Barisone Trial This Month

Whoa that’s a lot of crazy! All of that makes it sound like a defense attorney would keep her far, far away from the trial, but we could all be really surprised by everything that happens since we really don’t have very many facts at all.

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Well, as far as what has been said about GJ’s mental stability, all I will say is consider the messenger.

I spoke with GJ three times after she posted on the first threads. She reached out to me. I heard a normal, intelligent woman who had been horrendously hurt emotionally by a total stranger. The harassment went on for an extended period of time. She did send a letter to trump and his Justice Dept trying to find a way to stop the harassment.

It is my understanding MB reached out to several people he knew had been targets of LK’s behavior. GJ was one he spoke with and I believe two people in NC as well as others elsewhere. He apparently was looking for advice on how to handle her attacks at the Farm.


I imagine what he wants is the texts from LK that GJ can provide. Those were not pretty and I wonder how much those exchanges have permanently affected her mental state. Wonder if there will be testimony about that as well……


But how does this help the defense explain that MB shot LK in self defense because he was insane?

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If you are talking about the messages I have seen, yes, they were despicable in a way I didn’t know was possible. I’m still not convinced that GJ’s experience with LK is going to help MB prove that he shot her in self defense because he was insane.

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It all helps to show deterioration of his mental state by a person experienced in harassing people.

I feel positive the defense has a very strong case, VERY strong case, or they wouldn’t have gambled away the plea deal. Remember, the defense has said absolutely nothing publicly as far as clues for 2 1/2 years other than the civil briefs.


I didn’t say insane…I said mental state. Insanity AND fear are both mental states.


Kinda seems a stretch to say a normal, intelligent woman would be sending letters to Trump and the Justice Department to complain about someone harassing her on Facebook. So were you the one who encouraged her during your conversations to contact Trump?


Ok…obviously threatened by the idea of GJ testifying.


I am not a lawyer, but I’m just not convinced that GJ’s abuse by LK will give MB the right to shoot her. I really think MB is going to need evidence from those who were near him leading up to the shooting to prove that his mental state had deteriorated to the point of insanity, which would feed into his psychiatrist’s evaluation that I assume he will present at the trial confirming his status as insane at the time of the shooting. The self defense strategy is a real head scratcher since we have no evidence of that being possible - this is the one I am the most curious about and I really can’t wait to see what the defense has up their sleeve on this one because it will be something that they have successfully kept a total secret for almost three years.


OMG! You really don’t deserve a response. She contacted trump in 2017 I believe. Hate to break it to you, I didn’t know her before Sept. 2019.

As far as her contacting trump…I won’t judge what someone in her position might do to stop the harassment. I’ve never walked in her shoes thankfully. Those horrendous posts weren’t on FB, by the way, they were text messages. Perhaps you should go back to the 1st thread and refresh yourself.


Sorry, I used the word “insane” because one of MB’s pleas is insanity.

Um no…he’s pleading both. You can’t have self defense without fear. That you only focus on insanity shows your bias.


If you’re referring to me, I couldn’t care less if GJ testifies. Just my opinion that it would do nothing but introduce another level of crazy to this trial.


Jesus Christ - I apologized for misspeaking AND I said right there that ONE of his pleas was insanity. That says that I know that there is at least one other plea that is NOT insanity. You don’t always have to look for a fight.


You do realize that your posts read as much closer than your average bear.


Well this post makes me sorry that I wasted my time responding to Sdel’s post to me. That’s 3 minutes of my life I’m never getting back.

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Was she responding to you?


Did I say she was? (Hint: No, I did not. If you go back and read both her post and my post again, you should be able to figure that out for yourself instead of having to ask me who she was addressing)

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Maybe it would be a nice time for everybody to take a breath and call it quits on the BB for tonight. Tomorrow’s another day.