Barisone Trial This Month


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Oh, please. In your oft-expressed view, LK was always the aggressor and never a victim. You made that clear in numerous posts written while she was in a medically induced coma.


People, people, please. It’s hard enough keeping track of the actual players here, much less random outsiders on the thread. Lol.

That being said, Kelly Klein had many, many lovely horses over the years, and she won a lot with them


The irony is LK’s behavior and lack of accomplishment in all these years is what I was referring to. You miss the fact that I am successful, accomplished, and widely respected regardless what LK imagines and projects here.


Um, what was the date of my first post? I really don’t recall. Refresh my memory please.


Is that the FB post you were referring to?

Shelley starts with “even if … “. She could be saying “even if … I heard the recordings”, which would suggest that she had not heard the recordings.

She could be saying she heard the recordings. It’s very inarticulate and muddled, as posts on FB often are.

I am upgrading from my 5 lb salt block to: that’s a meaningless post; impossible to know whether she is trying to say she did or didn’t hear the recordings.

The police will have taken all the digital evidence- the hard drive on the audio recorder, the cell phones and laptops (seems likely that LK may have audio or video taken on her cell phone), and gotten access to the video recordings from the house on the cloud (if any).

How do you imagine this Shelley person would have gotten access to any recordings of any type?


Isn’t it a risk for the prosecution to introduce video/audio evidence that was illegally obtained?
Is such evidence even admissible?

Do the victims run the risk of being charged, if it is proved that the video/audio was illegal?


Nice attempt to twist what Shelley said, but most of us are smart enough to read the entire quote!

A+ for effort on your part though!

  1. You made a reference to “putting effort into tearing someone down”. That’s the epitaph that best summarizes your life these past 2.5 years.

  2. Re your statement that you are “successful, accomplished, and widely respected”. Who are you trying to convince? Me? Other readers? Yourself?
    You really are well matched with the self proclaimed sage of the courtroom. Perhaps others have a different reaction to that type of puffery, but to me it has an effect opposite to what you probably intended.

  3. My impression of you is based on what you have written, not what others have written about you.


[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:1749, topic:770123, full:true”]

Hmmm… That’s an interesting thought: MBs life was saved by the cop.

How so?


As a smart person, what would be your interpretation of the sentence:

“Even if I did not know all the evidence and hadn’t heard the recordings, I would never …”

Explain that, then note that that’s not what she wrote.

As a smart person, please explain how Shelley from NC would have had access to crucial electronic evidence in an attempted murder case.

As a smart person, please reread my post and note that I said that the post was an inarticulate mess such that it was not at all clear what she was intending to say.

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Shelley (Nelly) is Lauren’s (Gertie) BFF in the whoooooole world. #loveyoumore


Perhaps… in all sincerity, posting like this is not a great idea. Perhaps… flailing about this close to the actual trial is ill-advised - I am sure that most lawyers who cared for their clients would suggest that. Perhaps… perhaps… one could just let other posters’ theories stand out there on their own (on a small section of a small forum that is not Out There and NOT widely read by hundreds of thousands every day) - to be disproved during the trial if they are erroneous and ridiculous.

Just a thought. :neutral_face:

Edited to add another NOT to make my meaning/intent clearer. As in - this forum is NOT widely read… let alone one sub-forum on said forum. Thus it does not have a huge input on the opinions of John Q. Public etc. etc.




This has been discussed ad nauseum in previous threads.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Does this apply to your impressions of all users of a horse forum?


@eggbutt it seems there is an old history here between your family and LK’s. Does this go back to the girl’s high school years?


Of course.


:pensive: SMH

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