Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Why would you have heard it elsewhere, if you’re not an insider? /s

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Yes. He was named in a news article at one point.

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I have to say, I am wondering about the living arrangements at that barn. Especially when RC was added into the mix a day or two after that. Plus was MHG’s father also staying there at some point? Were there apartments at the barn? Were they all sharing the couches in the lounge? Was there a bathroom with a shower (I hope)?

That sounds like a lot of people staying in a place that was not designed for human occupation, as far as we know.


Family lawyer, but talking to RG but not LK.:thinking:
In fact she had no idea they were talking…


Hmm. Interesting, considering how many times she has claimed here on the BB that she was never asked to leave the property.


LK alluded to it on her FB before the shooting. I do acknowledge that LK did not name him directly, but with her testimony today, it’s clear who she meant in her posting back before the shooting.

edited to fix my spelling


She was informed on Aug 5 by a letter from a lawyer that some people preferred that she leave. She has said that MB never asked her to leave.

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I believe what I heard was Taylor saying “he’s not in here then?” to the prosecutor, who replied “No your honour, he’s no longer in the room, he’s outside”. Not a direct quote, just from memory.


I was thinking the same thing. And she’s carried on about the $$$ owed to RG for reno work?? Did she really not understand at the time what board & training (forget rent) at a facility of that caliber with a trainer of that caliber cost? Even with a multiple horse discount?? I only hope the jury, being local, might have a grasp of how insanely cheap that is, though they are not horse people so they may find $5k to be a shockingly high number.


Shout out to Hits Saugerties! The jury is really getting a lot of information about various horse shows, whether they want it or not.

Thanks for doing all the recaps. Much appreciated.


I was also shocked at such a low number, but if it was what was agreed to between LK and MB, the low rate is irrelevant to the trial.


I took this to mean $5k per horse, not total.

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I’d say more like 3500 to 5k per horse is more in line in NJ for board and training at a top barn. Board alone is 2500 plus in some of these places


So that was per horse or all the horses? Because per horse would be a bit high, but not out of the norm on a BNT. For 4-5 horses…cheap.
And did anyone catch the comment about being not unusual to live and train on property if you’re a boarder?


Well, that should be clarified. $5,000 per horse for board, care, training, services at shows is understandable to me at a super elite barn. Perhaps not all the horses were in training.


Yes! And I don’t know if she even said boarder. I think the question more whether it is common to live at the barn where you train. I would say it isn’t unheard of, but I thought common was a bit far.


I’m just watching this, is LK actually posting in the comments of the live feed as Ms. K?


MB got frigging tired of her not showing up for lessons!!! IM said it was just once or twice because of spider bites. It was frequent, just as it was in NC.


How was the gun visible if it was underneath MB’s body? Didn’t the first responding officer say the gun was underneath MB?


I wonder why they completely skipped over all the time she was with Robin Brueckmann, self made trainer, having taken several horses to Grand Prix PLUS multiple Para Olympic medals? Huh. Interesting.