Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

She didn’t know what she meant when she posted it, she just posted it.

What the hell does that mean. Especially when it’s hundreds and hundreds of posts!


Highlights of LK’s cross-examination 2:00 - 2:20:

LK admits to wanting to destroy MB and MHG due to training issue, small lies being told, bullying (ex: when MB was living in the barn, MB jumped out at her in the dark and started screaming and spitting on her face). When asked if she called the police LK says she posted on FB that she was being bullied by a 6’3" man.

Bilinkas asks if she would agree that some of the FB posts could be threatening, she says yes. When asked about a 7/14/19 FB post containing a chess analogy with king being killed, she said it was an analogy but admits it was about MB, Vera, and MHG. When asked if she’s familiar with it she says “I am now” but then says she wrote it. She admits it was about MHG trying to destroy the careers of all the young people at the stables. She says the post is a reply to a comment mentioning royalty etc?? She says she doesn’t know what she’s talking about in some of the post even though she admits to writing it.

Excerpts from the chess FB post that I was able to write down:

“Open war and inevitable destruction”
Queen on glass throne [MHG] isn’t queen, she is pond scum etc etc.
“But all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.” “Castle will come crumbling down.” (LK says she doesn’t know what she meant by this. “It’s social media, I wrote stuff. That’s what I did.”)
“I sure hope my wrath is never called upon.”

LK says she didn’t think hard about the consequences, just posted it.

Paraphrases multiple personality post as, “I have multiple personalities, I don’t know what they’re going to do if they’re threatened,” and says it was about MB, not her.

Re: posts about delusions of grandeur, bipolar narcissist: “There’s lots of types of things I would say…social media.”

“I’m sure I mentioned that I owned a gun” and that NJ gun laws are very strict, “as they should be, especially since I ended up getting shot by one of those very guns, so there’s that”


And hoping they don’t ever get involved with someone like her.


Oh, okay, it doesn’t count if things are posted on social media?! Perhaps everyone here who has Beek threatened by this woman should make a note of her response to toss right back to her.


I think the insanity plea is his best bet at this point. I just don’t see how self defense is going to pan out here. You can’t bring a gun to a fist fight in NJ.


If we’re thinking about the same exchange - prosecutor wanted the whole post read (I’m guessing something must has been helpful/explanatory that wasn’t read). Judge told him he can read the rest on re-directed. But maybe we’re referring to two different things!

But if insanity he is still guilty and goes to a facility? How does it work there?

Well, I guess we can see how she would drive MB crazy…or anyone for that matter.


I can see where dealing with her would make someone insane. I bet the jury will too. Remember this is still the prosecutions case part here. We got a whole two weeks coming up for the defense to call his witnesses.


She’s now saying that she posted that she has two guns, but she didn’t mean it, she meant she intended to buy it. She says she acquired them at the same time, except her post said she hadn’t cleaned one in a year. She says the gun she actually owns is the one that takes “18 in the mag and 1 in the chamber” and the other one that she “hasn’t cleaned in a year” is the one she didn’t own.

“Did you post that you have a 9mm under your pillow.” “I don’t remember, it’s possible.”

She just asked him to read the entire post. Prosecutor has to be cringing internally.


She says she is not a violent person. But she has multiple personalities. So, couldn’t one of the other ones be?


COTH Commentators?
Surely you jest!

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oooooo that was smart on her part to make him read the whole thing. That smirk shows she knows exactly what she was doing there.


I’m attempting to be as unbiased as possible reporting what I’m hearing / seeing. I’m trying to watch as someone who doesn’t know the history etc and is hearing things for the first time. A few thoughts that crossed my mind:

  • Direct testimony was likable, matter of fact, sympathetic.
  • Indirect - She has been coached to be flippant about what gets said on social media (ie - make it seem like ‘whatever’, it’s not real, it’s just fake words, nothing threatening or bad about it)
  • She is actively making statements/comments to build on the ‘Bumbling Balinkis’ theme between Jude Taylor and Balinkis.
  • If you haven’t ever read her social posts before, the chess analagy was an awkward word salad that would be confusing and easy to dismiss if I were a jury member. Building towards all her social media is basically meaningless.
  • Coaching / lawyerly behaviour - Actively correcting and making Balinkis read extra because she ‘doesn’t understand’ or ‘is confused’ in order to get him to read the specific statements she wants him too. Not your typical victim witness.

Moving back to my attempts at being unbiased.


Not sure and I’m not a lawyer but I think he would go to a mental health facility.


Who let the dog out ??? WOOF!!!

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Didn’t she just say she posted about having two guns?


Prosecutor: ****, I can’t take this anymore! Sidebar Judge! Sidebarrrrrrrrr!


Yes. He would go to a mental health facility until a psychiatrist seems him not a danger to himself or others and upon this designation would be released.


Largely agree, but I’m not sure she was coached to be flippant. I would guess she was coached to just acknowledge them and move on, and seems too arrogant to do so.

ETA: Re her asking for the whole fb page to be read. I think she picked up on the prosecutor’s objection on that issue and ran with that, I don’t think she was necessarily coached to do that (largely because most judges wouldn’t allow it).