Barisone Trial This Month

It is very strange, indeed. I’ve never witnessed anything like it. But, the simple fact that what one might call ‘both sides’ had the same reaction immediately after the shooting (scrub or preserve SM posts) is telling. You are 100% correct that this is not the normal, healthy reaction of a victim’s family or people who know/know of the victim.

It has become apparent that this victim was notorious and, sadly, it appears, widely despised for a long time, across many states, among a wide range of people, and had left a trail of destruction, arrests, law suits, and scorching on-line and IRL flame wars in her wake. The outrageous behaviour, some of which is discussed above, FAR preceded this incident.

You are half right in this observation. What you are missing is that people close to her had the exact same impulse. If an average person is shot, the family scrubbing social media and people trying to preserve it, doesn’t ever happen. The very fact that that activity was one of the first things that both ‘sides’ -her family/friends/supporters and her detractors/victims - thought to do while she fought for life in a hospital is, frankly, chilling.

And I find it really sad. It’s sad that that is/was true for everyone on whom this incident had an impact. I genuinely feel that way. If something like this happened to me and that was everyone’s big takeaway from my life thus far, I would be gutted.


I am truly speechless at the truth of this post. After 2 1/2 years, this one posts sums it all up.


Is SS a mandatory reporter? Or are you using that term loosely?
Teachers, medical professionals, etc are mandatory reporters, meaning if the know of abuse or neglect and fail to report it their license is in jeopardy.
I’m not sure that’s true of the SS body.
How would it be? SS is not licensed as anything, is it?
SS is just an oversight board of a private group…???


Two adults accused each other of bullying to SS.
SS only deals with kids, which I understand is what SS said to complainants.
Was an allegation in these complaints also made about kids? I’m going with no, since SS wiped their hands of it.

If LKs complaint included kids being coached by MB, SS would have stayed involved.
If MBs complaint included the allegation of the harassment of the young WS by RG, SS would have handled that, maybe? or not, because RG is not under SS purview?

Because I’m wondering, if SS dismissed these tit for tat complaints because they were between and involving adults, where did the kids come in, such that SS made the call to CPS?

In other words, does/did SS investigate these complaints, in some way (rather than just dismiss the accusations because they were made by and about adults) and find that kids were involved?
If so, why would they investigate if the allegations were by and about adults, which they do not deal with?

Make this idea that it was SS who alerted CPS make sense…


Ok Currently Horseless. I see it too. You are right. Thanks. Answered the last of my questions. Yikes is an understatement.


Spot On! Well said. Thank you.


What? I am CanteringCarrot and very unsure as to why I am being mentioned here.




Honestly, I was wondering if it was an alter and I was the only one who was unaware of it.


Sorry about that. Both of the names are two of my favorites for cleverness. Cute.

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Ah, no problem.

Y’know, I’m actually curious about your user name and the “hut-ho” expression. People often say it to a horse, and I have no idea where it originated from :thinking:

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For all the discussion of LK having enemies and MB being admired, LK has friends who were urging her to leave and offering their barns, telling her to be careful, having her best interests at heart. Unfortunately, she didn’t get out. I understand that there was a date they agreed to go and a money dispute but her friends recognized the danger and cared enough to tell her so.

MB had people piling their own grievances and agendas upon him. Anyone that actually cared about him would have been telling him to cool down and do the legal paperwork to evict LK. Her social media posts showing escalating tensions and fear may have sufficed for the emergency eviction under New Jersey law.

It will be interesting to see if the last emails and messages and phone calls to MB come out in court or 48 hours to see who said what to him. I hope he had friends giving him good advice and he just didn’t heed it. It really looks like he may have been all alone in this with no one having his best interests at heart, just their own agendas.

The people that knew who was shot before it was publicly released would be the people who were in communication with him just prior to the shooting, the ones he reached out to on social media who had online differences with LK. No one else knew what was going on. We were all shocked and trying to figure out who was shot and why.

I can see now why the people who helped stir the pot might be very committed to blaming someone else so they don’t have that little question in the back of their head as to what they contributed. Nothing, you contributed nothing, just like LK contributed nothing. He is a grown man. He made his own decisions. They were bad ones.

He had major stressors in his life. Divorce. Property settlement. Business partnership breakup. Property damage. Aging. A new relationship and it failing. Still, he chose his advisors and he chose his actions.

It will be interesting to see what a jury makes of all this.


It’s just an old military term for counting cadence.


I did not realize you knew LK before the shooting.


Why are they people who knew him, and not people who knew her?
Afaik, his online presence is nearly nonexistent.


Never met either one.

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Her social media was open to the public. Then when it was discussed here, her family limited it to friends. Then her “friends” started talking screen shots and posting them here. Apparently screen shots were taken from the start. Kind of nauseating when you wonder how many people sent that screen shot to MB and when. He could have seen it anyway. Her online presence was an open book.


Oh. I was confused by this line in your post. You talk about we and how shocked the we were while you tried to figure out who was shot.

My part of the world and the we it contains did not know about the shooting until after it was either posted here or in the news media.

The why is the reason for these threads. Everyone is trying to figure that out, or wanting to discuss the various options for the why.

edit to fix bad typing… only one e in we.


You must have forgotten. In the last 10 days, one of the articles said he was reaching out to people on social media who had differences with LK for “evidence” to get her evicted. IANAL but I would think an eviction is dependent on a lessee’s behavior and rent payment during the time of the lease, not prior history. Prior history might come in prior to letting them move in.

So bad advice from social media and a bunch of working each other up. Meanwhile, her escalating social media posts were right there and New Jersey has an immediate eviction based on safety. It may take 3 days. I posted the link about 3 times right after this all happened but others were opining on other state laws for eviction. I’m not from New Jersey, they have some really good public information sites.


I don’t know about any of this except for what is posted here.
I can say that if I was shot my family would not ever even think to lock down my social media, let alone have the ability to do that. But then, I use my social media to stay in touch with some old friends and share stupid pet photos, not puff my chest and threaten people.

I would guess (from reading things here) that there is a pretty large group of people who were taking screen shots of the things that LK was posting even before the shooting happened. LK has what appears to be a long list of people she has made want to keep track of what they feel are her threats and lies.


The why is the reason for these threads. Everyone is trying to figure that out, or wanting to discuss the various options for the why.

Yes that’s exactly what posters have been doing but then LK or advocates chastise posters for doing exactly what you say you are doing.

How weird is that?


I vacuumed for 8 years in this kind of court and a landlord does not need a reason to evict.