Barisone Trial This Month

I think there is zero possibility that either SW of GJ will be called as witnesses.


I think GJ is a strong possibility of being called being she was victimized.


There are posts of GJ, some still on Dressage Hub site, many that she made here(they were removed and she was banned due to the content, but probably copies were kept somewhere). While certainly they reflect very poorly on LK, these obscene comments made by GJ (due to the language cannot be repeated here) if presented in court would make her a horrible witness for the defense and prove nothing except two woman willingly got in a heated and disgusting argument online about who was the hottest chick. She would be destroyed on the stand in minutes.
To anyone here that keeps bringing her name up, how about leaving GJ alone? LK has. You have made your point, LK is capable
of saying horrible things online and has gone very low in doing so, you have no argument on that point. However, you are not doing GJ any favors by continuing to bring her into this mess.


Lots of things people do are strange to me.
In this particular situation sending a letter to the government for help sounds less strange and more desperation for help. Someone who is being harassed to the point that they want someone, anyone, to help them.
As we have seen in this (the MB situation), it is not like the local police jump to help people from the harassment from LK and clan. Add that not everyone has the means to hire a top 10 global firm to sue everyone who does not agree with their every word, so those people may reach out to places that seem just plain weird to others looking in from the outside.

OMFG, that sounds so good. Chip and dip combo for dinner.
I find that I either like or totally do not like guacamole. I have no idea what makes some brands/restaurants guacamole yummy and others taste horribleā€¦ but there is clearly something.


I donā€™t see how SW would have any relevance unless she had direct contact with MB before the altercation that could have contributed to his mental state.

If GJ did have direct contact with him beforehand and could testify to her interaction with him regarding his mental state, that might be relevant, depending on exactly what happened between them.

Time will tell what the defense has in mind.


Well, in this case, it seems less strange than with any other president, since that one seemed much more likely to respond to any random shiny object that happened to catch his attention. Did she try Twitter? His attention span probably would not have lasted long enough for a letter.


And didnā€™t she say MB ripped them out?
Perhaps when realizing they needed replacement?
Or when/if he learned someone hired to correctly put them in, had in fact put them in all wrong?



As I see it, her contacting trump kinda underscores the her vulnerability to harm, which may have been exacerbated and preyed upon by those who do this for sport.


Just want to confirm I am reading your post correctly.
BI - building inspector?
FM - Fire marshal?



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I will say I pity the fool who jumps onto these threads late and tries to figure out who all the initials are. I can hardly keep track sometimes.

ETA: ā€œI pity the foolā€ is a throwback humorous phrase from Mr. T, for those who are unfamiliar. No offense intended to anyone who does not recognize all the initials. Lol.


@TwiSedai but refried beans are da bomb! We have the best ones at a local Mexican restaurant near us, and I want those mothers served at my funeral! And the main course will be beef brisket from a local BBQ joint!


@cutter99, what is that cool looking photo in your avatar? It is new. I just noticed it.

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That is an NCHA Bronze that I earned over 20 years ago. I changed my avatar to that as I was accused of cutting people up due to my name here. Funny though, because I have been on here for well over a decade, and no one ever questioned my user name. I guess some have never been exposed to cutting horses!


Oh wow! Such a lovely statue to remember your accomplishment.


Iā€™ve NEVER ridden a cutting horse, but have been around horses in many countries for decades, and when I saw that -ooooo, youā€™re threatening, arenā€™t you?- type comment I giggled. I canā€™t believe anyone on an equestrian forum would not relate your online name to your chosen horse sport. Fabulous looking trophy!


I had never really encountered cutting before a friend of mine started doing it. But I had certainly heard that it existed and that is what I assumed Cutterā€™s screen name referenced.

My friend says riding a cutting horse is one of the hardest things she has ever done. I canā€™t imagine how you stay on.


I had the privilege of learning to sort cattle on a cutting bred mare. I was terrible. She was a treasure and such a fun little handy horse. She did her job despite my total lack of ability and I had a blast. And yes, I almost lost my butt when she dropped her front end and twisted to keep that steer where she wanted him. So quick but soooo much fun. In my next life, Iā€™m ditching the tall boots and going west.


Very cool!

I donā€™t know anything about cutting horses, but I think itā€™s interesting to see the videos of the babies who already have the instincts in them right from the start.


Iā€™ve never ridden a horse actually trained for cutting, but I did ride a cutting bred horse with a TON of cow sense and when he would drop and turn, it was so much fun. Also got to ride a previous world champion reiner, his spins were so fun to ride. I wish I had enough money to own a horse for every discipline.