Barisone Trial This Month

When you’re connected and have a great reputation, it’s much easier to find a place to land.


Or if you don’t live in a desert of available barns. I’m in a densely populated area where most land has been sold for housing developments. There’s incredibly few stalls available. Super glad all of you were able to work out your situations. Your experience isn’t universal.

I still have a problem with ascribing some kind of factual statement about the severity of the situation to the action of leaving or not leaving. There’s a lot of women who don’t leave for various reasons even if they fear for their life in their own home. It’s frankly disturbing that so many of you seem to have all the answers as to what someone should have done, according to the all-knowing internet.



Thanks for finding those.
I thought I remembered that.


A voice of reason! And common sense! And intelligence!


Everything combined…I just don’t believe she was scared. Half the time she sounds gleeful when she talks about “what she found”….and the other half she talks about “putting plans in place” that no one knows about……


Where does that say that the cameras at the house were not in plain sight?


Oh…sorry, didn’t mean to respond to you, I’m just tired tonight. That was a jumping off point about the invasion of privacy I posted about earlier.


Oh, OK.

LK lived in a plethora of high level trainers and high level barns.


Fine, agree to disagree.


@Danvers is correct. You cannot spit without hitting a high caliber boarding/training facility, with most disciplines well represented, in northern New Jersey.

Danvers is stating a very well known fact.


I was disagreeing with the statement that just because those barns all exist doesn’t mean there were 4 (actually 6, I believe 2 more horses were supposed to be arriving when all this went down) stalls available for a brand new client on a day’s notice.

I have no idea, so I am agreeing to disagree that I can cast stones on what someone should have done to apparently avoid a situation that by most accounts, escalated over mere days and apparently had attorneys involved. Or that it’s somehow evidentiary that the whole situation must be of her own making because she didn’t flee like her tail was on fire.


Who’s said that?

My perspective is, we need to encourage women to be better advocates for their own safety, to listen to their gut, to not stay too long when they get an inkling of potential danger, because this is the result.

The phenomenon of women staying too long needs to change, but won’t change if we don’t point out when that first clue drops and how fast it can go dangerously wrong.


I am very behind in these posts. Sorry to quote RND if this has already been discussed in the 100 or so posts I have yet to read.
Why are people discussing how LK felt about leaving her horses at the barn after she was shot.
Was she not in a coma? How could she have told anyone how she felt.
I live on a farm with farm animals and no paid staff. Believe me if my child was shot, even if that child was an adult, my first thought would not be about feeding or checking on horses.


If I imagined my own family’s reaction it would be that they would be by my bedside in the hospital and never would they have gone to the barn given the horses were on full board with a staff to care for them.

We are not discussing horses being left at the barn after the shooting but rather saying exactly what you are saying.

Also the question must be asked: could there possibly be another reason for her father and fiancee to be at the barn other than checking on horses? To this end one’s imagination may wander in light of illegally installed video and recording devices. Devices that may or nay not affirm their presented narrative.

I am not saying anyone DID but rather asking the question.


Holy sh*t. That is horrible Knights Mom. Wow. Sorry you had that happen to you.


Thanks. That was just part of it.


Here we go again. You’ve racked up the mileage with that one. She told you she didn’t have a Ruger. The Facebook post was for Walthers. Yet you won’t let go. Bizarre.



I posted that because I was disputing @CurrentlyHorseless assertion that she would not be after property or a farm. My post clearly shows that YES things like that ARE on her mind.

Also, had those messages never been sent to me I wouldn’t have been able to post them.

Here is the message