Barisone Trial This Month

I hesitate to even engage in this thread, but:

  1. There are unrelated threads on this forum in which people are having issues with other boarders or with BOs/BMs/trainers, and at least one poster suggests installing a camera, or a camera has already been installed by another BO and the poster is soliciting opinions on that. I don’t think it’s so incredibly unheard of. To be clear, I’m not saying hidden cameras are a good idea if you don’t have permission from the property owner–just that it’s not so insanely far out there.

  2. For whatever it’s worth, I also don’t think it’s crazy for someone to go check on the horses. Again, in other threads if someone posts they are getting ready to leave their barn under tense circumstances, people advise them to leave immediately, pay double board if needed, etc because the horses might not being cared for properly, or even worse. It seems a bit disingenuous to argue here that horse people would never not care for a horse properly due to interpersonal conflict. Sadly, all horse people are not true horsepeople, if you know what I mean, and it does happens, even under less extreme circumstances. I would absolutely ask my husband to go check on my horses if I were in hospitalized, just for peace of mind, even if my hospitalization had nothing to do with the barn.


As a victim of a similar type of planning that is being suggested, I humbly suggest you lack an imagination for what people are capable of.


In most of those threads people are putting cameras on their horse, not in various places about the barn to listen on what others are saying.


And I had suggested stall cameras in a previous post as being fine.

However soundless stall cameras are of little use when seeking “solid gold”.


There must not be a concern how the situation was handled the day of the shooting by the police department.


Why would there be? The police are allowed to do a crappy job and no one can hold them accountable for it.


I feel like when the dust settles eventually, somebody could do a very extended serial podcast on all the twists and turns of this whole situation. Or really I’m thinking more of the spoof variety that pops up periodically on SNL.


48 Hours has that covered!


Well this is a scary thought if he was a training officer!! He may have been capable of training rookies on how to write a ticket or direct traffic, but he failed miserably at securing a crime scene and the people involved.


Right? I had my home security cameras which are completely hidden installed and working in 20 minutes lol it’s easy peashooter these days. That was 3 cameras outside and one inside.


Everyone lived.


They even have the little light bulb cameras now.


My bet is y’all are setting up your cameras on your own property. Not someone else’s so there’s that.


Only by the grace of God!


Will there be a way to watch the trial on line?


Appearances are everything!

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Personally, putting my horses first would be moving them from a bad situation regardless of my show schedule or plans. What is more important, showing or making sure we are all in a safe place? I guess we all know where you stand.


I have posted this before. I was at a barn where we found out bad things were happening financially and with the horses (cliff notes). There were top level horses there and a trainer who had credibility with top clinicians coming into train. In one day, the day after what we learned about the malfeasance, 6 horses were on a trailer. Another boarder and myself not so flush got our horse(s) out one day later . If you or your horse are in danger you get out! Yes put them in a safe spot until you can find a high level trainer… especially if you have the money, which Lk has …. Which is not that difficult. As LK has done. Not an excuse in my opinion. Just sayin’. And mum and dad need not respond


But, again, they were viewed as tenants. Barison is in this situation because he elected to expedite the agreed upon negotiated timeline of their departure. Tenants actually can do things like put up cameras 🤷