Barisone Trial This Month

No, she isn’t.


It’s possible to discuss what happened without bashing either party or each other.

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Interesting that she hasn’t completed her SS retraining. She must not be planning on showing in the near future.


I think it depends on how much danger you really believe is present.

Years ago, I was at a barn where a trainer abused one of our group’s horses. When it became clear she thought there was nothing wrong with her behavior, we as a group found someone who could take us temporarily, and we moved 14 horses within 3 days. And this was in the middle of Los Angeles, where there weren’t a lot of open barns. We made it happen because we needed to.


My apologies if you have implied that LK doesn’t lie all the time - most here do think she lies all the time and have said so many, many times over the years. I don’t think she lies all the time, and I think she attempts to tell the truth as best she can in her accounts of what happened the day of the shooting. I myself believe her social media posts were most likely written to create drama and get attention more than they were an effort to convey honesty and facts. I think a whole lot of people use social media in that way.

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My experience from this Board says otherwise and includes multiple lies.


In other words, lying.


I have an in law who lies frequently. When I asked her she said that she said whatever was easiest at the time.

One reason I follow this thread is a weird fascination about what we missed when relation moved on.


Yes, that’s lying.
Or Alternate Facts. :roll_eyes:
Which now RND has agreed RND believes LK does.


Which still doesn’t explain thousands of posts bashing a woman who was shot twice.

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Too easy…


Yes, especially in your case. The never ending clinging to a story that looks weaker and weaker. The fb post shows two Walthers. The threat of the lawsuit has you so scared that LK said you were responding with “boring” and “yawn.” Baiting. Triggering.

For what reason? You say you don’t know her. You said you hadn’t done anything to her to start it but that didn’t turn out to be true. Over 2 years of this.

Oh, please. Being shot twice (which no one deserves) is not a free pass for previous (or future) terrible behavior. It might even be a consequence.


Yes, that’s what I said. I’m not the one who implied that her social media posts were honest or true; Angela_Freda implied that she believed they could be. I said that I did not think her social media posts where honest:

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You seem irked.

I remind you that you are free to put me on ignore. I will NEVER obey a command from you.

Also, had no message been sent, none would be mentioned.


What do you mean by now I agree and believe? When did I ever say that I believe LK always tells the truth?

To be fair, I’m sure she’s probably more focused on the trial.


Maybe. She has so much free time I would think completing that task would take mere minutes from her busy schedule.

Tell me, what did she have to do to prepare for the trial? All of her devices had been taken by the police, her story had been told corroborating what RG had said from the beginning. I doubt the prosecutor needed her for anything. I wonder if he ever considered revising the charges once he began reviewing the documents and available evidence. IM has eluded they have been closely involved with all the attorneys, so why would they need LK? For the life of me I can’t comprehend the defense attorneys providing any information to IM.


Or renovating her house in Lox?


This is what you wrote.

Then this

Regarding my comment

Note the “if”, and the lack of my ever implying or accusing anyone of lying all the time. :roll_eyes:
If is only fair to use wrt all parties involved since the truth is not yet or may never be fully known.

But I haven’t accused anyone of lying, and certainly not all the time.