Barisone Trial This Month

I understand what you are saying now…you are referring to @MorganSercu motives rather than questioning LK’s motives. Got it.


Like I said above, I don’t think this post has anything to do with Morgan, it is an example to dispute the claim that LK only attacks back, she does not start anything.


I don’t think that’s true. The responses aren’t nonsense, just because you don’t like them. Or unless you can’t make sense of them. Calling them nonsense doesn’t make them nonsense.


MorganSercu posted the COTH blogger and LK’s response to her and said:

I asked MorganSercu which part of it she thought was intimidating.


Saying its intimidating, and it is, doesn’t mean its intimidating towards Morgan Secru. :thinking:. Obviously the intimidation was towards whomever LK was responding to.

If you don’t see the suggestions of the writer being added to the investigation etc as intimidating, suggesting harming their business, etc… Hey, nice for you.


If by “others”, you’re referring to RG and the dog:

I think that fanciful stories about “the participation of the dog”, as EB put it, are laughable. Literally laughable. I have a movie in my head in which Bilinkas alleges that MB obtained and brought a gun because he was afraid of a dog, but nevertheless chose to interact in person rather than by text, and that bringing three bullets is the exact number you bring if you think you might need to subdue a dog, but would never be the appropriate number if you intended to attempt to murder two people. As Bilinkas attempts to go through this speech, people in the courtroom can’t help but laugh.

If you want to continue to amuse yourself with stories about “the participation of the dog”, go ahead. Don’t expect me to engage.

I have addressed the very pertinent role of RG. He was courageous to tackle and subdue Barisone. If Barisone had been free to finish the job on LK, he, Barisone, would be in a much worse situation now, on trial for murder. If not stopped, Barisone in his psychotic state was at risk of killing others. RG probably had a right of self defense to use lethal force against Barisone, but had the restraint and courage not to.


And, we’re off spinning a tangent about @MorganSercu word rather than discuss the case or behavior of the principles in the case.


Jesus. I didn’t say it was intimidating TOWARDS MorganSercu. MorganSercu described the response as trying to intimidate the COTH blogger. I am wondering which part MorganSercu thinks is intimidating towards the COTH blogger, because I just don’t see anything that is intimidating.


I asked a clarifying question of someone who posted something here. Just because others are having trouble following my question doesn’t make it inappropriate to ask.


“Getting attention via provocation” maybe you answered my questions with this although it was a response to something else. Is baiting LK a way to get attention?


How lucky you’ve never been attacked by a dog, know to attack people.

Beyond that, your answer was very enlightening.
Clearly your bias prevents you from cogently discussing this.


:thinking: hmmm… Why would that be?


I answered your post saying the threat of subpoenas and ruining someone’s business may be intimidating to some. We have no idea how, or if, LS responded to LK privately. I doubt it because she is a professional. It’s all malarkey.


How on earth was LS comment on her Blog on The Chronical baiting Lauren? Did she even mention her? Dang. Ya’ll will defend her nasty behavior regardless. I guess GJ somehow baited LK too, right?


You might want to find a new hobby.

Sorry, but this whole thing is approaching the realm of the ridiculous now.

I’m not making this comment from a legal standpoint or commenting on anyone’s strategy or whatever. I’m making this comment as a layperson.

This is not a joke and it’s not funny.

If you want to continue to amuse yourself with stories about “the participation of the dog”, go ahead. Don’t expect me to engage.

Sounds like the only one amusing themselves with made-up “movies” is you.


Do none of the “LK apologists” have any response to this post?


Here is my understanding:

LK has acknowledged owning a gun or guns, but not to owning a Luger.

Early on, it was not 100% clear who owned the gun used in the shooting.

You posted that she posted on FB that she owned a Luger. That suggests that the gun used in the shooting was owned by her.

You keep complaining that she has “threatened you”. If you posted the untrue statement about her supposedly admitting publicly that she owned a weapon of the type used in the shooting, I can she that she would consider that a libelous statement.

Was her “threat” a statement that she would or might sue you for libel? Truth of the statement is an excellent defense against a charge of libel, so if you’re certain what you wrote is true, you can literally laugh off her “threat”. You only need to feel threatened if what you posted was not true.

Not true at all. The first couple of days of this thread contained almost 100% calm, respectful discussion of the case with no bashing of anyone, and no accusations of bashing.

It really is that simple. Drop the bashing, and the discussion of the actual case flourishes.

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Really? Within the 1st 10 posts, we find these respectful posts:

The reality is quite a few posters refrained from posting on this thread for some reason for some time, so it was “LK apologists” projecting their thoughts for several days.


Just responding to your nudge that you were “waiting for a response”.

I have been bitten by dogs, although never badly. If I were afraid of being bitten by a particular dog, my means of self preservation would be to not put myself in the area the dog considered its territory rather than to obtain and bring a gun.