Barisone Trial This Month

Because it tagged no one and as it appeared immediately under and right after my post it seemed a logical conclusion.

If you were not addressing me then state so here.


I was still addressing cutter. However, now we are conversing, once you let the forum know you had received PMs from LK, why do you keep repeating it? Also, had you given any thought that a shooting victim who had been trash talked while in a coma might be overly sensitive to comments that she owned and brought the weapon used to shoot her? When you responded back to her, did you explain you just noticed it and you were not implying it was her fault she got shot or did you respond defensively in return?


Why do I keep repeating it? Because I want to. Because it happened. Because it’s the truth. I thought you wanted the truth to prevail? I know I do. Always.

I did not do a psychological analysis of a stranger on the internet in order to determine a treatment plan and strategy.

I witnessed an event and stated what I witnessed.

I never said the weapon that caused her injury was absolutely her particular Ruger. Where would you get such a thing?

Personally if my loved one was involved in an event that became a topic of discussion on social media, I would do all I could to make sure they weren’t involved at all on social media in order to lessen any emotional or psychological upset.



Well no sh*t.


How did you get from “implying” to “absolutely”? In the middle of people trash talking her, did you actually mean to imply she brought the gun used to shoot her? Or just make a completely innocent comment of what you observed on social media?


I’ll leave it up to you to decide. You will anyway.

I’ve been perfectly clear and concise.


If I read KM’s post correctly, she thinks explaining her motivation is futile. This highlights the difficulty of discussing this case. No one can even speculate on what happened or may have happened or any theories without that speculation, in and of itself, being deemed ‘bashing’, ‘attacking’, ‘blaming’, etc. Anyone speculating is a ‘hater’, ‘MB fangirl’, ‘victim blamer’. This is true even for speculation that does not discuss LK or relate to her behaviour past or present.

While there have certainly been posts here that cast a very negative light on LK, and there have been reactions to those posts, even posts which speculate about timing, distance between house and barn, questions re: admissibility of evidence, etc., have routinely drawn responses from various posters ranging from public mockery and name calling (in the vein of: I bet you’re not even a lawyer, you’re nothing but a lowly clerk, you know nothing at all about the law, you’re nobody and MB always made fun of you/where you live, etc.), to attempted doxing, to private attempts at threats and control/bullying.

Within those private threatening and bullying PMs, the range has been from ‘you shouldn’t post in X thread or in X way’, to ‘your identity has been subpoenaed and disclosed’ to ‘you will be sued and your farm and horses taken from you’. PMs came from not only LK, but posters who self-identified as her supporters, whatever that means to them. To my knowledge, no one has PMed those posters in attempts to control what they post or to threaten them in any way whatsoever, which is a notable difference.

Recall that one poster was so intimidated by those PMs she left the forum for almost a year and has since been afraid to post in these threads. And, it should be noted, she wasn’t even very active or particularly contrary in her posting.

Speculation and discussion about the crime and how it happened should be allowable from all viewpoints. That’s what true-crime discussions are all about. Speculation about the fact pattern should not be turned into an attack on the speculating party. If I develop a theory that the dog brought the gun to the altercation, discuss, if you want, how the dog could or could not have done so, etc. No need to tell me I’m a dog hater and will do anything to twist the facts to implicate the dog and fit my anti-dog narrative and ignore pro-dog facts and I’m probably a cat fangirl and will be exposed as such in national media and through a libel suit. Just discredit or explore the theory – or not. The rest is just not necessary.


@FitzE, that is one amazing post! Thank you.


Well, Lauren tried to intimidate someone else who was also a student at one time, for no clear purpose and who was never identified as someone posting on any of the threads related to the incident. NODTBSOH applies in both directions.


Oof, I didn’t see that.

That article’s author is a prime example. She did everything hut-ho, YD, et. al want: did not discuss the case at all, did not speculate, did not even mention LK (let alone “trash talk” her), clearly stated she would not comment in any way as it was a matter for the courts. And look what that got her! Let’s not pretend that being respectful of the victim and even declining to engage in any discussion whatsoever about the case equals protection from unilateral attacks, threats, menacing hint-dropping, defamation, etc.

ETA: I note she not only attacks the author, she name checks someone not even mentioned in the article (a Ms. Idol) in order to drag that person into the mess as well. And that’s what one gets for respectfully declining to engage on the topic.

Let’s please just discuss the case and the legal aspects thereof and drop the rest. Lot’s of interesting info in this thread. I particularly appreciate @soloudinhere’s contributions.


QFP Just because this post is perfect.


@CurrentlyHorseless, I’m still waiting for a reply to this question.

The presence of others doesn’t create a disparity in “force” between the two sides that might explain the use of force in defending ones self?


Morgan what is the story on the texts? Were they sent to LK? Friends of LK? Shared on social media? The night LK is in surgery then put in an induced coma in the hospital, did her phone receive the texts? Were they shared with her later?

Maybe ask LK how/where she got the alleged texts from JL. But it seems to be standard practice to not question LK’s response but to go after the person who posted this to the thread.

If LK was so upset about a text JL apparently sent to “someone”, rather than address her concerns privately, she posted to an innocent comment by LS and publicly bashed her “employee”. Why do that? This behavior is reminiscent of a recent post by LK to an old thread berating the moderators for not archiving the thread LK thought should have been archived. Why not simply message the mods and ask the question?


Why is the sky blue? What is wind? Etc., etc.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What is wind?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Can I genuinely ask what part of that you find intimidating? I feel like whatever it is she is trying to say could have probably been said in about two sentences instead of a really long-winded paragraph (or even better, she should have not said anything at all), but if someone sent me that message, I would hardly be quaking in my boots. It’s a head-scratcher for sure, but I can’t imagine what kind of person would be scared by that.


It certainly appears she threatened subpoenas (not sure she has that authority) and mentions how this person is hurting LS’s business with her private texts - how? The general public would never have known about any texts.

Who knows what LK expected from her public post? An apology? From whom, for what? Or was this simply another example of getting attention via provocation?


I think the point here is less that and more - a rebuttal to the insistence that LK attacking people here is only because we (general) were evil and mean to her. This post proves that a person can say almost nothing about this situation and certainly nothing against LK and LK goes off on a rant to them.


LK’s responses to pretty much everything are for sure over the top - we all know that by now. Expecting her to respond differently just because you want her to respond differently is not going to happen.

None of that has anything to do with my question - I asked which part of LK’s response in that post was intimidating to MorganSercu, because MorganSercu posted it and said it was intimidating. I just don’t see where the intimidation is. It’s just a paragraph of nonsense about text messages. We’ve all seen this thousands of times. I don’t understand why so many people respond to LK’s nonsense with an equal or greater amount of nonsense. Why give this whole thing so much oxygen?