Barisone Trial This Month

The old she deserved to be shot angle. Blame the victim. Does that make you feel safer?


According to her USEF record, she hasnā€™t competed since October 2020.


Safer from what??? How many thousand times does it take for you people to see no one has said anyone deserved to be shot. By the same token no one has deserved the harassment and threats from LK either!


And THIS again. Two years worth of haranguing other posters that they are all blaming the victim, thought she deserved it, had it coming etc. etc. etc. That got tiresome a long time ago.

The same sad song, sung off key - over and over and over again. Does it make you feel safer?

As I said in my previous post, unless you are someone who is constantly praising LK and finding all sorts of reasons/explanations/conspiracies as to why she did or did not do somethingā€¦ then you are suspect. You think she deserved to be shot. You are an MB fangirl. You must be out to get her because you knew her in some way before the shooting.

No. No. No. And no.

Exactly right.

And that is what MOST of us in these threads want to do - but need to wade through all the accusations of fangirls etc.


Oh Iā€™m sorry; did you not see this?

Where I admitted I could have been wrong and apologized to you?

And then I added this:

Where I said that I donā€™t believe LK is honest all the time? For crying out loud it would be really nice if people would stop blaming me for their inability to follow what is going on here.

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You need to be more careful, some posters here, ahem, would read this

ā€¦and take is far less gracefully than I did.


So you are now saying you believe she lies on SM. My question then is how to you chose what is a lie and what is a fact? Were the posts on FB indicating her fear and all the other veiled pleas for outside help lies? Or were they simply attention seeking inflammatory posts?


Your words -

ā€œI donā€™t think she lies all the time, and I think she attempts to tell the truth as best she can in her accounts of what happened the day of the shooting. I myself believe her social media posts were most likely written to create drama and get attention more than they were an effort to convey honesty and facts.ā€

So you donā€™t think she lies, then you say she does, then you flip again sayinf that she makes an effort to convey honesty and facts. WOW!


I have no idea what you are talking about but Iā€™m not scared of anyone on social media, so whoever wants to bring it is free to do so.

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RND has lost the minute shred of credibility they had IMO. Hopefully, I will resist responding to their confusing posts and simply cruise on by in the future.


I guess I need to start writing at the kindergarten level. Here is what I said:

  1. I donā€™t think she lies all the time. Hint: this means that I think she lies some of the time, but some of the time she does not lie.

  2. I said that I think she attempts to tell the truth as she remembers it regarding the day she was shot. Hint: this means that I understand that what she says may not be accurate, but it is as far as she can remember what happened on a day that was probably more than a little stressful for her.

  3. I said that I believe her social media posts were most likely written to create drama and get attention more than they were an effort to convey honesty and facts. Hint: the phrase more than in that sentence indicates that I think she was trying to exaggerate and create drama and get attention instead of actually trying to be truthful and accurate.

In summary:

  1. I donā€™t think LK always tells the truth
  2. I donā€™t think itā€™s possible for someone who was traumatized like she was to be able to accurately remember every single fact from the day she was shot twice in the chest even though she might want to or think she is
  3. I think she likes to create drama as a way to get attention on social media

None of this contradicts anything I have ever said in the past, no matter how much you all want to create a gotcha moment involving me. I am also not stating any of this as fact, which is indicated by the phrases ā€œI thinkā€ or ā€œI believeā€ before I state my opinions.

I hope this helps.




Again, how can you recognize when she is lying and when you think she is being honest? THATā€™S what weā€™re confused about.


Being rude doesnā€™t help your cause.


I already told you I donā€™t know, and that I am speculating, just like everyone on these threads has been doing for two and a half years. That I am speculating should be easily recognizable by the fact that I use the phrases ā€œI thinkā€ and ā€œI believeā€ prior to stating my opinion. I actually stated this in the second to last sentence of my post that you quoted - are you responding to me without reading what I am writing? (I kind of hope the answer to that question is yes)

Being rude doesnā€™t help, youā€™re right about that. I think itā€™s pretty rude for people to keep replying to my posts without reading for comprehension, and accusing me of saying things that I absolutely have not said. My posts are not written in some kind of hard to understand code and Iā€™m not using any big, pretentious words.

Iā€™m asking this honestly: is it really not clear when someone begins a sentence with the phrase ā€œI believeā€ or ā€œI thinkā€, that the rest of that sentence is an opinion and not a fact? If the honest answer is yes, I will keep that in mind when I post from now on.


EXCUSE ME, CAN YOU NOT READ? I wrote ā€œwhich no one deserves.ā€

And really, safer from what, exactly? You are a real piece of work.


sorry, what SS training, I missed somethingā€¦ Thank you!

It helps when people write for comprehension, donā€™t you think?


USEF required Safe Sport review every year.