Barisone Trial This Month

@rothmpp I was just responding to your question as to why I kept mentioning the disparity between MB and LK in terms of height, weight and physical strength. I think the disparity is pertinent for his claim that deadly force was necessary for self defense.

I’m not a lawyer, never claimed to be a lawyer, never will be a lawyer, so maybe I’m wrong and the disparity doesn’t matter.

I have a movie that plays in my head when I consider the shooting, which is based largely on LKs unsworn narrative, but also on the charges brought by the state and by Barisone’s decision not to plead plain vanilla “not guilty”. My little movie could be wrong in the details or it could be completely wrong.


Wasn’t there also an actor who was killed by an actual blank? I’m not positive, because it was a long time ago. I think his name was Jon Eric Hexum or something similar.


Actor Jon-Erik Hexum died days after accidentally shooting himself in the head with a prop gun on the set of the CBS show “Cover Up” in 1984. Authorities said at the time that Hexum, 26, was pretending to play Russian roulette with a . 44 Magnum revolver when the gun fired a blank cartridge that killed him


Ah, yes, I forgot about that one.


And the presence of others besides MB and LK isn’t?


Again…I urge you to review:

And for additional forum review:

It seems to me that someone purposefully trying to make someone become unconscious or only semi-conscious would provide doubt toward it being a self-defense situation. And at some point the shirt got pulled off and his arm broken too….


Self defense is an affirmative defense in NJ. Based on my reading, with an affirmative defense there is variation across states as to whether it’s the prosecution or the defense that has the burden of proof, as well as variation in the standard of proof (beyond a reasonable doubt, by clear and convincing evidence, or by a preponderance of the evidence).

You seem to be assuming that in NJ, the prosecution has the burden of proof, and must convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that MB did not act in self defense.

Not being a criminal lawyer practicing in NJ, I’m not assuming that.

It is, however, clear to me that once Barisone shot LK and shot at RG, both of them were entitled to act in their own self defense. That’s probably why they were not charged with assault for Barisone’s broken arm and bloodied head.


It is likely.

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I trash her for what she says, not for what happened to her.


Why trash her at all?


Does being a victim excuse someone from poor behavior? Being rude? Threatening people? Name calling? Or even worse?

It does not in my world. If it does in yours, that is your issue.

If you behave like trash, expect to be treated like trash.


She was trashed in the forums while in an induced coma. She’s been baited and trashed repeatedly and often by people who never met her or the shooter. Why would anyone do that? Then if she says anything back, whether or not it is appropriate, it’s like adding gasoline to a fire. Why is that?

What do you get out of it?


I have never met her or the shooter. I have never said anything about her that was untrue. But, she had no problem threatening me publicly.

Inappropriate behavior gets a reaction, whether you find that appropriate or not.

Carry on with your defense of her inappropriate actions. You are tone deaf to the fact that just because someone is a victim it does not make them purer than the driven snow!


Let’s remember that I once posted I had read a FB post of LKs which mentioned her having a certain type of gun. That comment of this memory of mine of that posting unleashed a barrage of lies, threats and insults by her upon me in PMs which I then exposed to the light of day on this forum only to discover I wasn’t the only recipient of such negative attention.

Did I shoot her? Nope.
Did I say MB was innocent? Nope.
Did I say she deserved to get shot if that’s what happened? Nope.

So to many of the readers here, casting LK solely as a benign character in this twisted story of events remains unconvincing and disingenuous at best.

Now her advocates may not like this fact but it exists and is reality nevertheless.


As I recall, you posted that she owned a Ruger (the type of gun used in the shooting), full stop.


I most certainly did post I recalled seeing a FB post of hers where SHE stated she had a Ruger. What’s your point?

This post was about how she responded.


So, again, why trash talk someone? Why call names? What does that do for you? How does it make you feel?


I haven’t trash talked anyone.

Every word I have written is, and always has been, the truth.

Posting boards exist for discussing topics.


My point is that if she had not posted that she owned a Ruger, your post asserting that would not be true statement.


If you don’t trash talk, why were you responding to my question?

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Do you ever get brain sprain when you try to twist things like that to make your point of view work?

Had she NOT posted that she owned a Ruger, I would have NOT posted that I saw her posting she had one.