Barisone Trial This Month

I do wonder if MHG will be held accountable for anything? …since she allegedly had a lot of involvement with the events that transpired. Perhaps nothing she did was technically illegal though, so therefore no punishable offenses?


GJ told LK who her relative was…duh!
Guess that’s stalking in your book!

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MHG will be dinged in the court of public opinion. Had she broken any laws, she would have been charged by now. I believe the First Amendment is alive and well in this nation.


I posted above where LK admitted to doxxing us. A screen shot. Highlighted.

Oh and I don’t believe you.


Interesting. And yet, LK kept the assault going.

BTW, how do you know what the SS report says? How about the CPS report?


FWIW, I looked up LK’s status on USEF because the question was asked if she was a professional. USEF is the source for finding that info out. It’s not stalking to look up someone’s status as to whether or not they are amateur or professional and it is public information.


My point about GJ’s law enforcement relative is that when he rolled his eyes about some nasty fight between two women ON FACEBOOK…GJ…after being asked by MHG and MB to revisit an argument from years earlier…tried to contact Donald Trump on Twitter.

But, too be clear, Eggbutt…the master of misinformation…claims GJ was so desperate about a FB argument with LK that she tried to get Trump involved.
Unfortunately for Eggbutt, her timeline is off by over 2 years. The FB argument LK had with GJ was over and done since 2017. GJ only reached out to Trump on twitter when MHG and MB asked her to cause trouble.

And another thing for the record…GJ has posted…and you can bet you life the prosecutor has this…“as horrible as my fight with LK was…and as much as I hate her…, of course it would never enter my mind to shoot her.”

As for your next question as to why I’ve seen the SS transcript of LK’s call…I’ve seen a tremendous amount of evidence from both sides.
Some people think I’m just making stuff up…good luck to those people.

But I always get the biggest laugh from SDEL…When posters say IM has always provided information about what’s coming next and is an excellent source SDEL tries to refute that by saying "well IM said there was no video working at the residence when the attempted murder occurred and RG told the police it’s all on video…so therefore, IM doesn’t know everything.

OK SDEL…you go with that. I know what I know from a careful examination of people and evidence…RG had just received the video equipment 48 hours earlier and they intended to use it only when they were absent from the residence. When MB tried to shoot him in the brain and LK was bleeding to death he can certainly be forgiven for not remembering whether the video was on or off.

In any event, if SDEL thinks I’m an unreliable source she should continue to get her information from Eggbutt or KM or some of our other great “theorists.”


No…of course, that alone is not stalking. It’s the thousands of other things combined that makes it stalking.


Fascinating. How strange the prosecutor would share evidence with just anyone. But it is Morris County after all. They seem to have an affinity toward the Kanarek family. Of course I am simply surmising.


So what are the “thousands of other things” that I’ve done that makes it stalking? Please enlighten me with proof?


The exact ripeness of the avocados is the difference. An avocado that is two days past peak ripeness tastes vile.


They all taste vile.

Might be a little bit if a texture thing too.


No, no, no. Perhaps you just can’t get perfectly ripe and not overripe avocados in Europe.

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I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that FB would have allowed such vile, disgusting posts to remain visible. Fascinating and disturbing.

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Yeah…you surmise that MB borrowed RC’s gun after he asked her to get up to NJ asap with her weapon, drove down to the residence in a fit of anger a few days later after CPS questioned him…and then was attacked by LK and/or RG and had to try to kill them in self defense.

Yeah…and OJ killed Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman in self defense!

Keep surmising!


My surmising is different than this.


Yes, must be it. Only overripe avocados in Europe. Ripe ones aren’t allowed. Thems the rules.


You’re not the stalker!

My response was in answer to your post asking whether it was stalking to look up someone’s status. Of course not!

I was referring to those who have looked up everything that exists about LK and then tried to use that information to justify the acts of a would be murderer.


Nice try at being clever.


Let’s see what the jury hears and believes, mkay?

As I’ve said many times I don’t believe the Kanarek/Godwin version of events. As you’ve said previously if there was a video of MB murdering two people I wouldn’t believe it…but there isn’t is there? But, why do you even care what I, or any others, believe? You seem to have all the answers.