hidden behind the bush near the porch. She could see him from the waist up but isn’t sure if she could see his waistband. RG was still on the phone, which he handed to her. She talked on the phone but doesn’t remember what she said, maybe, “Michael is here, I don’t know why.” Lawyer was still on the line.

RG and MB talked. MB said to RG, “I don’t want a war. How do I fix this? How do I make this better? I just want to fix everything and make everything good again.” MB was calm, not yelling. After he said that, RG said the lawyers should settle things and he went back up onto the porch (where I thought they still were but I must have missed them going down the steps?).

LK walked over to MB and said, “How do you plan to make this better?” She wanted to or started to say something about the bill MB had to settle with RG but she didn’t get that far because within the minute she started talking, he shot her once, twice directly in the chest. She was still holding the phone. Everything was a blur and seemed unreal. She thought it might have been blanks at first but then she felt it and saw the blood.

After MB shot her, he raised the gun up and took a shot at RG. When she looked at the porch she no longer saw RG so she thought he was shot and killed. She spun around thinking, “Is this real? Is this real?” She looked at porch and saw RG on top of MB, trying to restrain him. She didn’t see how that happened.

She told the lawyer on the phone what had happened. She doesn’t remember calling 911 but vaguely remembers being on the phone with the 911 operator and saying that MB had shot her two times.

911 call played


Is she looking at MB?

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ugh this is too much for me listening to the 911 call again. Stepping away for a bit, appreciate the updates anyone can post.


Would you expect them not to have rehearsed? Does anyone go on the witness stand without preparing ahead of time?


911 Call by LK:

Dog barking

Very hard to understand

Gives address calmly

“I’m losing a lot blood”

Man on phone (Rob?) “Get that f’in dog inside now” - (I thought this was the officer) “are you f’ing crazy?”

Now it’s what we heard on day 1 - when I thought we were told it was Officer H’s call to 911…

So Rob did in fact tell someone “get that f’ing dog inside now” - I presume to Lauren?


Unrelated. Those eyelashes. Why do women do that?


No, I think it is clear that MB had some reason to believe that post was her saying she had RC’s gun. He read it off to 911 as her threatening him. And the small gun that fits in my pocket is an apt description of RC’s gun.


It appears so. He is staring down at his desk.

No. Witnesses are prepped - not necessarily rehearsed, but the prosecution would have prepared her for what she’ll experience on cross and have gone over some of the lines of testimony he expects to elicit. Especially for something like this - I am guessing he would prepare her for the fact that the 911 call would be played in open court. And just generally witnesses are coached to talk to the jury, not the judge, ask for any questions to be repeated that they don’t understand (like what the judge said in the beginning) and general flow of the testimony and procedure.


The officer would have no reason to call 911 because he had a radio. His voice can be heard later in the call when he arrives at the scene.

ETA it’s a little hard to tell who’s who but on second listen I think RG said to get the dog inside and are you crazy, and the officer is the one saying “get on the ground” etc.


What’s not believable that she said?


Agreed, it’s just that we 100% heard parts of this on Monday and I was sure it was Officer H who said it was his call… I’m guessing I was wrong or confused. It’s very hard to hear / understand.


Yes, very!!

So, she never beat MB with her phone after being shot?


Prepped, prepared, rehearsed, practiced - lots of words can be used for what witnesses and lawyers do in the time leading up to a trial. Sometimes they even have mock trials with stand ins for the judge and jury. This could be referred to as rehearsing, preparing, practicing, prepping, coaching. I suspect you know this though.


Drama queens do the eyelashes… high maintenance ladies. Sorry. The other women testifying so far haven’t had the embellishment


Yeah… no mention of THAT…

Nevermind. Now she’s talking about it.

Ah, now she’s hitting MB with her phone


Voice at the beginning was hers, second was Rob’s.

Pretty sure Rob took phone from her.

She saw MB run up stairs where she had seen Rob disappear.

Gun was still in MB’s hand

He had MBs arm held behind his back and he was over him.

She kept seeing that the gun was ‘just right there’ and if Rob let him go it would be ‘so easy’ for MB to get that fun and fire more shots.

She walked/crawled/motion and approached the area

First thing she did was call 911 from her phone, but her arm was bleeding, but her chest was bleeding to arm so much she couldn’t open phone. She yelled she couldn’t dial 911.

Rob was yelling “Michael stop moving”

She kept seeing the gun there and so she took her phone, and she starting hitting MB on the side of the head with it. Thought maybe it would help because if ‘he gets the gun then we will die’. Her phone broke in the process.

She was 3-4 feet away when shot.


Yes - have been involved in witness prep. Better wording on my end would be to say they aren’t “scripted” I suppose. There may be practice with certain types of questions, but no one is writing a script and witnesses are not memorizing lines. If you look at the prosecution, he isn’t reading his questioning either. He likely has an outline of areas he wants to cover, but he probably does not have exact questions written out in a specific order. And if the questions aren’t scripted, her answers cannot be.

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