Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It has always been a thing in her equitation.


Highlights of LK’s direct testimony 12:25 - 12:35:

Discussion of how she felt upon waking up in hospital, tubes in body, scars, etc. In hospital for ~3 weeks. Whole left side of her body is “Mrs. Frankenstein-ish.” Photo of partially healed GSWs shown.

Not riding at the same level as before being shot. Can train some movements. Trainers have come up with contraptions to keep her left shoulder blade from falling forward.

Lunch break until 1:25, then cross.


and now, I’m sure it is even harder to correct with the injury.


And mine, which is why I remember it

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Hello pot. I knew you would come.


LK was in a car accident in the late 90’s and required hospitalization and claims to have been injured in her time at VA or NC, so there could be a reason for long-term difficulties with her movements.


Be careful! People using that common and historical term are called macho, Captain America, etc. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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That may well be the case, but that was not at all the vibe I got from RC’s testimony in this instance.

Yet again I WASNT REPLYING TO YOU. But the fact you are trying to bait me, is pathetic. I’ve been here all along. What is your obsession with me? It’s becoming concerning at this point.


I believe the crime scene officer testified yesterday that the only clothing that was tested for gunshot residue was MB’s.


I have absolutely no sympathy for her at all.


@Jealoushe , according to you, everyone here is obsessed with you. Have you ever thought YOU might be the issue?


Hadn’t they interacted at the courtroom or maybe via Zoom in December when they had talked about her plea deal regarding possession of the gun?

What is it then? Explain.

It’s crazy that I post here and certain posters in every thread have to reply and belittle me, and insult me. Every chance they get. Maybe it is me, maybe they hate me. But if they hate me so much why do they attack me and stalk me around Coth? Surely if they all hate me they don’t care about my opinion? It makes no sense. This particular poster is mad because I put her on ignore and won’t engage. As you can see, she has resorted to trying bait me. WHY other than to start stuff? I don’t post things in hopes posters I don’t like reply. That’s messed up.

I am outspoken and stand up for my beliefs. I don’t slug insults for no reason. I’m fine with being different. What Im not fine with is posters who I have ASKED to leave me alone repeatedly stalking me around coth and trying to start drama.

Grow up already.

and FYI, I receive PMs on the regular, from users who support me and agree with me but won’t post because they see the consequences. So while yall think I am alone in my thoughts, I’m most definitely, not.


It explains why she didn’t like getting shunted to him as a trainer.


Not really. She didn’t like it for other reasons, that she actually mentioned.


Did it sound like he had been in the gallery until today? It sounded that way to me.

Sorry if some of these points have already been covered. I’m catching up on the BB posts.


Perhaps MB had Justin give her lessons because he couldn’t stand to be anywhere near her at that point.


Why on earth would RG be on the phone with the lawyer before MB ever came down? Also, she was watching something on a tablet….maybe her camera feeds from the barn?


…and wasn’t that a Tuesday? So they did not ride on Tuesdays at that farm?

She had five horses there and all of them got the day off?