Barisone Trial This Month

It is interesting… roosters and attack swans are interesting.


Your’e lucky, the rooster I knew was NASTY. Like run to your car for cover nasty lol


Okay - let me know if I have this right - now it is being suggested that MB gave up his house to LK for the opportunity to live in a barn with no real sleeping quarters in order to court his girlfriend AND he has spent serious time over the past 30+ years learning how to shoot people by reading comic books and playing video games.

I think time spent in that manner would have been reflected in his career trajectory.

As for being trained to shoot with particular goals - isn’t that what you are taught in the military? As I recall RG was in basic training with the Marines but I don’t recall whether he actually completed it.

Also, roosters are nowhere near as scary as a sow that has farrowed. To be clear, as I am not aware that Lauren has ever given birth, the observation has nothing to do with her.


I’ve heard that swans can be very mean, although I’ve never actually crossed paths with one.

I will say that after trying to feed a group of ducks many years ago, I will never do that again. I thought there were just a few ducks, but a huge number of them came out of the woodwork in a hurry when they saw that I had food. It was a little scary. Lol.


Me, too!! I was bit by one as a kid and while I think they are beautiful from a distance, I’m never getting near enough to one to get bit again. We even have a mated pair in the pond on my road that come back every spring, and yep, not walking the dog anywhere near them.

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This is a strange argument; there is no requirement that a clip has to be full if you intend to kill someone. He aimed a gun at someone at point blank range and emptied two bullets into her chest. But you are saying that he couldn’t possibly have intended to kill her because the gun was only partially loaded?


Did he?


Judged hardly schooled them when it’s mandate by the NJ supreme court that those two defenses must be raised in a unitary trail and not a bifurcated trial - New Jersey vs Handy, 2013.

Makes the judge look uninformed to me …


And, her mouth. Do not forget her ability to run that.


Well, yeah.


He’s claiming self defense, so what else would he have aimed the gun at? If the shots to the chest were a result of a struggle for the gun, why wouldn’t the defense claim that the shooting was some kind of accident? Experts can likely tell the difference based on the bullet trajectories, perhaps along with other evidence.

ETA I have no idea if he intended to kill her or not, but the fact that the gun was not fully loaded is absolutely NOT evidence that he did not intend to kill her.


It’ll be very interesting to hear what the possible 4th witness has to say. Someone close enough to the scene for the first responding officer to notice as they were driving in was probably close enough to see or hear something about the altercation.


Nope, we live in an innocent until proven guilty country. We don’t have a system where the prosecution can say “CurrentlyHorseless killed the butler in the library with a candlestick” and the defense has to prove they didn’t. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution - they have to clearly lay out a case that shows that the butler was killed in the library, with a candle stick AND that CurrentlyHorseless did the deed beyond reasonable doubt. It’s why prosecutors tend to be so very methodical - they go piece by piece showing each major part of their accusation is true beyond reasonable doubt. The defense’s job is to show there is reasonable doubt within the prosecution’s story.

No one is denying that Barisone shot them. What the prosecution needs to prove is that he was of sound mind and not defending himself when he did so.


Aiming at and shooting during a struggle aren’t necessarily the same thing
-to me-


Isn’t that exactly what I said in my post that you just quoted?

If one is going to shoot someone in self defense, they are most likely going to purposefully aim the gun at that person. The defense claim would be self defense.

If someone unintentionally shoots someone during a struggle for a gun, they are not likely intentionally aiming the gun at that person. The defense claim would be that the shooting was some type of accident, not self defense.

We already know which scenario the defense is claiming in this case.


And her keyboard, which she used to routinely brag about being armed with an actual gun to all the internet routinely …


We do?


Or…A person is attacked by two people with a gun and while struggling with them they manage to control the gun long enough to shoot one of the attackers, twice in the chest.


All of us but you, apparently.