Barisone Trial This Month

I did not ask whether you apologized to her for threatening you.

I asked if, when she informed you that despite your belief “to your core” that she had posted on owning a Ruger, that she did not own a Ruger and did not post to that effect, whether you accepted her information, or continued to maintain the truth of your post.

Off the top of my head I can imagine LK, RG, JK, RC, the ear witness, the man in the driveway, ALL people at the farm that day, CPS, IM, BI, medical personnel, MHG and her father, all the owners of Hawthorne Hill, perhaps MH’s kids for a start, GJ, Haleybot, Schellhorn mentioned 15 witnesses as I recall and Bilinkas mentioned 30. That said, I honestly believe Schellhorn has fairly recently taken a hard look at the case and all the discovery and may have more witnesses at this point.


Don’t forget the two kids mentioned in the suit against the police. If that is in any way true, that should pull on the jury pretty heavily.


Yes, and perhaps LK’s employers, previous trainers and barn owners, neighbors…who knows?


I vehemently maintain the truth of my post.

And as my vacuuming experience has taught me how to obtain proof of such, I have.

Am I perfectly clear now?


I wish I had more vacuuming experience!


I assume a whole bunch of the police department will be called too, right?

Will LK’s friend who was given the video and audio tapes to hold be called?


What is going to be even more fascinating will be all the details. The ballistics, the bullet trajectories, if that 3rd bullet really grazed her before hitting the door, why only the 3 bullets, the timing of the multiple 911 call, who is the lawyer that was notified before the parents (ear witness, MCPO, someone on scene?), how much money was owed, if those recordings are included, and if those sinister documents she was refusing to sign were just a standard liability release…and oh, so much more to find out….

And yes, the friend on FB who said she had seen and heard all the recordings…


What about the two working students? Will they call them?

Will LK’s NC trainers and barn owner be called? What about her FL trainer?

Edit to add:
What about MB’s clients? Will they be called?


See, there is the difference in perception. I saw that FB post. I read it as her basically threatening him.

The dog’s territory? It was MB’s house. In what universe does the dog of someone occupying a portion of the house get to determine if the main occupant (until chased out several days before) gets to enter the space?

You said you’ve never been badly bitten. That alone will skew your perception. There is a whole thread on the OT board about a poster who is determining what to do about her unpredictable dog that has bitten several people. Read some of the stories on that thread and maybe you’ll understand why a dog with a reputation can make someone make choices that you might not.


Oh, I forgot SS for both sides.

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First, I would not be afraid of a dog that had been on the property for months. But if I were, I would communicate by phone, text, email, or through a lawyer that I had already engaged on the issue.

That’s what sane, nonviolent people do, instead of packing heat.

And you find it “unbelievable”.


This is perhaps the least self-aware statement ever written, anywhere. :rofl:


And yet, even with allegedly “packing heat” MB was severely bitten. Uh-huh.


On an episode of Matlock, a dog was a witness.


Feel lucky you have never been afraid of a dog that you previously knew.

I never considered I needed to communicate with a dog via phone, text, email, etc. to get into my very own house. Strange way you think.

Another witness question - Will the people that LK says have contacted her to say MB is abusive be called?


If you have proof that your post is true, not just something you believe, why did LKs threats of suing you for libel bother you at all?

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I can not say how that person feels but I can answer this for myself and I am sure many others.

Most of us do not have an international top 10 law firm on call for everything we want to do in life, since most of us almost never need to use a lawyer in our day to day life. Being sued, even if we are 100% right would cost us money. Money we might not actually have. It also would cost us time away from our jobs, time we might not have.

Threatening to sue someone is a form of control. Period.


Seriously, are you discussing the trial or continuing a multi-thread dispute?


That’s fine that you replied to my post, but the question I posted was presented to a specific poster who is not you.

I didn’t ask how, or if, LS responded to LK privately.

I DID ask MorganSercu what SHE thought was so intimidating about LK’s response. All I’ve gotten is a bunch of people who are not MorganSercu answering questions I did not ask.