Barisone Trial This Month

The dogs are one thing, but did they really think that a barn full of horse people were really not going to take care of her horses long enough to get it sorted out where they were going to be moved to?

No matter how horribly everything had gone wrong, I can’t think of a single horse person that would allow the horses to not be taken care of - they were truly the innocent bystanders in the whole mess.


Yes. I would also guess there was a mass exodus out of the barn both before and after the shooting. With the bad blood between all the principals, I can see them showing up to check on the horses.

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The audio recorder was removed prior to the shooting, so …

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I wonder if the police will independently confirm that they are not the ones that removed it. It seemed the interrogatory response was a little different than what was being said all over social media.


So you can imagine that a horse person would attempt to murder his equestrian client and her bf, but you can’t imagine that the second in charge, his gf MHG, would do anything to harm LKs horses? Even low level harm in the form of neglecting them?

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I’ve seen some really bad stuff and heard of bad stuff. After the shock of LK being shot, I guess anything would be possible in her family’s minds.

It would seem as crazy as a scenario where posters here suddenly squared off in the street. It’s one thing for trash talking. Tacky. Stressful barn environment. Time to leave. But a shooting? The closest I’ve heard of that was a barn I had a retired horse in after the entire barn showed up in support when we put her down and I had moved on. One of the middle aged wives was late coming home and her husband went armed to check on her because there had been a still unsolved lover’s lane double murder nearby. He found her and the middle aged husband of another couple noodling on the picnic tables and started yelling and waving the gun around. No one was shot. I think everyone got divorced but I just heard the first part of it. It was sad for them but kind of funny too. Who?!?!? Not the people anyone would have expected.

Point is no one expects that to happen. No one expects a BNT to not be able to handle a client.

Trying to understand why does not give a pass to bashing the victim. Some people have been commenting on alleged substance abuse. If she is a actually in recovery then this is particularly cruel.


The presence of the audio recorder was known to the police at the time of one of the 911 calls. It was discussed. The police may have instructed LK to remove it. Since the police knew about the audio recorder, they could have confiscated it, and the recordings. Perhaps they did. Perhaps they told LK to remove it.

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I’d say that holds true for all involved parties to this debacle.


Um, no… All of the barn workers were still there.


Oh no, I am sure that she was fully conscious when she was lobbing insults and threats around on here.


And we know how well LK/RG followed directions from authorities, right? Weren’t they told to vacate the house and decided that really didn’t apply to then?


It’s 4:10 PM on the east coast. Has anyone heard how jury selection is going?


In the very first thread, someone posted that it was a fire Marshall order to vacate because of only one exit from the basement. That fits with MB and others moving to the barn. Then the barn had fire Marshall issues. That can be storage of feed and gas cans, exposed wiring, bird nests, doors and passage ways blocked, no fire escape plan, ni fire extinguishers, overloaded wiring, etc., all easily corrected. I don’t think anyone asked for building permits and building inspection records to see if RG was working part time with a licensed contractor in town or if MB was acting as his own contractor and as a home owner was exempt from the licensing of the general contractor.

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If they are able to select the jury before the end of the week, is it likely that they will still wait for the trial to start on the 28th or would they start sooner?


I don’t know for a fact that they were told to vacate the house by the building inspectors. It’s been asserted many times on these threads, but I don’t automatically believe everything I read on the internet.

ETA What Hut-ho posted seems logical; I missed those details.

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Nope, I can’t imagine it. There are people employed to take care of the horses. And weren’t we told that MHG wanted one or more of the LK’s horses for herself? That it was part of what drove the situation? Why would she neglect the horses that she supposedly wanted for herself? Now that everything is going to be under intense scrutiny MHG would be even less likely to do anything less than take excellent care of LK’s horses.

I’ve seen some barn situations go absolutely to hell, but the people responsible for the day to day care of the horses would never have just ignored any of the horses. Maybe the horses don’t get their mag blanket before turnout or other super time consuming specialty stuff, but they’re at least going to get fed, water, and their basic care looked after while everything gets sorted out.


True…we don’t believe what we read on the internet unless what we read fits the narrative we prefer.


Back to witnesses. It was heavily insinuated that since RC was going to be a prosecution witness, that meant her story could only support the prosecutions narrative. I assume that since MHG was suggested as another prosecution witness that the same erroneous thinking was occurring, that she’d just happily sell MB down the river. I just have to say, if I was in MH’s shoes, it would be a cold day in hell before I would just cheerily help the prosecution make a case for the person who attempted to threaten my children.

The lawsuit against the police alleged that there was an attempt at cyberstalking the location of MHG’s children. Certain posters discredit that as lies. I would like to point out, according to the interrogatories from the civil suit, the police had taken all of LK/RG’s devices, and the last few hearings were about 3rd party texts and emails of LK’s that the prosecution wants to exclude and that the defense want’s admitted. Perhaps the source of that information was LK’s own computer. Perhaps that is why, despite all the bluster from IM and repeated threats of lawsuits for just posting on this board, there are no sanctions/lawsuits being brought against MB’s lawyer……because he actually has evidence to back up his claim.


Don’t include me in your “we”. Speak for yourself.

I think about something logically and look for consistency with known facts to determine a likely fact, then construct my narrative around the facts.

You’re the one who picks and chooses “facts” based on your preferred narrative.

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