Barisone Trial This Month

I’ve told everybody I want to retire and buy a broke reiner to ride in my old age. Dressage is for the birds :sweat_smile:


I can only imagine this is RC’s attorney…


Um, I simply pointed out the lack of SS completion on the screenshot someone else posted. I really hate to burst your attention bubble, but I don’t search for info on you, you provide all the data anyone needs if they are interested. Mkay?


It’s like one ironic post after another from the very same person who stated she researched (doxxed) our posts on COTH to learn about us.


For the record, that is NOT what caused all the trauma for GJ.


Agreed! I have so many horses that I’d like to ride if ever given the chance (and I’m not condoning the shoeing/training practices here, I just want to know “what does that feel like to ride”).

A kickass cutter is on the list.

So is a saddlebred/DHH/etc. in stacks, with that neck upright in your lap and the saddle pretty much on their kidneys.

And, shoot me for saying it, I want to know what riding a big lick TWH feels like. I’ll never find out because I don’t put myself around those types of people, but DANG does that have to feel weird to sit.

And a pasofino. tickitytickitytickitytickity looks like so much fun.

And one of those speed racking horses that get ridden down the side of the road. neeerrrrmmmm and the guy is just sitting up there drinking a beer.

So many disciplines outside my wheelhouse, and they’re all interesting in one way or another!


Funny story about cutting. The Oldenburg stallion licensing event in Germany usually brings in folks/horses from other horse disciplines as part of the entertainment. IIRC, they’ve had vaulting demonstrations, carriage driving, pony races, liberty demonstrations, etc. They have also brought in reiners and cutters. Some years back, they had a cutter there and used people as the “cows”. After the cutting dude did his thing, they put a “volunteer” on the horse - Paul Schockemoehle’s general manager, Joseph Klaphake. It was hilarious to watch - even holding onto the saddle horn, he came close to coming off a few times. The look of surprise on his face when the horse made his moves was classic. Good fun!

And yes, I know this is off topic. :slight_smile:

And edited because I mistakenly typed “reining” in my first sentence instead of “cutting.” :upside_down_face:


Indeed, going back to 2013 in my case to find two totally benign posts of mine. She was so desperate to determine who I am that she called in the owner of a broken phone to help in her quest. Fascinating since she has been bashing me on Facebook for many years and has always eventually asked every dressage person she meets if they know me…word does get back. Sort of obsessed I would say. Talk about bored!


Oh my bad… perhaps it was - how did RND put it - an exaggeration.


Be honest EB


Excuse me???

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@OntheFnce first posted it.


Read again if you are confused. Don’t pretend you don’t search for info on LK. How do you know all about 48hrs…and alllll the other stuff about her. What about all the searching done on this forum alone.

It’s one thing to have your stance, its another to pretend you don’t cyber stalk LK to the ends of the earth.


It makes me giggle that in cutting horses, dropping the shoulder and diving in some random direction is bred for and a positive. The rest of us call it something dirty. Now when my horse dives and spooks I am going to discuss with her if she has any cutting horses in her genetics.

@eggbutt has posted many times that LK is blocked on all social media and has been for a very long time.
And please tell me why you find it surprising that people know about 48hours? Even LK has mentioned it.


And another question for Eggbutt (who doesn’t stalk LK)…why would you be talking to GJ about LK? LK has never met GJ and hasn’t communicated with her in 5 years. What sinister reason would you have to be speaking to a FB foe of LK who has nothing to do with equestrian?

You do know, Eggbutt, that GJ has a family member who is a high ranking police officer in her town? Guess he wasn’t as interested as you?

You do know, Eggbutt, that MHG trolled LK’s Facebook page to find enemies of LK and then reached out to people LK hadn’t spoken to in years in order to encourage these non-equestrians to make a SafeSport complaint about LK.
You do know, Eggbutt, assuming you’ve taken a SafeSport refresher recently, that “weaponizing” SafeSport by seeking out and encouraging random individuals to make complaints is a safeSport violation.

So…for Eggbutt and others who are horrified that LK made a call to SafeSport to complain about MB…you can be assured that her call was reactive and defensive in nature.

And…for the record…there is a transcript of LK’s call to SafeSport. She was asked whether MB was being abusive toward the children. She answered clearly…“not that I’ve ever seen.”


How naive you are.

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Talk about stalking- how do YOU know GJ has a high ranking cop relative in her town, hmmm?


For a very smart person you seem to miss what could also be very simple and obvious answers to some questions.

You and LK like to tell us over and over again how easy it is/was to figure out who @eggbutt is. The trial is coming. I can totally see GJ reaching out to people who provided support before.
That would be my first thought. I tend not to jump down the convoluted conspiracy hole without a tad bit more evidence than two people you do not like have talked to each other.

What is your point about GJ’s relative?

How do you know what is in the transcript of the SS report?


Thank y’all for the compliments on my bronze!

Cutting was my chosen sport for many years, and I can tell you this- it is downright addictive! A well trained, well broke cutter is a joy to ride.

I had one who would crawl through the dirt to get to a cow, but when we walked out of the show pen, you could put your grandmother on him and he would take care of her all day long!

If you ever get the chance to ride a cutter, please do it! I used to say I would sell my soul for one more cut because it felt so good.

Many people don’t realize cutting is a very mental sport. While some on here have talk about mental chess and being 10 steps ahead, you should try it in a horse, with no use of your hands and 30 head of cattle in a pen, plus the pressure of knowing you paid approximately $400 just for your 2 1/2 minutes of showing time! Whew!

Needless to say, not much rattles me anymore!


Bold = my comments