Barisone Trial This Month

Since I keep getting so many likes based on the post about the bullet trajectories and how that will compare to the testimony, I thought I’d pull out a few things….

In these first two we have a story about how she was shot 3 times. 2 center mass and 1 graze to the abdomen. So, now, we can look at the context in which those bullets were fired.

Okay folks, now we know these are the only bullets in question. We only have to know where these three went and in what configuration. Are there ricochets? Did one go through and on to hit near RG? Let’s look at what the story is so far……remember, MB is over a foot taller than LK, that’s important.

So now, we can confirm that RG/the window was above MB’s head. He’d have had to go up some stairs to get there. But wait…could it have been a ricochet? Is that how the bullet got up there?

Seems it couldn’t be a ricochet since MB raised to gun to fire a bullet directly at RG. Still not sure how if she saw all this, and with her claiming such a perfect memory of the event, why she would claim a 3rd bullet hit her.

I can think of one way that all this would come together…if the gun was fired in a struggle where’s the participants were ready squirming around on ground kind of like how they were found by LEO.


I can’t imagine if I was in the hospital, in a coma as a result of a gunshot wound, that my family would have the forethought or urge or need to rush to sanitize all my social media accounts unless they were well aware of my habit of highly provocative posts. How about you?


I know that either that by the day after the shooting I started going through the FB posts and discovered several missing so I screenshot what I could find especially in regard to certain topics and observations. As the case involved horses, Dressage AND my career as a law office vacuumer I found it interesting. At work I would read up on cases and testimony all the time especially if it involved animals.


There were screenshots of things posted all throughout the internet, not just here and FB.


Yes! Did you ever see the “My Almost Murder” on Pinterest? She does like her social media and notoriety!

Wow again.


But you were one of the people, along with KnightsMom, screen shooting shortly after the shooting?



I wonder whether someone finally got through to her, making her understand it is not in her best interest to be spouting off here. Not being one to shun the spotlight, however, it’s more likely that she’s been busy with her little Pinterest board. What a piece of work.


Actually, I did not grab any screenshots because I have her blocked every way I can block her and have for years, which means I don’t see her self serving posts anywhere.


Investigate WHAT specifically? Some bogus, trumped up accusation? Are you part of the group who believe every man is a child abuser and pedophile and any allegation must be true?


Then where did you get the screenshots she posted on the morning of the shooting?


I don’t know where Eggbutt got her copies…but they’ve been out and about in the wilds of the internet since the beginning. A lot of people here and in the CotH FB articles commented on looking through and seeing a lot of appalling stuff right after knowledge of the shooting was made public.

At least one member made reference to a very long winded account of events leading up to the shooting that was organized into chapters….


When you post stuff on a Facebook page or elsewhere that is visible to the public, you’re forfeiting your right to act offended or insulted if other people see your posts. Now or later.


Investigate a situation in which two adults both made reports to SS saying each was being bullied by the other, and in which one made repeated calls to 911.

Of course I don’t think “every man is a child abuser and pedophile”. I don’t think MB is a child abuser or pedophile.

I think that farm was a dangerous place at the time those agencies were contacted, and I’m betting it was one of those mandatory reporters who called CPS.

How can you fail to understand that from my previous posts?

I’ve had more than enough of this inane exchange. Ciao.


I remember hearing of the shooting that day. It took a few hours before the name of the victim became known. I did not recognize the name of either Barisone or Kanarek at the time.

For people to react to the news that a fellow equestrian has been shot (on the day of the shooting it was by no means clear she was going to survive) by immediately scouring the Internet for the victim’s SM posts and screenshotting everything they can find because they’re panicked that the shooting victim may “scrub” her SM posts strikes me as very strange behavior.



Not yikes at all. Very common. Welcome to the internet.


Maybe you did not recognize those names, but probably a lot of other people did.

Did you read her posts in the screenshots? It certainly seems like she was looking for a lot of attention with those posts. And she got it.


Lots of things about this case could be described as very strange behavior, if you think about it.


Has it occurred to you that people had already had their own “experiences” with the victim, hence the hurry to screenshot things? Many of those experiences were not positive I wager!

Social media is a double edged sword.


Very, very true. Capturing screenshots is pretty far down the list.