Barisone Trial This Month

This is at least the second time you’ve focused on this on this thread.

Why? Because the smaller party in a fight has never been the aggressor? Because in a physical dispute between a man and a woman, the woman has never been the aggressor?

We’ve heard nothing from the defense, for obvious reasons, what they are going assert happened at the scene that day. I’m actually going to wait for the trial to see what information is presented about the physical environment & circumstances that afternoon before taking any information not presented under oath as the absolute truth from ANY party.


Double tap/center mass is close quarter shooting instruction for law enforcement, terrorists, military, etc. it’s efficient. Double tap/center mass is 2 rounds to the chest at close range. It’s a known technique. Then to be absolutely certain of a kill, the Mozambique method includes a shot to the head but that one went wide in a shot at the boyfriend. Then the first clip was out of ammo and the boyfriend immobilized him. It’s so common a term and method that it has t-shirts for sale online with a target. There are comic books, computer games, etc. So double tap/center mass from a 6’2” man to a 5’2” woman with a cell phone. One punch from him to the face could kill her, let alone a double tap/center mass.


One takes a single basic crim law and a single basic civ procedure, first year, and does not look back if one means to go on to a transactional career. A brief cram for the bar exam and…those brain cells are the first to go to make room for, say EU directives regarding IP. I’ve been out of law school a fair wee while and, even what I could remember I’d not opine upon in case it changed in any way through case law, etc. over the intervening decades, not to mention I don’t practice in the US.

Again, my neurosurgeon knows how the knee works, but not the latest developments in that field nor has s/he ever put one back together. I’d not demand s/he answer my knee questions, either. And no way is my knee doc my go to for telling me about TBI.

You’ve lots of great responses here from folks who know.


Those are just a couple of the details that suggest to me that it’s going to be really, really, really hard for Bilinkas to succeed with a self defense claim. The other obvious detail is that he drove himself over to her physical location, armed with the gun, and initiated the “interaction”.

But I agree with you 100% that going back and forth on this is dumb.


And claimed it was self defense.
And acquitted, largely due to reasonable doubt.


I’m reminded of a two pound Bantam rooster that used to chase me when I was a kid. Size does not always determine who starts an altercation.


Interesting theory


Laugh. Heck, I am adult and I had a rooster that thought his small size meant nothing and attacked me quite regularly. I was stupid afraid of him even though I am lots of feet taller than he was.


That same two pound rooster would also repeatedly try to chase my mother, although she was much more likely to pick up a shovel and chase him off. Lol.


Roosters are terrifying lol


Has anyone seen the video clip of the rooster round penning a horse?




My first Beagles middle name was Napoleon.


Idk, the two roosters at the barn are quite ok. One has an old injury and runs a bit funny. There not all so terrible. I’ve known some other friendly ones as well. I am, however, afraid of swans.

Thought this might be more interesting conversation then the same ol’ same ol’ that’s in this thread :wink:


It is interesting… roosters and attack swans are interesting.


Your’e lucky, the rooster I knew was NASTY. Like run to your car for cover nasty lol


Okay - let me know if I have this right - now it is being suggested that MB gave up his house to LK for the opportunity to live in a barn with no real sleeping quarters in order to court his girlfriend AND he has spent serious time over the past 30+ years learning how to shoot people by reading comic books and playing video games.

I think time spent in that manner would have been reflected in his career trajectory.

As for being trained to shoot with particular goals - isn’t that what you are taught in the military? As I recall RG was in basic training with the Marines but I don’t recall whether he actually completed it.

Also, roosters are nowhere near as scary as a sow that has farrowed. To be clear, as I am not aware that Lauren has ever given birth, the observation has nothing to do with her.


I’ve heard that swans can be very mean, although I’ve never actually crossed paths with one.

I will say that after trying to feed a group of ducks many years ago, I will never do that again. I thought there were just a few ducks, but a huge number of them came out of the woodwork in a hurry when they saw that I had food. It was a little scary. Lol.


Me, too!! I was bit by one as a kid and while I think they are beautiful from a distance, I’m never getting near enough to one to get bit again. We even have a mated pair in the pond on my road that come back every spring, and yep, not walking the dog anywhere near them.

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