Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I think it’s more the nuanced ways that females engage each other. The public back and forth on social media between women is very different than that done by men. Her brushing it off as essentially “Just these crazy things I say with my girlfriends, ho harm no foul” may actually resonate with a predominately male jury as being just that, harmless banter.


You generally don’t hear gunshots when someone has already been shot.


Oh for sure.

Which also means we can’t always look for things to make sense I suppose. There are some things we just can’t understand or make sense of. We also need to remember that none of this is normal. It can be hard go wrap your head around.

I’ve seen some crazy sh*t in my life, but I still get perplexed and want to understand things, even though I know it’s possible that I never will.

Mental health issues are very difficult. If you don’t suffer from them or understand them/have education or experience on the matter, you just can’t fathom how it is and how some people think or act, but it’s human nature to want to and need to understand…so it’s frustrating, in a way.


On top of that, did she just say she was quoting from The Art of War? On a Facebook post about a barn dispute?!?


Bilinkas knew this, hence his smile and then he almost addressed it, but decided to move on.


She just tried to go back and correct her statement about a previous thing and Bilinkas told her no, we’re moving on.

ETA: it was the “bye bye” statement.


LK has admitted to recording devices and that attorney-advice encouraged her to pursue it.


Highlights of LK’s cross-examination 2:30 - 2:42:

LK acknowledges posts about going to war.

More talk about chess and protecting the queen. LK acknowledges she was “probably” talking about MB protecting MHG. Excerpts: “The king has been captured and killed, and the whole entire castle comes crumbling down.” “Sometimes the queen must be sacrificed.” LK says she was not talking about killing anyone and goes back to the chess analogy.

LK acknowledges telling people she’s being bullied and her life is being threatened.

LK acknowledges weapons hot post, post about kicking the sleeping beast (paraphrased), “look out, here I come.”

LK tries to direct Bilinkas back to a previous post and he says no, he has moved on. She also tries to look through the material she was given and it is taken away.

About to get into the recordings.


Lying to police that she was given legal counsel approval to record conversations without the speakers knowledge.


“did you tell the police an attorney gave you permission to record?” “I don’t recall, but I was speaking with attorneys.” “What attorneys were those?” “I’m sure it’s privileged, but I guess I can tell you”

“You discussed the legality of these recordings?”

“It is your testimony that your father told you, a lawyer, that you could record private conversations when you were not there”

That comment about shooting and killing should have been stricken.


I see where you’re coming from, We can agree to disagree on this.


Bilinkas has a recording of their meeting (LK, RG, her dad and another lawyer maybe?) - so he has secret recordings too.

Judge calls a break lol

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Highlights of LK’s cross-examination 2:43 - 2:46:

Did you tell police that an attorney gave you permission to record? She says she doesn’t recall but she was speaking with attorneys and they discussed the legality of the recordings, expectation of privacy, etc, so they could avoid doing something illegal.

Did JK tell her she could legally tape a private conversation? Hearsay objection but judge allows it for LK’s state of mind. She says the lawyers believed that the location of the recording device would make it legal. Won’t commit to it being JK who said that. “We weren’t trying to shoot anyone or kill them,” just wanted to do it the legal way.

Going to break.


So if I’m reading this right, she admits she started this war and created all this drama simply because she didn’t think Barisone was giving her the attention she deserved and instead was passing her off to his assistants?

It what universe would that compel someone to try and destroy the trainer’s life and business, rather than just finding a new trainer?


As someone who has also seen a number of folks testify, agree.

The judge seems very fed up with the defense attorney. I wonder if he’s annoyed this didn’t plead out.

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legal people, why would the judge not allow entry of recordings if it shows a pattern of telling “untruths” (when she positively stated earlier that all of her testimony has been truthful?


Judge says Bilinkas is attacking the victim.

Says he is bringing up things that are not related to the trial.


They’re not the only ones.

I can only say that anyone who always thought that horse people are crazy is going to watch this and be even more convinced.

And now she’s claiming that her lawyers told her it was legal to record the conversations in the barn.


Judge Taylor basically threw up his hands and called for a break. LK is not doing herself or her family any favors. The Judge is defending her use of recording equipment and wants to disregard the legality of it and her intended purpose of using them to win a suit against MB. He’s gotta be bent.