Barisone Trial This Month

I didn’t assume anything. It was perfectly clear from what hut-ho wrote that s/he didn’t understand what I wrote.

Done with you, as well.


Does this mean you aren’t going to provide me with feedback on my incomprehensible posts?

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No, there is no required date for SS training. You only must take it before competing. Then the annual refresher course is to be done by the anniversary date of your last refresher (for example, mine is sometime in August).


oh! that makes sense thank you!

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Thank you! very helpful - didn’t know about this…


thank you, but I can’t get on the page. I will look it up and also ask my trainer. thank you both for taking the time to explain


It’s not really that your posts are incomprehensible, it’s just that when asked a direct question, your answers/explanations are vague enough to give you enough room to climb out on either side of the moat, if you know what I mean.
I’m not giving direct quotes, but it reads something like this …
Q: “Do you think she lied?”
A: “I believe that sometimes people exaggerate”
In any case, I’ve got no dog in this fight, but if your question is sincere, and you’re wondering what doesn’t ring true about what you write, it’s that you’re straddling. :woman_shrugging:t2:


What is it with certain posters here not being able to admit they are, or even might possibly maybe be wrong, and not being able to acknowledge when they are applying different rules to others than they are applying to themselves? Human beings have an inherent tendency to be wrong, especially when they are passionate about something. There is nothing wrong with being wrong; this is how we learn what is right.

I have shown a lot of frustration in this thread over the last few days (and longer), but I have also admitted that I was wrong, apologized to others, and asked for feedback where I might be confusing people in an effort to smooth over some rough edges that I have helped to create. Interestingly, I have received many responses to my antagonistic posts, but I have received no responses at all to the few offering-the-olive-branch posts I have posted here.

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But I never said “I believe sometimes people exaggerate”. Yes, I know you weren’t quoting me, but I specifically said that I think LK has tried to the best of her ability to tell the truth as she remembers it on the day that she was shot, and that it is understandable that she might not be able to remember every little detail so she might be wrong about some things, and I also said that I believe she has exaggerated on social media in an effort to purposely create drama and get attention. How is that vague or straddling? I mean, all of us who aren’t LK are straddling when we guess at what happened. Why am I any different than anyone else here just because I might have a different viewpoint?

Do you not believe that people can sometimes lie and sometimes tell the truth?

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You know, there hasn’t been a lot of speculation about what witnesses the defense will call. I remember there was a lot of previous back and forth about if GJ would be a witness.

So, I wonder, will we really hear from GJ? I have always thought that her potential testimony would not really just be about LK, but would be used to establish MB’s state of mind. If there was a pattern of behavior that GJ told MB about, I think that would be relevant to the development of his level of fear prior to the shooting.

I think we only ever heard the very tip of the ice burg there.


Gotcha. Thank you


To me, that translates into, “Yeah, she lied to create drama.”

And I’m not faulting you for not wanting to say that outright, I’m just trying to explain that that’s what the issue is.

Edited to add that quote was not Eggbuts, but RND’s. (Sorry, I’m bad at all this)


You are correct, that is what I have been saying. I used the word “exaggerate” instead of “lie” because I do believe that at the time, she felt something was amiss and not normal. I don’t think it ever occurred to her then that MB would shoot her. So I believe that she exaggerated in that she made the situation seem more dire than she really felt it was in order to get attention and create drama. If I believed that everything at the barn had been totally peaceful and that she was completely, 100% out of the blue making up that she felt unsafe, I would have called that an outright lie. So yes, by my using the word “exaggerate”, I mean that she was not telling the truth, and if I had used the word “lie”, I would also have meant that she was not telling the truth. When one accuses someone of exaggerating, one is saying that the person is not telling the truth. Exaggerations are not truth. Lies are not truth either. My apologies for not being more clear.


I would think for sure GJ will be called. She can show the patterns of behavior that are trademark LK and testify what she told MB when they talked. Certainly she will be able to testify what MB’s state of mind was.


I had no idea that GJ was in close contact with MB around the time of the shooting. What was their relationship and how long did she know him?

Alrighty then. :blush:

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I wonder if any of the posts from any of these threads will be introduced? I’m particularly meaning LK’s posts. She really is her own worst enemy.

Come to think of it, posts not just from these threads but FB as well, including from her page and comments on The Chronicle of the Horse FB page.


Well, she’s already sworn to posting on here and other SM. They’ll have a hard time arguing it isn’t her.


I guess other defense witnesses will probably include the BI & FM to clarify the code violations and the eviction. My guess is they posted both an eviction notice and a stop work order. I looked up building codes a while back. It looked to me that faulty fire alarms would cause the entire building to be condemned until it was fixed. LK insisted RG fixed the hard wired fire alarms….but since he isn’t a licensed electrician in NJ, I suspect that probably wouldn’t really be acceptable to code enforcement.


I may not be remembering correctly, but I believe GJ was put in touch with MB by someone a few days before the shooting, and she told him that LK had harassed her. Could it be possible that GJ helped to incite the contentious situation at the farm? After the shooting, I recall she was banned from COTH, that she called several reporters and they all discarded the things she was saying and would not talk with her. I believe I remember several people saying she had mental issues. And that she made a few attempts to talk to the President of the US about LK. I don’t believe she would be a very credible witness.