Barisone Trial This Month

LOL. Dogs are territorial animals and their behavior depends on whether they are on what they consider their territory. Do you imagine the dog determined its territory by reading property records and leases? LOL.


Please do not characterize all people that carry a firearm as insane and violent.


I wonder if SW would be called to testify? LK’s sisters? CoTH?

The trial is going to be interesting to watch for sure, at least to some of us.


Speaking of…MB was too scared to go to the apartment with the BI and FM that day before. And when he went the next day he was still scared enough to try to hide behind a bush and a table.

As LK asked….what on earth could RC have been looking for to cause her to attempt to enter that apartment above and beyond leaving the note of the eviction and code violations?


I agree with eggbutt here. Perhaps anyone who “knows” LK and how she responds to everything would know that posting something even that benign would result in a giant mess of a response-bomb (and it did), but that was not a baiting post in any way, shape, or form.


If David Dow, of 48 Hours, was called to talk about anything he had learned during his investigation and planning of his episode, would it be considered hearsay? I guess that’s a @soloudinhere question.


Does anyone know if a determination has been made on the admissibility of the recordings?


If David Dow, of 48 Hours, was called to talk about anything he had learned during his investigation and planning of his episode, would it be considered hearsay?

It would be unlikely to be usable as fact simply because there are rules to follow in collecting statements, etc that can be used in an evidentiary fashion. Anything he found as part of an investigation would be/should be discussed with the detectives who independently verify findings and follow proper procedure to document them. He could then be called as a source of the information leading to a particular finding, but he himself can’t say “I know this to be true.”

There have been cases where reporters have been called to testify that they were told a particular thing by a witness about a particular event, but it’s for substantiation purposes, eg: on x date I told a reporter y thing and now I am claiming that conversation never happened. The reporter can be called to testify that the conversation did occur and provide any evidence they have that it did.



Since LK has discovery on file for the civil case, how much of that will be admissible to the criminal trial?

There was a lot of focus there on her screen names, what was on her devices, and the video cameras and recordings? I assume they will all be admissible to establish relevancy, character, state of mind, and impeachment of testimony for the trial.


~ looks around barn apartment with bits of hay etc. all over the floor ~

I wish I did too - or at least, more desire for vacuuming several times a day…
… oh wait… metaphor:upside_down_face:

Exactly right, FitzE. Well said. It is tiresome to be constantly told I am an MB fangirl (no), think he is innocent (NO) and a host of other jibes and sneers. I also have never blamed the victim of the shooting.

While there have certainly been posts here that cast a very negative light on LK, and there have been reactions to those posts, even posts which speculate about timing, distance between house and barn, questions re: admissibility of evidence, etc., have routinely drawn responses from various posters ranging from public mockery and name calling (in the vein of: I bet you’re not even a lawyer, you’re nothing but a lowly clerk, you know nothing at all about the law, you’re nobody and MB always made fun of you/where you live, etc.), to attempted doxing, to private attempts at threats and control/bullying.

Or - not so private attempts - like the recent thread howling about mods not archiving a thread that no one cared about and no one had bothered with for many months - until it had to be dragged out of hibernation and waved around frantically as evidence of something or other. COTH conspiracy, perhaps. I have said from the very beginning of this sad episode, that a lot of the posting LK has done in these threads does not help her out in any way. I still stand by that…, and find the whole thing rather sad.

Within those private threatening and bullying PMs, the range has been from ‘you shouldn’t post in X thread or in X way’, to ‘your identity has been subpoenaed and disclosed’ to ‘you will be sued and your farm and horses taken from you’. PMs came from not only LK, but posters who self-identified as her supporters, whatever that means to them. To my knowledge, no one has PMed those posters in attempts to control what they post or to threaten them in any way whatsoever, which is a notable difference.

The bolded happened to me - because God forbid anyone dare to post anything that did not fall into the accepted parameters set out by a few.

Recall that one poster was so intimidated by those PMs she left the forum for almost a year and has since been afraid to post in these threads. And, it should be noted, she wasn’t even very active or particularly contrary in her posting.

Speculation and discussion about the crime and how it happened should be allowable from all viewpoints. That’s what true-crime discussions are all about. Speculation about the fact pattern should not be turned into an attack on the speculating party. If I develop a theory that the dog brought the gun to the altercation, discuss, if you want, how the dog could or could not have done so, etc. No need to tell me I’m a dog hater and will do anything to twist the facts to implicate the dog and fit my anti-dog narrative and ignore pro-dog facts and I’m probably a cat fangirl and will be exposed as such in national media and through a libel suit. Just discredit or explore the theory – or not. The rest is just not necessary.

And THAT ^ is well said - but alas, I am sure it is a sign of your undying love for MB… or some other bizarre theory…

Has anyone yet to see that mythical subpoena that will expose everyone who has even read one of these threads - let alone made a few posts in them?


Thank you! :blush:


I’m just not seeing why this is going to matter since MB is admitting that he shot LK through his insanity/self defense claim, but I’m not a lawyer so maybe these details will mean something.


Well, the third bullet grazing her, and then hitting the door near RG’s head (which LK has asserted multiple times) is a physical impossibility based on the narrative, previous descriptions of the house, and CH’s oft stressed point that MB is a foot taller than LK and RG is taller than her by 6” as well.


I may be mistaken but I believe it was indicated many posts ago that he has never admitted shooting anyone and has only stipulated he does not remember. We ONLY have RG and LK’s version of events as truth. Those versions have yet to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.


You could be right; without actually seeing the layout, and not being an expert, I have no idea what is or is not impossible in this situation. I still don’t see how any of this matters when the purpose of the trial is to determine if MB was insane at the time he shot LK and/or if he was acting in self defense, or if the shooting was attempted murder.

He has not come out and said, “I shot LK”. But by claiming insanity and/or self defense as his defense strategy, he is admitting that he did indeed shoot her. How do you reconcile these defenses with MB not being the one who shot LK?


Back to potential witnesses, there is no telling who may have important, damaging information against either the defense or prosecution who have not posted here (that we are aware) who might he called to testify whether in FL, NJ, NC.


Wow. You don’t see how independent physical evidence that may contradict an eye witness’ report of what happened is relevant?


My thought is that it is relevant because if it is not accurate it is yet another example of one of the only eye witnesses not being honest about the facts of what happened.

Edit to add, it looks like we had the same thought, @Sdel.


LK was shot twice in the chest. A third bullet could have ricocheted across the entire country and back and that still won’t change the fact that two bullets ended up in LK’s chest and MB is on trial for her attempted murder.


I posted months ago that I had been falsely reported to child protective services and how stressful it was. She went off on some nonsense tangent about See, accusations like that get brought up as rumors…