Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Malarkey. The sad thing is Bilinkas will receive numerous objections.

What a frigging fake act. No reaction to seeing the man who allegedly tried to kill her, fake tears during replay of 911 call Such embellishment after,


Isn’t pretty much everyone on this thread an internet rando?

Why wouldn’t the LK supporters be all over the chats?

And I can say the same - there are plenty of posters here I would not be friends with in real life.


If she had a reaction to seeing him, wouldn’t you just call it fake? Since her tears apparently were :roll_eyes:


She’s allowed to state things, even after saying “I’m not sure, I don’t remember, I assume…”?


Highlights of LK’s direct testimony 12:15ish - 12:25:

LK sees RG on top of MB with gun underneath and RG holding MB’s arm behind his back. Gun was still right there and it would be easy for MB to get it if RG let go of him.

Arms and hands were covered in blood so she couldn’t open her phone. Heard RG screaming at MB to stop moving. She started hitting MB on the head with the phone, worried about him getting the gun.

LK was 3-4 feet away from MB when shot.

Dog barking was same one from photo earlier.

Felt like police arrived almost instantaneously. Sort of remembers what happened when ofc arrived. Ofc separated MB and RG. She thinks he cleared/unloaded/disassembled the gun (my words). Ofc said if you move I will f-ing kill you.

Vague memories after this. Next thing she clearly remembers is waking up in ICU in pain and on ventilator.


Yes, I see what you mean. I was not referring to memorizing a script when I used the word “rehearsed” but I can see that it could be taken that way.

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She can’t assume and the judge interjected earlier and asked her not to. But if the defense doesn’t object, the judge may not say anything.


So, she was caring for cellulitis horse twice daily, herself, but that morning she hadn’t seen anyone in the farm, house or barn, that day?



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Now we have resorted to attacking a womans (the victim) appearance? I wondered how long that would take.

I thought we were beyond that in 2022.

I find Coth to have a much more educated crowd personally. That’s one reason I like it here.

Youtube commentators are usually people who are looking to create drama, troll, have conflict. It’s a known thing online. Sure there could be legit people there but majority are just drama seekers.


But wait, wasn’t she in ICU for 3 weeks? BS.


:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: good one. Feel better now?

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Was in hospital for 3 weeks.

Still recovering, as she is dealing with build up with scar tissue in areas where she was shot and abdomen where medical tubes where placed; incision around navel and around back.

Refers to that whole side of her body as “Mrs. Frankenstein ish”


Whole side of my body is Mrs Frankenstein ish…

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So…LK never threatened MB, MHG, JH etc… on SM…but MHG, JH, and RC as prosecution witnesses testified repeatedly to being terrified, being threatened, and seeing SM posts that she sometimes deleted and sometimes didn’t?


Cross should be interesting.


Not currently riding at the same level. Can train some of the movements. But needs some ‘contraptions’ to help keep her Right shoulder from falling forward.


Funny there are photos of her showing how badly she dropped her left shoulder always (before the shooting).


I was NOT shot and my left shoulder does all sorts of weird s*** while riding. Who’s to say her left shoulder collapsing wasn’t already a thing?

