Barisone Trial This Month

By all means, everyone here is free to show me with examples where my grammar, syntax, or content made it impossible to understand what I was trying to say. I author documents that are sent out to hundreds of countries across the globe for their review and I rarely get questions, but if I am not being clear on this forum I am open to feedback. Since you brought it up, maybe you could start by picking some of my posts that are not written clearly. I look forward to your response and thank you for bringing this up!

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Interesting, I wonder how up to date that is?
So she is or was overdue for the annual safe sport review USEF members are required to do which means she can be on show grounds, but can not compete.

And is it due at the same time for everyone, say January 1st, or after 365 days depending on when the member completed it last?


Thank you - but I donā€™t understand what this meansā€¦ did she break a rule so she needs to go for training ? but she is allowed to compete? happily I donā€™t have to deal with these thingsā€¦

Gaslighting much? Your words-

ā€œIt might even be a consequence.ā€

MB is responsible for shooting her. Whether he is criminally responsible in a court of law or is innocent by insanity or self defense we are waiting to hear. Proof your own words.


you assume that he is responsible.
Oh, the one and only account of a guy who isnā€™t a reliable witness either. Nor uninvolved in the escalation beforehand.

Interesting, for sure.


All adults who compete at USEF competitions are required to complete SafeSport training once a year. I assume trainers are required to take it too but donā€™t quote me on that. Last I heard, juniors were not required to take it, but maybe that has changed. Anyone who is not current on the training cannot compete at a USEF competition. No one breaks any rules by not completing the training - many people who are members of USEF donā€™t compete, so it doesnā€™t matter for them if they have or have not completed SafeSport training. If someone who has not done the training decides she wants to compete at a USEF competition, she can complete the training online (I believe through the USEF website but not totally sure). I donā€™t know how long it takes after you have completed the training for your profile on the USEF website to show that you have completed it, but I would expect it wouldnā€™t be long. My understanding is that the training is free to anyone who wants to take it.


Clearly, you failed grasp the meaning of what I wrote. Let me be very clear for you: perhaps LKā€™s behavior was a major factor in the leadup to the shooting. Is that so hard for you to accept? Or are you determined to believe that she was a perfectly lovely boarder/client, never bring drama or angst into the relationship, and then out of the blue, for no reason, MB went off his rocker and shot her?

Also, do you know what gaslighting is? I donā€™t think so.

Iā€™m done interacting with you.


Funny that you blame the reader and not the writer - arenā€™t you the one who mentioned the importance of writing for comprehension?

Iā€™m still looking forward to your reviews on my incomprehensible posts!

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The USEF system is updated every 24 hours, so that is current info.


Thank you! So interesting. I donā€™t compete but good to know as I have been mulling it over. Does it need to be at a certain level in order to compete in which you need to do the training?

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Was there something unclear about what I wrote? Please tell me what you are not able to comprehend and I will simplify it for you.


Iā€™m not sure what you mean by levels - I think this is a dressage thing which I know nothing about - but my understanding is that all Olympic disciplines are included in the SafeSport requirement. If you think you will need to take the training, I would suggest checking out the USEF website. You will find accurate information there rather than me guessing based on what I have heard through the grapevine.

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9 PM and we are well down the rabbit hole again. Tonight the topic is reading comprehension. Yaā€™ll have fun.


Thank you. I will ask my trainerā€¦. So interesting. I didnā€™t realize SS training was required to compete. I might have misunderstood something. Probably I donā€™t have enough infoā€¦. Thank you.


Itā€™s due 365 days after you complete the last one. It only takes about half an hour to do the annual refresher once youā€™ve completed the initial training course.


Did they select the jury pool or are they still interviewing them? The last I remember, they had 50. Do they need more to choose from for the trial jury?


All USEF members must take the online SS training annually before 1/1. This training is required for all competitors and trainers/coaches. It is recommended for ALL USEF members to be sure they have been exposed to the latest and greatest SS changes.


Omg. You accused hut-ho78 of not understanding your post. When I accused people of not understanding my posts, you indicated that the problem might be with me, the writer, and not the readers. And yet here you are, assuming that hut-ho78 not comprehending your post is a problem with the reader (hut-ho78) and not the writer (YOU).

I was pointing out the hypocrisy of your post to hut-ho78, in that you accused ME (the writer) of writing incomprehensibly when others (the readers) misunderstood, but when YOU were the one who is misunderstood, you blame the reader, instead of looking to yourself (the writer) for the cause of the misunderstanding.

Never did I even imply that I didnā€™t understand your post. Read my post again and that should become clear.

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get ready to start a relevant one once things get underway! This one has no prospect pf a prolonged life! :rofl: