Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Is anyone else thinking that the defense attorney is (maybe not so well) trying to bring out the not-so-kind side of LK on purpose? To get her air of superiority over anyone she considers an underling to come to the surface for the jury to see her attitude?


With absolutely no legal experience whatsoever, that sounded like a whopper of a warning sign to me.


Judge reiterating this testimony is only to show it ( SM posts) may have impacted the state of mind of MB - Not LKs character.


That is correct, he would be remanded to a state mental health facility. Probably for longer than a penal sentence.

The gun testimony is being specified as not character evidence, but it goes to the state of mind of the defendant. However, that doesn’t prevent the jury from hearing it.


Yes, it’s a setup for impeachment.


I think it only matters it can show it caused mental anguish to MB.


Highlights of LK’s cross-examination 2:20 - 2:30:

When asked about whether she posted that she owned 2 guns, she says she put money down on the second gun at the store but never went to pick it up, so she just said she owned 2 because that would take 17 pages to explain. More back and forth about how many guns she owns and what else she posted about guns, ammo, etc.

LK repeatedly asked Bilinkas to read entire posts when he was asking her about parts of them.

After sidebar, judge gives limiting instruction to jury. Evidence about LK owning firearm is permitted to show possible effect on MB’s state of mind at time of shooting, not to attack her character.

Another sidebar almost right away…


I got the feeling that someone told her to be clear that yeah, she wrote it, but it was all just meaningless mumble jumble that gets said. She doesn’t really remember what was said, because it was all just flippant, how could anyone be threatened by my meaningless rambings?? It wasn’t meant to be threatening, it was just me blabbing away on harmless social media.

Also, this is a largely male jury who is less likely to be on social media 24/7 and less likely to fully understand just how damaging social media posts CAN be these days. So it’s a decent strategy.


No sidebar drinking games! Keep it classy and wait until you get home to rewatch the video!


Michael seems very stressed
His distress (he’s crying) juxtaposed with her flippant “I guess so…” is really telling.

DH says to him, a dude, she comes off very poorly.


He’s either twitchy or having eyesight problems. We know he needs glasses.

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So if LK thinks social media posts aren’t so serious and sees them in such a “relaxed” manner, why go all ballistic on here and take others posts so seriously? I mean, it’s just SM. Sure someone wrote it, but that doesn’t mean they meant it, it’s true, or they remember it. Right? It’s just odd to take yourself so…not seriously, but not have the same standard for others? Idk. You either take it seriously or don’t. Practice what you preach and whatnot.

I don’t know. Just some thoughts.

I do know and understand why she would get upset about some things said on here, don’t get me wrong.


I think it’s clear there are mental health issues happening all around here.


I’m not sure that’s true, about men not being on SM. I also think showing her to be a crazy maker will absolutely bea trigger for some of those men and women on the jury.


That was my thought though. To show what living with/near her had to have been like and how stressful and terrifying to be around someone so disingenuous and (frankly) drama-inducing. If the jury sees the ‘real’ LK, they might be more willing to side with the insanity defense.


He’s having to relive the nightmare at HIS PROPERTY plus having to listen to a 911 call that he hadn’t heard before of him being beaten almost to death.

Speaking of the 911 call, I didn’t hear any gunshots, did any of you? So WE STILL don’t know what happened, do we?


I think it is almost impossible for those of us who have seen her posts here to guess the impression she would make on the jury members who have no previous knowledge of her.


Well the part before lunch showed a reasonably put together, coherent person.

Now it’s starting to fall apart.

That’s what I was referencing.


Yes and no. It also matters insofar as, practically speaking, the likeability of witnesses, victims, and defendants does affect juries’ decisions.


None of her other posts end with Bye Bye…