Barisone Trial This Month

Again you are wrong. In various ways.

I believe to my core that I saw her post where she stated she had 2 guns and that one was a Ruger. So did a number of other people state they saw the post. Therefore my statement is not libelous.

Aside from this initial point the other requirements of libel remain unfulfilled.

Additionally, to extrapolate that my statement implies anything such as your fantasy that I said she was shot with her own gun is a fresh, new, never before used comment born of imagination and desperation.

As for my feeling threatened: I luckily learned a few things vacuuming under lawyers desks for 31 years. I was very annoyed at the attempt to bull**** me in order to shut me up and I immediately thought of how many others who lacked “vacuuming” experience might believe these strong arm tactics and so I publicly posted of those PMs 3 weeks after to disprove a post which laughably alleged that certain behaviors were not done by LK.


Even if that dog was on your property?


Yes, this is my question too. Even if the dog is on your own property where you are allowed to go, you would simply not go there? Interesting. Not believable, but interesting.


Well, since you are addressing me…

I have the right to respond as I, like many others here, have been threatened unnecessarily.

And accused of being fan girls, victim bashers, as well as a multitude of other things. And as this is a “discussion” forum, we have the right to reply, just like you do.


Yeah, I was curious about the fact that the two most most prolific “participants” refrained from posting on this thread for several days.

It was wonderfully calm and respectful during that brief time.

Why did you stay away, EB?

I don’t consider myself an “LK apologist”. Could you drop the term, please?

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You call those posts respectful?

Well, doesn’t that explain quite a bit…


I seem to recall my very factual recitation of the first responding officers testimony was described as, how should I put it….oh yeah, “my lies”.


Just because YOU have a movie in YOUR head, does not make it a reality. Many of us are not paying admission to that movie.


I didn’t stay away. I just didn’t post. As I said many posts ago, I decided that I was not going to start a new thread about the Miranda decision, and I didn’t.

As far as “LK apologists”, I agree it is annoying just as “MB apologist” is or MB Fan Girls, etc.

As far as why others didn’t post earlier, I have no idea. Perhaps waiting for me or others to wade in, busy with life, I just don’t know.


You’re making my point. If you’re confident that nothing you posted was libelous, then her PMs to you would have been mere BS that a person confident that they had not committed libel would have laughed off snd ignored.

Truth of the statement is an absolute defense. Your belief “to your core” that is was true is not as bullet proof, if the statement was not true.

When she informed you that the statement was not true, did you retract it and apologize, or double down?

I would think that retraction and apology would reduce the likelihood of a successful libel action, if you were ever worried about that.

Honestly, the quoting of an entire chain of responses is becoming annoying. Why not just reply or quote specific portions?

Back to the conversation.


Yours is a circular, senseless sputtering of gobblygook and nonsense. Your conclusion is nonsense and your path there, bizarre.

I apologize to her for her threatening me? NEVER. Plus she never admitted the lies.

It was Mod1 who verified that what LK said was not truthful.

I can post the whole thing again. Shall I? You know, so memory is freshened. You seem to have forgotten.


The posts by Jealoushe and Endless? Yes, I thought they were calm and respectful.


It appears this thread has sunk to the level of posters only deflecting posts from other users. Nothing about the case is being discussed with the back and forth of what words were used or meant.

So, I am eager to learn who are on the witness lists. I would imagine subpoenas have already gone out to most, if not all, of the witnesses.


Of course you do. Obviously we have differences of opinion.


Is that information available somewhere?

I have to assume that LK knows. Heck, IM must know, right?


Angela Freida insisted I respond to her question on my thoughts on RG and the dog. Complain to her.

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I don’t know if they are posted anywhere and I don’t know if the prosecutor is obligated to give LK a list of defense and prosecution witnesses.


But I thought IM said that they have a close relationship with someone on all sides, so they must know.


IM talked about those two working students that LK was always going on and on about being witnesses.

LK also talked a lot about those people who contacted her about how horrible MB was being witnesses too.

And then there was a lot of back and forth about GJ and her relevancy as a witness as well.