Barisone Trial This Month

This shows you responded to @Sdel who was responding to SierraMist.

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Yep, way too many obtuse posters today.


I made it clear I may have remembered incorrectly. And no thanks, not going back to read all those threads again. Once is enough for me. I’m sure you and the folks who have plenty of time, and the interest to do so, will no doubt copy and paste and keep rehashing everything that has been said the last 2 1/2 years.


Yes - that’s exactly what I intended to do. If you aren’t curious enough to read back about two posts to figure out why I did that and make sense of it yourself, you don’t need to attack me for your lack of intellectual curiosity.

If you don’t understand something that I have written, ask me for clarification instead of attacking me. I will be happy to do my best to clear it up.


Your posts are extremely clear. They’re just harassing you.


You mean the SAME barn they both lived in/above for FOUR years together while his wife, VK lived in the farmhouse, on the same floor mb offered to US after VK finally had enough and vacated? The same barn they continued to live in for the entire first year we were there? (Plus the previous 4 years prior to our arrival?) That barn??? Bc there isn’t any other. It was ONLY AFTER the pipes burst in January 2019 that mb declared the house (house) “unlivable,” that he & SO moved IN. And, in doing so, they displaced every member of the staff who previously lived in the basement OF THE HOUSE with their own rooms and kitchenette - which mb declared “unlivable,” - yet not “unlivable,” ENOUGH for he and SO to not live in themselves. I said I’d leave - no problemo- if he could no longer house me. HE SAID “no, no, no…… stay! Take JH’s upstairs apartment bc that has not been affected by the pipe bursting.” WE didn’t want that without MBs ASSURANCES that JH would not be without housing !!! Mb clearly said “JH will always have housing and he will be fine switching to the barn….like everyone else. YOU AND RG go ahead and take the apartment and I will take care of everyone & everything else.”

I’d ask you WTH you are even talking about…… but it is beyond obvious from your post that even YOU don’t know WTH you’re talking about. Don’t worry. You are not alone. But at least have the basic facts right before you begin to “opine.”

It is no one’s fault but Michaels for promising things to EVERYONE which he had zero intention of keeping. Either way, if I were a staff member, happily living in a basement with my own room and other girls as roommates with THEIR own rooms and a shared kitchen for YEARS, and that was taken away by my boss and his gf…. but a client was given the upstairs apartment of ANOTHER staff member who was also …. sent to live in the barn somewhere, I might unfairly blame the client to avoid blaming the person who MADE THAT DECISION!!! My boss & his SO. Bc…… the client can’t fire me for complaining. But my boss sure CAN.

And, FTR- mb WABTED TO LIVE IN THE BARN. That’s why he did so for the whole 4 years that VK still lived on the property - but in the house. He ONLY went to the house to live AFTER the “accidental,” pipe burst issue. And guess what? His Living in the house WAS NOT HIS IDEA!!! Get it??? Probably not. Forgot who I was talking to.

Carry on. In whatever uninformed fashion you choose. Bye now!


I would be shocked if GJ is called as a witness. I also don’t think she would be a useful witness for the defense.


So you give vague feedback accusing me of being vague, and then when I provide specific examples where I was not vague, you provide the vague reply of “Alrighty then”. Can you grow some balls and provide specific feedback to specific posts, which is what I requested from the very beginning?


Thank you, but no one with even a shred of self dignity would continue to pretend to not understand my posts in order to simply harass me.



ETA my goodness, that post was heavily edited, lol.


QFP and wow. You might want to check out Dale Carnegie’s famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People.


You cannot be serious. You realize the second I decide I want to enter a show, I’ll be online that second to complete my “annual refresher” like I’ve done each and every year thus far, print out my completed training card, (again, like each previous year) and attach it or upload it with my entry, right? It’s literally THAT simple.

And for those who asked, yes, anyone competing at recognized USEF shows must complete the training prior to competing. It shows on the system the minute it’s complete. But, it always helps to the print the card of 2022 completion (and email it to USEF & SS for faster online updates) just incase the show manager isn’t aware it’s been done.

Eggbutt (as usual) fails to realize no one HAS to take the training - unless they plan to compete at a USEF or FEI rated show. That said, I almost never complete the training until a few weeks prior to my first competition of that year. In short, I’ll get around to it when I get around to it. Why Eggbutt is stalking whether or not my SS 2022 training is complete is beyond creepy and bizarrely stalkerish. But moreover, meaningless. No surprise really……




I ordered this chips and dip combo tonight, that came with salsa, refried beans…and guacamole. Felt appropriate while catching up on this thread.

Also discovered I don’t really like guacamole.




Just to clarify…LK has stated multiple times already that she has people she knows and family on the board sending her screen shots of what is being said, even group zoom calls discussing our postings. So…there is that.


I don’t like guacamole either.

I want to like avocados, I really do, but I just can’t do it!


I loathe quacamole and since avocado is lethal to a bunch of different species I won’t eat that either LOL


Do you think there’s any chance SW from DH will be called to the trial at all? I remember her happily saying on DH to her roughly 60,000 readers/followers that she wished MB had killed LK, and the DH page has gone relatively quiet recently in the run up to the trial. There’s clearly some kind of history between SW and LK, might she be called as a witness to events in the lead up to the shooting?

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Personally I don’t see the value in it especially since SW is so controversial herself.