Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Sure, we can take your word for it on the PM’s. Whatever. You certainly do have a flair for drama and sensationalism. Maybe it’s not on purpose and just the way you come off, I don’t know. It can be distracting, but posters can also choose to ignore it.

I still think your input and experiences are interesting and relevant at times.

You can also report and put users that are harassing you on ignore.


The first I’ve heard of JH having a drinking problem has come entirely from LK. Imagine that.


August 7, 2019 was a Wednesday.

I have them on igore, but when they reply or quote me it glitchs a lot and I can see them. I have reported them to the mods multiple times too when it goes to far.

I think it’s the way I write which maybe comes from my hobby of being a writer. Either way I appreciate your input and I have never found you to be one of those who slings insults for no reason.

I just don’t get why people resort to that when it’s a discussion. Insults, passive aggressive, condescending, baiting, all not needed and actually not very nice.


Omg. I have to say that totally jumped out at me.


I wonder what JH thinks of that testimony to his “ drinking problem” ???


I guess her recollection is she dealt with cellulitis horse at 9:15 am/pm, so had returned from doing that before shooting… But saw no one at the barn while doing that leg and other chores?

If they (LK RG) felt they had to do a lot of their own care (night check), how were they not in the barn that morning while others cared for the other horses there, such that they saw other people that day?

She heard MB coming, but never saw CPS drive by?


Won’t that cast doubt on the credibility of his testimony?

It’s also not abnormal at all for the head trainer to desifnate some lessons, rides, and various tasks to their assistant trainers. It’s possible to ride with the main trainer, say, once a week, and have the assistant or even working student do the stuff inbetween with the client and/or their horse. Perhaps MB was not clear about this and LK had other expectations re the training program and there was a communication breakdown.

Some people also want to train with the “big name” only for status reasons. Or perhaps it doesn’t work with the assistants. Then they need to speak with the head trainer and decide if this program/training style works for them. If not, best to go elsewhere or just do the occasional clinic with the BNT/head trainer.

I don’t know what the exact beef was, but it seemed like LK was under the impression that she’d exclusively train with MB. That turned out not to he the case, and she simply didn’t like that or didn’t feel that’s what she was paying for…and neither of the parties involved seem to be experts at communication or dispute resolution.


How so?

According to my notes, they got letter from MB lawyer and hired their own around 8/5

In her testimony today, she said she wasn’t paying to train with Justin Harden’s Academy of Dressage


Jeez. I thought JH was a great witness yesterday. Ms fake eyelashes is an alcohol addition specialist??? Ummm don’t think so.


RG would be on the phone with their lawyer because one or two days previously, MB’s lawyer had sent them a letter saying that people no longer wanted them to stay. He was following up that letter with his own lawyer.


I mean, I was going to post your support of Oliver Townend, you know, the guy with several, MULTIPLE excessive use of whip violations - all while you say beating a horse is NEVER ok while being extremely condescending about it…

But I refrained.

I don’t obsess over you, I don’t stalk you. I’m on the forum, and so are you. You post a lot of contradictory things, or things that irritate me. I call you out on it.

Don’t like it, go find a different safe space to enjoy your echoes.


The attorney mentioned was mentioned in one of the news articles and referred to as the “family lawyer” implying a long term relationship.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that glitch, I’ve experienced it too. Hard to fully ignore…why isn’t there a “I’d like to carry on as if this poster doesn’t exist at all” option :sweat_smile:

And idk, conversation always veers to the petty stuff. For some of it, it’s whatever, but sometimes it’s just too much and repetitive. Plus people have different communication styles, some come off rather harsh, blunt, dramatic, but that might not be the intention. Or we receive it wrong due to past interactions (with anyone).


$5k a month for 5-6 horses, board, rent, training… At a barn at this level. 🤦


I support jealoushe and regularly “like” her posts, but have never PMd her to that effect. I can easily believe others have PMd her offering support but are reluctant to post themselves.


Ed David, she stated was his name

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