Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Hmm … seems her criminal activities were not isolated to 15+ years ago.


Given that Barisone’s property is very close to her parent’s home and her clear desire to return to the area and be a NYC/NJ socialite like her sisters and mother, I do think that is very likely that she specifically selected him and his business for her purposes, though to what ultimate end, I could not say. It’s clear from her non-stop social media preening over the past few years in regards to her “buying things and going places while being successful”, that she has obtained a pile of money to play with, even though it’s origins are a mystery, and that has clearly emboldened her to do whatever she feels is necessary to establish an ongoing narrative where she is completely successful, in control and on-point in all things, and others are trying to hold her back, which is a clear sign of egomania or megalomania. Her past barns have received scathing business reviews from her and her fiance that more or less state “If you’d only done as I said, you could have been great, but you didn’t, so F*** YOU!”. I daresay that we may learn some very disturbing things about her past before this mess shows any signs of being resolved and I wouldn’t be surprised if she tries to go after Barisone in court and get his farm and business as retribution payment for being shot.


The reason why courts aren’t gender blind is because of centuries upon centuries of gender-based violence. I do believe that this woman was manipulative and cunning. Calling ICE on employees? How much more spiteful, callous and inhuman can you be? But I think everyone agrees that none of this deserves a shooting - irrespective of the gender of either party. And I for one would hope that courts are not gender-blind. The victims of most civil and domestic disputes are women.


A reminder the victim is in serious condition in the hospital, probably with a long road to recovery. You think the judge is going to order she be evicted??
And Barisone is a talker. I don’t know about substance abuse, but he is arrogant and has lots to say about every situation. A good example is his comment at the scene about having a good life. That will not help him.


I have this crazy feeling that all of this was some sort of set up that went wrong. I know that’s probably going to fall under the victim blaming category but the more I read, the more I feel like there was a power move on her end, like she was going to put him in his place by destroying his reputation and it all went south when she pushed to hard and he lost it.

I don’t know either of these people but I can certainly find way more dirt and smelly garbage in her social media footprints that I can on his.

It just looks like she pushed and pushed and prodded and poked until the bear bit back…

I’ll go ahead and apologize now for my insensitive comments and I’ll go ahead and post my notice that I do not in anyway condone violence nor do I feel anyone should ever be bodily harmed or injured.


This is all so whack that at this point I would not be surprised if LK and MH, (MB’s fiancé) co-conspired to take over the farm. I kid & am still hoping for a shred of logical behavior.

I doubt the barn is very pleasant right now. Who is in charge? Justin, who has loyally worked there for ten years, or MH, MB’s extremely ambitious fiancé, who has been there one year, this month.

And who on earth moves their girlfriend and her kids into their home when his wife is still living there? That’s almost psychological cruelty.

And thank heavens Vera DID divorce MB and establish her own business and is thus completely removed from this nightmare. I’ve never heard a single negative word about her. And I truly hope the horses have been removed to ensure their safety.





Oh my God. Barisone avoided the legal route to eviction (I’m a landlord, eviction can be done and if they refuse to leave, the police escort them out). Instead, he went up and shot the place. No words. He needs extensive jail time.

And the pink pink and black gun DID NOT belong to the victims! Take that nay sayers!


My phone wouldn’t do quotes but in regards to the fiancé… I know her personally and the way she left her husband In NC was very strange. I think her and MB got together before MB’s divorce, hence why LK called MH a home wrecker.

I would not not be surprised if the fiancé did some shady things as well. It was documented on FB before being deleted that LK and MH fought. It is my understanding MB promised MH a place on the Olympic team :rolleyes: LK May have been promised similar high hopes.

Meanwhile, while LK is in a coma, MB thought he was above the law and that he could start firing rounds in attempts to murder people. OVER A LANDLORD DISPUTE. This case just infuriates me as I know most involved in the situation.


You and I will have to respectively disagree.

The great promise and the unique offerings of the U.S. Constitution is Equality. And what people have forgotten is that that specifically refers to “equality under the law.” Social justice is specifically granting certain classes and groups legal advantages. It is the ability to grant those advantages capriciously and to the eventual detriment of the same people you are trying to help. It is in direct opposition to and a grave threat to “equality under the law” and the traditions of this country and the reasons for its founding and success. In my opinion it is the underlying reason for the current political unrest in this country.

When the great Frederick Douglas was asked what should be done about the emancipated former slaves he cried “do nothing for them, leave them alone! Every time government tries to help them they make things worse.” He said that all the emancipated slave wanted and needed was the same great tradition of equality under the law that had been bestowed to others. As a woman all I ask is the same–and for the same reasons.

250 years ago the concept of equality under the law was novel and earth shaking and the result was to create the most equitable, prosperous, generous and peaceful nation the earth has ever known. Does that make it perfect? No. But its a damn sight better than anywhere else.

There are those of us that think this is an extraordinary legacy, would like to keep it and are willing to fight for it. And there are those that don’t and aren’t. I am of the former.


LK would never be allowed on the Olympic team, as the long history of filed charges against her disqualifies her from attaining any position within the international competition programs. At best, she could become a Scene Queen, bouncing back and forth between NJ/NY, KY, and FL. More to the point, Barisone isn’t a shot-caller and wouldn’t have the means to do anything for her beyond achievement by association as her coach, which seems to be the outward premise for her going there and working for him.


I imagine the shooting victim is just hoping to be able to pet a horse someday, never mind riding. Reports say she is “communicating” but do not specify “talking.” Could be blinking, holding up a finger, etc.


I’m wondering that since she is still in the hospital, if she didn’t make it the judge might be thinking that MB would run.


Your posts read like you have not read the thread.

Has LK backslid or are you being dramatic about the coma?


Intubated because her lung was effected by surgery and bullets. That might require intubation, which restricts speaking.
Its common post surgery and would explain the communication comment.


The last article that was linked - the last line says she is in medically induced coma.

I don’t think this is insensitive. I think this is an opinion that you’re entitled too and may not be far from fact at all.

It reminds me of a TV drama series (Law & Order maybe?) where an individual is pushed and pushed by another manipulative party to the point that they snap and ultimately end up going to jail. Meanwhile the other person recovers, gets what they want, and continues laughing all the way to the bank. Taking everything from the person they pushed over the edge.

Now, that’s no excuse for shooting someone, just the potential motive. People still need to demonstrate some self control, discretion, and not go that far. But it’s sad when someone loses faith in a system, or their are short comings from law enforcement leading the individual to take matters into their own hands (not saying that’s the case here).

You (g) can construe whatever you want from my words, and you don’t have to like them. Doesn’t bother me.

I don’t know either party, nor do I want to, and I don’t have all the details here, so I’m not sure what will actually happen with this case.


Since her injuries were to her chest, there’s a fair chance she’s still intubated, and therefore unable to talk … but able to communicate with gestures and possibly by writing. (Speculation, of course; I have no information as to whether this is actually the case)


This is the second post you have made offering up false information. Guess you missed the class on reading comprehension.



As much as I think that article is inaccurate (outdated), it does say what Farmpony said it does.